- Category: Essays on literatuire (continued)
- Rilke RM and Ukraine, Russia
- Romantic escape from reality in Byron's poem "Childe Harold"
- Romeo and Juliet as heroes of films. Shakespeare's drama screen version
- Russian language in the modern world
- S. Mallarme and P. Verlaine - representatives of French symbolism
- Scrooge's Life
- Shakespeare's heroes on the world stage. About Shakespeare's drama production "Romeo and Juliet"
- Sherlock Holmes's All-conquering Logic
- Social novel by Charles Dickens "The Adventures of Oliver Twist"
- Speech as a means of communication
- Stages of the creative path of Charles Dickens
- Style is an age
- Sun, old man and girl composition
- Sweet porridge
- Symbols of the novel "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens
- The adventures of a boy who became superplated
- The Adventures of Gerda in Search of Kai
- The age of gold, who imagines himself a "golden age"
- The Amazing World of Nature
- The ambiguity of the title of the novel "The Red and the Black" by Stendhal
- The art world of Charles Dickens
- The attitude of man to animals
- The composition about the storm
- The composition of the book
- The computer in my life is an essay
- The concept of the story-parable
- The conflict between the ideal and reality in the novel by Cervantes "Don Quixote"
- The customs and customs of the ancient Greeks in Homer's poem "The Odyssey"
- The Dangerous Romance of Air Travel by A. de Saint-Exupéry
- The doom of love
- The ennobling force of art and living nature in the fairytale "Nightingale"
- The experiment of Professor Higgins
- The fracturing power of money
- The friendship between Tom and Huck
- The glorification of childhood in the fairy-tale novel by A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
- The history of the creation of the story "Gobsek" by O. de Balzac
- The image of Childe Harold as the embodiment of the Byronic hero
- The Importance of Language in Human Life
- The inner struggle of the protagonist and his insight
- The innovation of Ernest Hemingway's prose
- The legend of Hamlet from the Danish annals and her reinterpretation by Shakespeare
- The Life and Fate of Franz Kafka
- The life of Julien Sorel in the theological seminary in Besançon
- The main theme of the works of Guy De Maupassant
- The main themes of Omar Khayyam's shirt
- The meaning of the poem "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri
- The meaning of the title of the novel by H. Bell "The eyes of a clown"
- The moral fall of Eugène de Rastignac
- The most amazing adventures of Odysseus
- The most important thing you only see with your heart
- The movement of F. Stendhal to realism
- The Myth of Pygmalion and the play of B. Shaw
- The nature and the fate of Julien Sorel
- The nature of my land
- The negative characters in the novel by Charles D. Dickens "David Copperfield"
- The novel by Henry Bell, "The Eyes of a Clown"
- The novel by J. Orwell "1984" - novel-anti-utopia
- The novel by John Updike "Centaur"
- The originality and originality of the comedies of Moliere
- The participation of F. Stendhal in the romantic movement
- The philosophical and symbolic content of the story of Hemingway's parable "The Old Man and the Sea"
- The philosophical tragedy of IV Goethe "Faust" - an expression of the advanced educational ideas of the era
- The problem of choice in the novel by O. de Balzac "Father Gorio"
- The problem of choice in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare's "Hamlet"
- The problem of fathers and children based on the novel Honore de Balzac "Father Gorio"
- The Problem of Good and Evil in the Shakespearean tragedy "Hamlet"
- The problem of human responsibility for life on Earth in the novel by Ch. Aitmatov "Burannyi polustanik"
- The problem of perception of nature
- The problem of preserving the Russian language
- The Prometheus Fire
- The realism of O. de Balzac
- The relationship between father and son in the novel by J. Aldridge "The Last inch"
- The relevance of the image of the protagonist of the comedy Moliere "The philistine in the nobility"
- The role of artistic details in the story "Gobsek" by O. de Balzac
- The role of books
- The screen version of the novel by E. M. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"
- The search for the meaning of life in the tragedy of IV Goethe "Faust"
- The search for the promised land
- The story of the story "The Old Man and the Sea"
- The symbolic capacity of the title of the novel
- The symbolism of the title of the novel "The Red and the Black" by Stendhal
- The theme of education and the formation of personality in the novel by Charles D. Dickens "David Copperfield"
- The theme of education in the novel by Charles D. Dickens "David Copperfield"
- The theme of heroism in Russian literature
- The theme of personality in the works of E. Hemingway
- The theme of the motherland in Russian literature
- The theme of the war is composition
- The threat of moral emptiness and its overcoming
- The tragedy of Father Gorio
- The tragedy of Martin Eden
- The tragedy of the war in the works of H. Böll
- The triumph of life
- The viability of the image of Jourdain
- The vicissitudes of fate
- The Way to Truth
- The world of a teenager in the story of D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"
- The world of romance in the novel by R. L. Stevenson "Treasure Island"
- The writing of foxes and the little prince
- The writing of true and false values
- Theme of love in the tragedy of Goethe "Faust"
- Up the stairs leading down
- War in human life
- What are the verb phrases
- What attracted Julien Sorel in Bonaparte?
- What do the stories of Ray Douglas Bradbury teach us?
- What does Aesop's fable "Peasant and his sons" teach us?
- What does it mean to be brought up an essay
- What Hamlet puts in the concept of "man"
- What helped to survive the hero of the Jack London story "Love of life"?
- What is a complete and incomplete offer?
- What is a literary work a work of fiction
- What is conceptualism
- What is lost and what did Gobsek find?
- What is Moliere laughing at in the comedy "The Bourgeois in the Nobility"?
- What is the secret of Hamlet for us?
- What is the strength and weakness of a person?
- What is the tragedy of Martin Eden?
- What is the tragedy of Ophelia?
- What makes a person a person?
- What new contributed Camus to the artistic and philosophical understanding of man?
- What seems relevant today at Moliere? How is it modern?
- What should be a good school?
- What was the theater in Shakespeare's time?
- Which of the literary heroes do you understand, but do not accept
- Why do I sympathize with Hamlet?
- Why is A. Camus' novel called "Stranger"?
- Why you need a dash
- Why you need to protect nature writing
- Work on a work
- Work on the topic
- Works for the 5th grade in the Russian language
- Writing a vacation of my dreams
- Writing about maternity
- Writing bad habits
- Writing fires in the forest
- Writing is my best day
- Writing letter
- Writing teacher in my life
- Writing what is a miracle
- Writing why friends are needed
- Writing why I love spring
- Writings on the sonnets of W. Shakespeare
- Category: Free style essays
- "A conscious love for one's people is not connected with hatred of others"
- "A long string is a lazy girl"
- "A memorable day at school" composition
- "Ah, war, what are you, mean, done"
- "Always always traces of the past"
- "Am I a Happy Man"
- "Astana city of dreams" composition
- "Astana city of the future" composition
- "At the lesson of literature"
- "Athletics" composition
- "Autumn rain" composition
- "Beauty around us" composition
- "Beauty created by man" composition
- "Bezhin Meadow" composition
- "Book my friend" composition
- "Book or Internet" essay
- "Books in the Modern World" composition
- "Camp of my dreams" composition
- "Cat in Boots" main idea
- "Characteristics of the mother" composition
- "Children and parents" composition
- "Children's books" composition
- "Classical drama"
- "Communication" composition
- "Communion" essay
- "Computer in human life" essay
- "Computer of the Future" composition
- "Crime and Punishment" epilogue composition
- "Culture of Russia" composition
- "Culture of speech" composition
- "Damned" questions of Russian history - revolution and renewal
- "Dead Souls" poem about Russia
- "Description of a cat" composition
- "Description of a classmate" composition
- "Description of nature in the summer" composition
- "Description of the appearance of my mother" composition
- "Description of the Birchwood" composition
- "Description of the city" composition
- "Description of the forest" composition
- "Description of the nature of man" composition
- "Description of the nook of nature" composition
- "Description of the summer night" composition
- "Description of the sunset" composition
- "Description of thunderstorms" composition
- "Do good" composition
- "Do not have a hundred rubles..."
- "Do Russian wars want to happen?" composition
- "Duck Hunting" - a summary
- "Easy breathing" composition
- "Ecology of nature, ecology of the soul"
- "Education in the future" composition
- "Envy is not a vice"
- "Exam" composition
- "Excursion to the Planetarium" essay
- "Extreme sport" composition
- "Family in the life of man" composition
- "Family theme in literature" essay
- "Family" composition
- "Favorite season. Summer" composition
- "Feat in the War" essay
- "Feedback about your favorite book"
- "Feeling of the Motherland" - what is it?
- "Fiction" composition
- "Friends and Enemies of Pechorin" essay
- "Gerasim and Mumu" composition
- "Golden Hands" composition
- "Good qualities of man" composition
- "Gratitude to parents" essay
- "Gratitude to the teacher" essay
- "Great Victory" composition
- "Greed" essay
- "Handsome man" composition
- "Harmony of man and nature" composition
- "He killed my dog" composition
- "Heroism and Courage" essay
- "Heroism in War" composition
- "Honor and Conscience"
- "How I bought a dog" composition
- "How to become a successful person" essay
- "How to help nature"
- "How to make the world a better place"
- "I live with Ukraine in the blood on the land of Ukraine"
- "I love my city" composition
- "I love sports" composition
- "I love to cook" composition
- "I love to read" composition
- "I want to become a doctor" composition
- "I want to become a journalist" composition
- "I want to become a pilot" composition
- "I want to become a policeman" composition
- "I want to become a veterinarian" composition
- "I want" and "I want" in the history of one hobby
- "I will not tire of watching that the Eternal Fire does not go out"
- "I'm in 20 years" composition
- "In a word, fasten" the work
- "Journey by car" composition
- "Journey on a ship" composition
- "Knowledge is power"
- "Labor in human life"
- "Labor traditions of the family" composition
- "Lessons of Life" composition
- "Let him wake his waking worm"
- "Let us worship goodness."
- "Letter to an Unknown Soldier" essay
- "Letter to Mom" essay
- "Letter to the front soldier" composition
- "Life and Death" composition
- "Life is beautiful" composition
- "Lilac in the basket" composition
- "Little Man" composition
- "Love and friendship" composition
- "Love for parents" composition
- "Love for the native land" composition
- "Love in human life"
- "Love of the Fatherland" essay
- "Love Story" essay
- "Man and art" composition
- "Man and book" composition
- "Man in the modern world" composition
- "Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight"
- "Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight" composition
- "Man is part of nature" composition
- "Man is the master of his destiny"
- "Master of his craft" composition
- "Meaning of the word humanity" composition
- "Memory of Vov" composition
- "Modern Children" composition
- "Modern man" composition
- "Monument to an Unknown Soldier" essay
- "Monument to the literary hero" composition
- "Moral choice of man" composition
- "Moral debt" essay
- "Moral problems" composition
- "Moral qualities of man" composition
- "Morning that changed life" essay
- "Mother's Heart" composition
- "Mothers can be told endlessly..."
- "Motivation" composition
- "My Best Day" composition
- "My City of Karaganda" composition
- "My family in the future" composition
- "My family is my wealth" composition
- "My family" composition
- "My favorite animal is a parrot" composition
- "My favorite art form" composition
- "My Favorite Lessons" essay
- "My favorite plant" composition
- "My favorite room" composition
- "My favorite Russian language"
- "My favorite subject is biology"
- "My favorite subject is chemistry" composition
- "My favorite word" composition
- "My first friend, my friend is priceless..."
- "My friend is a dog" composition
- "My future profession is a builder" composition
- "My future profession is a choreographer" composition
- "My future profession is a cook" composition
- "My future profession is a designer" composition
- "My future profession is a financier" composition
- "My future profession is a psychologist" essay
- "My future profession is a veterinarian" composition
- "My future profession is an auto mechanic" composition
- "My future profession is an engineer" composition
- "My future profession is the prosecutor" essay
- "My goal in life" is writing
- "My hobbies and hobbies" composition
- "My hobby beadwork" essay
- "My hobby fishing" essay
- "My hobby is basketball" composition
- "My hobby is reading books" essay
- "My hobby is reading" composition
- "My hut with the edge" composition
- "My ideal mother" composition
- "My ideal school" composition
- "My life values" essay
- "My Mom a Seamstress" essay
- "My Mom's Teacher" essay
- "My Motherland - Dagestan" composition
- "My profession is an economist" composition
- "My profession is manager" composition
- "My village in the future" composition
- "Nature of Russia" composition
- "Noun" composition
- "Old genius" composition
- "Onegin is a selfish egoist" essay
- "Paper victory" composition
- "People will not forget the victorious selfless heroes of their own"
- "Peter Grinev" composition
- "Pocket money" composition
- "Power and Man" composition
- "Problem of gratitude" composition
- "Problem of interrelations of generations"
- "Problems of children and parents" composition
- "Profession builder" essay
- "Profession programmer" composition
- "Profession translator" essay
- "Protection of animals" composition
- "Pushkin in my life" composition
- "Reflections on the War" essay
- "Relationships with the Elderly" essay
- "Reporting"
- "Rescuer" Nikolai Fedorovich
- "Review of the film" composition
- "Rich catch"
- "Rich Russian Language" composition
- "Robert Rozhdestvensky" composition
- "Russian Forest" Leonov's work
- "Russian writers" composition
- "School years are wonderful..."
- "Shishkin" composition
- "Snowstorm" Pushkin's composition
- "Speech etiquette" composition
- "Spiritual world of man" composition
- "Sports reportage" essay
- "Starry sky" composition
- "Strong-hearted man" composition
- "Summer Garden" composition
- "Summer is a little life" composition
- "Summer rain" composition
- "Summer vacation" composition
- "Sunny day" composition
- "Sunrise" composition
- "Take care of the forest"
- "Tales of mountains and steppes"
- "Technology of the future" composition
- "The ability to steal - creates a thief" essay
- "The art of dance" composition
- "The Art of Words" composition
- "The attitude of children to their parents"
- "The benefit of reading books" essay
- "The Dowry" Ostrovsky composition
- "The End of Winter" composition
- "The family of my dreams" composition
- "The feat of the people in the Second World War" composition
- "The feat of the people is immortal"
- "The first day at school" composition
- "The Forest is Our Wealth" essay
- "The impact of money on a person"
- "The impact of nature on man"
- "The influence of the book on man"
- "The influence of the word on man"
- "The inner beauty of man" composition
- "The Land of Love Forever Forever" essay
- "The life of modern man" composition
- "The Magic World of Fairy Tales" essay
- "The meaning of the word friendship" essay
- "The mind with the heart out of tune"
- "The most important thing in friendship, the ability to understand and forgive" the composition
- "The nature of man" composition
- "The power of art" composition
- "The problem of art"
- "The problem of choosing the path of life" composition
- "The problem of compassion"
- "The problem of culture" composition
- "The problem of future writing" essay
- "The problem of honor and dignity"
- "The problem of maternal love" composition
- "The problem of the Russian character" composition
- "The Problem of the Russian Language"
- "The problem of war and peace" composition
- "The profession of the future" composition
- "The Professions of My Family" essay
- "The relationship between people" composition
- "The role of gerunds in speech" composition
- "The role of man in society"
- "The room of my dreams" essay
- "The Search for the Meaning of Life" essay
- "The soul must work day and night, and day and night!"
- "The Soul of Man" composition
- "The state does not exist to transform earthly life into paradise, but in order to prevent it from turning into hell." NA Berdyaev
- "The Tale of Bygone Years" essay
- "The value of human life"
- "The Word as a Source of Happiness"
- "The world is ruled by money" essay
- "There is no bad weather..."
- "There is no thin without good?" composition
- "They defended their homeland"
- "They were resurrected by love"
- "Tour of Moscow" composition
- "Unrequited love" composition
- "Verb" composition
- "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War" composition
- "View from the window" composition
- "Virgin Soil Upturned" essay
- "War is a terrible word" composition
- "We did not expect posthumous fame, we wanted to live with glory."
- "Wealth of the Russian Language"
- "What a friend I" composition
- "What Do We Learn from Books" essay
- "What does it mean to be fearless?"
- "What does it mean to be polite" composition
- "What does it mean to find yourself"
- "What does it mean to live?"
- "What does man teach nature?"
- "What is empathy" essay
- "What is humanity - the definition of" composition
- "What is literature for?"
- "What is money for?"
- "What is mutual help" essay
- "What is the happiness of man"
- "What is the soul"
- "What is the truth?" composition
- "What kind of person am I"
- "What should be a friend"
- "What should be a student" essay
- "What should be the teacher" essay
- "When I become an adult"
- "Where was born, there and was fit"
- "White steamer" composition
- "Who and what to be"
- "Who is a hero" essay
- "Why do I need punctuation"
- "Why do I need to read books" essay
- "Why do I need to read" an essay
- "Why do we need adjectives" composition
- "Why do we need math" essays
- "Why do we need sports" composition
- "Why I love nature" essay
- "Why You Need to Know History" essay
- "Winter Holidays" essay
- "Winter in the Forest" composition
- 2. The time of year is spring
- 7 wonders of the world composition
- A case from one's life
- A composition for a gift for my mother
- A day on the river
- A day that I will not forget
- A friend of mine
- A gentle soul or a beast of prey
- A good man's composition
- A good teacher's composition
- A letter to a friend
- A letter to my mother from my son
- A little work about the spring
- A man who seemed interesting to me
- A person should be intelligent
- A poem by right of memory
- A review of the book
- A small tale of one's own composition
- A story about a literary hero
- A Tale of Farewell to the Mother
- A Tale of Health
- A Tale of the Tverskoy Otroch Monastery
- A test of aspiration and perseverance
- A true friend
- A true friend of the work
- A work on the theme of Radupp
- Aboriginal vocabulary
- About education
- About faith
- About friendship
- About gratitude
- About inspiration
- About memory
- About mercy
- About my mom
- About the dangers of smoking