“How to become a successful person” essay
What makes a person successful is a question that worries many people. In my opinion, different people understand “success” in different ways. For someone it is to have a lot of money, chic things, mansions and expensive cars. For others it is a small house filled with joy and comfort. Many people associate success with their work and career growth. There are also some people who want to become famous, and that they measure success. In any case, I think that a successful person is someone who knows exactly what he wants from life and works hard in this direction. Success is not guaranteed and not given to everyone. This is given only to those who are strong enough and brave enough to face all difficulties on their way, and who are able to work hard to overcome them. There are many young people who were born in rich families and who have everything, what they want – toys, cars, expensive clothes. All doors are open to them, however not all of them become successful, as they do not appreciate what they have. One of the main characteristics of a successful person, in my opinion, is respect for the work and efforts of others. If rich young people respected the zeal of their parents, they would be more successful in life. They would appreciate the money spent on them and the efforts made for their well-being. Another useful quality is a sense of humor. Many people take their failures too seriously. If they could stand up and look at their problem with a smile, they would be much happier. To summarize, I would like to say that successful people are those who are full of optimism, rich in ideas, active, respectful and able to take responsibility for their actions.
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