Writing bad habits
I, like many others, suffer from bad habits.
The habits of gnawing at fingernails, tattooing the earlobe, stooping, fidgeting in the chair, shuffling with walking, etc. can be classified as harmful. It is a disgusting habit to spit and use words-parasites (for example, “well,” “here,” “means” ), loudly talk and gesticulate excessively, grab another by the sleeve, the collar of a jacket or a button during a conversation, etc. The reason for this behavior is inadequate upbringing, in particular, in the absence of cultural skills. As a rule, one bad habit gives birth to another, and gradually they grow into complexes. As a result, the person looks awkward.
Bad habits – this is a constant inaccuracy, lack of organization, inability to bring the business to the end. Look at yourself, and you will find more than one such habit.
A bad habit is like a ritual of complacency, self-absorption, self-empathy. However, it can acquire a more complex and harmful character. For example, smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs that directly harm health and interfere with others.
“Habit is second nature.” This is how you can explain the position of smokers who can not get rid of their attachment to this meaningless occupation.
I struggle with my bad habits (to lie in the morning longer, scatter things, keep silent about something, say to myself “I’ll do it tomorrow,” etc.).
I do not want the habit to become my second nature.
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