- Category: Biographies (continued)
- Biography of Richard Gasquet
- Biography of Richard Oldington
- Biography of Richard Petty
- Biography of Richard Wagner
- Biography of Ricky Henderson
- Biography of Rihanna
- Biography of Rika Ankel
- Biography of Rileyev Kondraty Fedorovich
- Biography of Rimma Markova
- Biography of Robert Bligh
- Biography of Robert de Niro
- Biography of Robert Kampen
- Biography of Robert Kirchhoff
- Biography of Robert Oppenheimer
- Biography of Robert Pattinson
- Biography of Robert Thayer Jones Jr
- Biography of Roger Clemens
- Biography of Roger Federer
- Biography of Roger Maris
- Biography of Roman Abramovich
- Biography of Roman Pavlyuchenko
- Biography of Roman Trakhtenberg
- Biography of Ronald Reagan
- Biography of Ronaldinho
- Biography of Ronaldo
- Biography of Rosa Syabitova
- Biography of Rudyard Kipling
- Biography of Ruslan Baisarov
- Biography of Ryan Scheckler
- Biography of Saint-Exupéry Antoine
- Biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin
- Biography of Salvador Dali
- Biography of Sam Snead
- Biography of Sammir Bunaut
- Biography of Sammy Sosa
- Biography of Samuel Beckett
- Biography of Samuel Butler
- Biography of Sandro Botticelli
- Biography of Sara Hughes
- Biography of Sarah Jessica Parker
- Biography of Sasha Cohen
- Biography of Scarlett Johansson
- Biography of Schubert
- Biography of Selena Gomez
- Biography of Serena Williams
- Biography of Sergei Bondarchuk
- Biography of Sergei Jurassic
- Biography of Sergei Mikhalkov
- Biography of Sergei Podlisetskogo
- Biography of Sergei Svetlakov
- Biography of Sergei Tsikunov
- Biography of Sergei Zverev
- Biography of Sergey Bezrukov
- Biography of Sergey Brin
- Biography of Sergey Zakharov
- Biography of Sergio Oliva
- Biography of Sergiy Radonezhsky
- Biography of Shakira
- Biography of Shaquille O'Neill
- Biography of Sheikh Mohammed
- Biography of Shmuel Yosef Agnon
- Biography of Shukshin
- Biography of Sigmund Freud
- Biography of Silvio Berlusconi
- Biography of Simon Petliura
- Biography of Sir Donald Bradman
- Biography of Sofia Rotaru
- Biography of Sol Bellow
- Biography of Solzhenitsyn
- Biography of Sonya Heni
- Biography of Sophia Loren
- Biography of Stas Mikhailov
- Biography of Stas Pyekhi
- Biography of Stella Walsh
- Biography of Stendhal
- Biography of Stepan Razin
- Biography of Stephen Segal
- Biography of Steve Jobs
- Biography of Steve Prefontaine
- Biography of Steve Wozniak
- Biography of Steve Young
- Biography of Steven Spielberg
- Biography of Sting
- Biography of Sugar Robinson
- Biography of Svetlana Antonova
- Biography of Svetlana Bondarchuk
- Biography of Sylvester Stallone
- Biography of Taras Shevchenko
- Biography of Tatiana Vedeneeva
- Biography of Tatyana Doronina
- Biography of Tatyana Golikova
- Biography of Tatyana Navka
- Biography of Tchaikovsky
- Biography of Ted Williams
- Biography of Telman Ismailov
- Biography of the Bloc
- Biography of the Dalai Lama
- Biography of the DJ
- Biography of the DJ of Tiesto
- Biography of the Japanese
- Biography of the Madonna
- Biography of Thomas Aquinas
- Biography of Thomas Brown
- Biography of Thomas Cole
- Biography of Thomas Eakins
- Biography of Thomas Hart Benton
- Biography of Thomas Herrion
- Biography of Thomas Kuhn
- Biography of Tiger Woods
- Biography of Tila Tequila
- Biography of Tim Cook
- Biography of Timur Batrutdinov
- Biography of Tolstoy
- Biography of Tom Brady
- Biography of Tom Cruise
- Biography of Tony Harding
- Biography of Tori Amos
- Biography of Tsvetaeva
- Biography of Tupac Shakur
- Biography of Turgenev
- Biography of Twain Mark
- Biography of Tycho Brahe
- Biography of Tyutchev
- Biography of Valentin Smirnitsky
- Biography of Valentina Chepiga
- Biography of Valentina Matviyenko
- Biography of Valentina Rubtsova
- Biography of Valentina Tereshkova
- Biography of Valentina Tolkunova
- Biography of Valeri Didiuli
- Biography of Valeria
- Biography of Valery Bikbulatov
- Biography of Valery Goncharov
- Biography of Valery Kharlamov
- Biography of Valery Leontiev
- Biography of Vasco da Gama
- Biography of Vasilisa Volodina
- Biography of Vasily Lanovoy
- Biography of Vasily Stepanov
- Biography of Velimir Khlebnikov
- Biography of Vera Brezhneva
- Biography of Veronica Orchids
- Biography of Victor Dragunsky
- Biography of Victor Hugo
- Biography of Victor Yushchenko
- Biography of Victoria
- Biography of Victoria Boni
- Biography of Victoria Tarasova
- Biography of Viktor Astafyev
- Biography of Viktor Budarin
- Biography of Viktor Tikhonov
- Biography of Viktor Tsoi
- Biography of Viktor Vasnetsov
- Biography of Vince Papel
- Biography of Vincent Van Gogh
- Biography of Vitali Klitschko
- Biography of Vitas
- Biography of Vladimir Klichko
- Biography of Vladimir Kuzmin
- Biography of Vladimir Lenin
- Biography of Vladimir Monomakh
- Biography of Vladimir Nabokov
- Biography of Vladimir Tishko
- Biography of Vladimir Turchinsky
- Biography of Vladimir Vdovichenkov
- Biography of Vladimir Zeldin
- Biography of Vladimir Zhirinovsky
- Biography of Vladislav Doronin
- Biography of Vladislav Galkin
- Biography of Voltaire
- Biography of Vyacheslav Tikhonov
- Biography of Vysotsky
- Biography of Walt Disney
- Biography of Wayne Gretzky
- Biography of Wayne Rooney
- Biography of Whitney Houston
- Biography of Wilbur Wright
- Biography of Will Smith
- Biography of Willem de Kooning
- Biography of William Tilden
- Biography of Wilma Rudolph
- Biography of Winston Churchill
- Biography of Wolf Messing
- Biography of Xenia Borodina
- Biography of Xzibit
- Biography of Yana Klochkova
- Biography of Yana Rudkovskaya
- Biography of Yanka Kupala
- Biography of Yaroslav the Wise
- Biography of Yegor Beerov
- Biography of Yegor Gaidar
- Biography of Yegor Konchalovsky
- Biography of Yesenin
- Biography of Yevgeny Mironov
- Biography of Yulia Tymoshenko
- Biography of Yulia Vysotskaya
- Biography of Yuri Antonov
- Biography of Yuri Belonog
- Biography of Yuri Dolgoruky
- Biography of Yuri Gagarin
- Biography of Yuri Luzhkov
- Biography of Yuri Mukhin
- Biography of Yuri Shatunov
- Biography of Yuri Solovyov
- Biography of Zabolotsky
- Biography of Zhukovsky
- Biography of Zinaida Kirienko
- Biography of Zinedine Zidane
- Biography of Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya
- Biography Ognev Vladimir Fedorovich
- Biography Oksman Yulian Grigorievich
- Biography Okudzhava Bulat Shalvovich
- Biography Olesha Yuriy Karlovich
- Biography Orlov Sergey Sergeevich
- Biography Oscar Wilde
- Biography Osetrov Eugene Ivanovich
- Biography Oster Grigory Bentsionovich
- Biography Ostrovsky Alexander
- Biography Ostrovsky Nikolay Alekseevich
- Biography Panferov Fedor Ivanovich
- Biography Panova Vera Fedorovna
- Biography Panteleev Leonid
- Biography Pasternak Boris Leonidovich
- Biography Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich
- Biography Pavel Bazhov
- Biography Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna
- Biography Pikul Valentin Savvich
- Biography Pilnyak Boris Andreevich
- Biography Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich
- Biography Pisemsky Alexey Feofilaktovich
- Biography Platonov Andrei Platonovich
- Biography Pleshcheev Alexey
- Biography Polevoy Boris Nikolayevich
- Biography Polonsky Yakov Petrovich
- Biography Pomyalovsky Nikolai Gerasimovich
- Biography Pozhenyan Grigory Mikhailovich
- Biography Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich
- Biography Prokopev Zoya Egorovna
- Biography Proskurin Petr Lukic
- Biography Radishchev Alexander
- Biography Raevsky Vladimir Feodoseevich
- Biography Rasputin Valentin Grigorevich
- Biography Remizov Alexey Mikhailovich
- Biography Roshchin Mikhail Mikhailovich
- Biography Rozhdestvensky Robert Ivanovich
- Biography Rozov Victor Sergeevich
- Biography Rubtsov Nikolay Mikhailovich
- Biography Rybakov Anatoly Naumovich
- Biography Rytkhe Yuri Sergeevich
- Biography Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich
- Biography Samoylov David Samuilovich
- Biography Schiller Johann Christoph Friedrich
- Biography Schwartz Eugene Lvovich
- Biography Selvinsky Ilya Lvovich
- Biography Semenov Julian Semenovich
- Biography Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich
- Biography Sergeev-Tsensky Sergey Nikolaevich
- Biography Severyanin Igor
- Biography Shackley Robert
- Biography Shaginyan Marietta Sergeevna
- Biography Shalamov Varlam Tihonovich
- Biography Shatrov Nikolai
- Biography Shevchenko Taras Grigorevich
- Biography Shevtsov Ivan Mikhailovich
- Biography Shklovsky Viktor Borisovich
- Biography Shmelev Ivan Sergeevich
- Biography Show Bernard
- Biography Shpanov Nikolai Nikolaevich
- Biography Shukshin Vasily Makarovich
- Biography Simonov Konstantin Mikhailovich
- Biography Slutsky Boris Abramovich
- Biography Smelyakov Yaroslav Vasilievich
- Biography Smirnov Sergey Sergeevich
- Biography Smirnova Vera Vasilyevna
- Biography Sokolov Sasha
- Biography Sokolov Vasily Dmitrievich
- Biography Sollogub Vladimir Alexandrovich
- Biography Sologub Fedor Kuzmich
- Biography Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich
- Biography Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich
- Biography Somov Orest M
- Biography Sorokin Valentin Vasilievich
- Biography Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich
- Biography Starshinov Nikolai Konstantinovich
- Biography Stevenson Robert Lewis
- Biography Strugatskie Arkady and Boris Notanovichi
- Biography Sukhovo-Kobylin Alexander Vasilyevich
- Biography Sumarokov Alexander Petrovich
- Biography Surkov Alexey Alexandrovich
- Biography Svetlov Mikhail Arkadevich
- Biography Tarkovsky Arseniy Alexandrovich
- Biography Teffi Nadezhda Alexandrovna
- Biography Tendryakov Vladimir Fedorovich
- Biography Tikhonov Nikolai Semenovich
- Biography Tokareva Victoria Samoilovna
- Biography Tolstaya Tatiana Nikitichna
- Biography Tolstoy Alexei Konstantinovich
- Biography Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich
- Biography Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich
- Biography Tony Braxton
- Biography Toušnova Veronika M
- Biography Tracy Austin
- Biography Trediakovsky Vasily Kirillovich
- Biography Trifonov Yuri Valentinovich
- Biography Troepolsky Gavriil Nikolayevich
- Biography Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna
- Biography Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich
- Biography Tvardovsky Alexander Trifonovich
- Biography Tynyanov Yuri Nikolaevich
- Biography Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich
- Biography Uspenskiy Eduard Nikolaevich
- Biography Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich
- Biography Utkin Iosif Pavlovich
- Biography Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov
- Biography Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich
- Biography Vasiliev Boris Lvovich
- Biography Vasilyev Pavel Nikolaevich
- Biography Venivtinov Dmitry Vladimirovich
- Biography Venus Williams
- Biography Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich
- Biography Vinokurov Evgeniy Mikhailovich
- Biography Vishnevsky Vsevolod Vitalievich
- Biography Vizbor Yuri Iosifovich
- Biography Vladimir Chivilikhin
- Biography Vladimir Dudintsev
- Biography Vladimir Georgiev
- Biography Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky
- Biography Vladimir Voinovich
- Biography Volodin Alexander Moiseevich
- Biography Voloshin Maximilian Alexandrovich
- Biography Vorobiev Konstantin Dmitrievich
- Biography Voznesensky Andrey Andreevich
- Biography Vyazemsky Peter Andreevich
- Biography Wilde Oscar
- Biography Wirth Nikolay Evgenyevich
- Biography Yakovlev Vasily Yakovlevich
- Biography Yashin Alexander Yakovlevich
- Biography Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich
- Biography Yuri Bondarev
- Biography Zabolotsky Nikolay Alekseevich
- Biography Zagoskin Mikhail Nikolayevich
- Biography Zaitsev Boris Konstantinovich
- Biography Zalygin Sergey Pavlovich
- Biography Zamyatin Evgeniy Ivanovich
- Biography Zazubrin Vladimir Yakovlevich
- Biography Zegers Anna
- Biography Zhemchuzhnikov Alexey Mikhailovich
- Biography Zhitkov Boris Stepanovich
- Biography Zhukov Dmitry Anatolyevich
- Biography Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich
- Biography Zlobin Stepan Pavlovich
- Biography Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich
- Biography Zurov Leonid Fedorovich
- Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava. Biography
- Charles Dickens. Biography
- Dante Alighieri. Biography
- Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. Biography
- Donald Trump's Biography
- Ernest Miller Hemingway. Biography
- Eugene Ionesco. Biography
- Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtushenko. Biography
- Federico García Lorca. Biography
- Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Biography
- Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Biography
- Fet's Biography
- Franz Kafka. Biography
- Frederic Stendhal. Biography
- Friedrich Josef Dürrenmatt. Biography
- George Gordon Byron. Biography
- Group History Ranetki
- Guy de Maupassant. Biography
- Hans Christian Andersen. Biography
- Henrik Ibsen. Biography
- Henry Ford Biography
- Henry Theodore Belle. Biography
- Herodotus Biography
- History of Aerosmith Group
- History of AK-47
- History of Limp Bizkit
- History of the Alice In Chains
- History of the group Aria
- History of the Krenberis Group
- Homer. Biography
- Honore de Balzac. Biography
- Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Biography
- Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Biography
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Biography
- Leo Tolstoy. Biography
- Maksim Gorky. Biography
- Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. Biography
- Mark Twain's biography
- Mark Zuckerberg's biography
- Matsuo Bashe. Biography
- Michael Jackson's Biography
- Michael Owen's biography
- Miguel de Cervantes. Biography
- Mike Tyson's Biography
- Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Biography
- Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Biography
- Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. Biography
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Biography
- Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Biography
- Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. Biography
- Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov. Biography
- Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev. Biography
- Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Biography
- Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov. Biography
- Omar Khayyam. Biography
- Putin's Biography
- Quinn group history
- Rainer Maria Rilke. Biography
- Ronnie Coleman's Biography
- Saiga. Biography
- Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin. Biography
- Sergey Kovbasyuk
- Shirley Muldoney's Biography
- Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich
- The Biography of Edmund Halley
- The Biography of Edward Teller
- The biography of Elvis Presley
- The Biography of James Maxwell
- The biography of Mikhail Baryshnikov
- The biography of Milton Berle
- The history of Agatha Christie's group
- Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov. Biography
- Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. Biography
- Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. Biography
- William Shakespeare. Biography
- Category: Brief contents
- "104 pages about love" by Radzinsky in brief
- "24 hours from the life of a woman" Zweig in brief summary
- "A Fistful of Ashes" in a brief summary
- "A glass of water, or Causes and causes" of Scribe in brief summary
- "A good man from Szechwan" Brecht in brief summary
- "A good person is not easy to find" F. O'Connor in brief
- "A little sun in cold water" F. Sagan in brief
- "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Shakespeare in brief
- "A monk with a bag writes a sign of" patience "Zheng Tingyuya in brief
- "A Poem Without a Hero" by Akhmatova in brief
- "A ray of light in the dark realm" of Dobrolyubov in brief
- "A small sad story" Nekrasov in brief
- "A Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich" Gogol in Brief Content
- "A Tale of the House of Tyra" in brief
- "A Thousand Souls" by Pisemsky in a brief summary
- "Abel Sanchez" Unamuno in brief summary
- "About this" Mayakovsky in brief
- "Above the Neman" Ozheshko in brief summary
- "Accident" Dürrenmatt in summary
- "Ada, or Passion" by Nabokov in brief summary
- "Adam and Eve" Kazakova in brief summary
- "Adolescence" of Tolstoy in brief
- "Adolphe" Konstan in the summary
- "Adventure" by Tsvetaeva in short summary
- "Adventures of Baron Munchausen" Raspe in brief summary
- "Adventures of Bibigon" Chukovsky in brief
- "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Twain in brief
- "Adventures of Krosh" Rybakov in brief summary
- "Adventures of Neznaika and his friends" Nosov in brief
- "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Twain in summary
- "Aeneid" Virgil in brief summary
- "After the ball" of Tolstoy in brief
- "After the death" of Turgenev in summary
- "Agathon" Wieland in summary
- "Agnesa Bernauer" by Hebbel in brief
- "Aibolit" by Chukovsky in brief summary
- "Airport" Haley in summary
- "Aksenov's Quest for a Genre" in Brief Content
- "Akutagava's Web" in brief summary
- "Alcesta" Euripides in summary
- "Alexandrian sheikh Ali Banu and his slaves" Gauf in brief summary
- "Alice in the Looking Glass" by Carroll in brief
- "Alice in Wonderland" Carroll in brief summary
- "Alien Face" K. Abe in brief summary
- "Alka" Abramov in the summary
- "Already written Werther" Kataev in summary
- "Amadeus" Shaffer in brief
- "Amazing Travels of Baron Munchausen" by Burger in Brief Contents
- "American tragedy" Dreiser in summary
- "Ammalat-Beck" Bestuzhev-Marlinsky in brief summary
- "Amphitryon" Plautus in brief summary
- "An extraordinary story happened to the Wilde firework holder" in a brief summary
- "Ancient stories about the Han U-di-the Warrior" Warrior "Banu Gu in summary
- "And again?" O'Faolein's summary
- "And for more than a century the day lasts" Aitmatov's summary
- "And the dawns here are quiet..." Vasilyeva in brief
- "Andromache" Racine in brief summary
- "Angel" of Andreev in the summary
- "Angels' Angels" in brief summary
- "Anna on the neck" Chekhov in brief
- "Anna Snegina" Esenina in the summary
- "Another Life" Trifonov in brief
- "Another Light, or State and Empire of the Moon" by Bergerac in Brief Contents
- "Anthony and Cleopatra" by Shakespeare in brief
- "Antigone" Sophocles in brief
- "Anton-Goremyka" Grigorovich in brief summary
- "Antonov's apples" Bunin in the summary
- "Apostle" Bar in brief summary
- "Archipelago GULag" Solzhenitsyn in brief
- "Argonavtika" of Rhodes in brief summary
- "Artists" Garshin in brief
- "Ashes" by Jerome in brief summary
- "Aspern's Letters" by James in brief
- "Assistant" Walser in summary
- "Asya" Turgenev in brief summary
- "At 4:50 of Paddington's" Christie's summary
- "At the bottom" Gorky in brief
- "At the dead end" Veresaeva in brief
- "At the foot of the Tower of Babel" Hel in a brief summary
- "At the knives" Leskov in brief
- "At the walls of the hail of the invisible" Prishvin in brief
- "Athaliah" Racine in brief summary
- "Atta Troll" Heine in brief summary
- "Aunt Egorikh" Vorobyev in brief
- "Autumn Light" by Gardner in Brief Content
- "Axel and Valborg" by Elenschleger in brief
- "Bachelor" of Turgenev in brief
- "Bald singer" Ionesco in brief summary
- "Ball" of Baratynsky in short summary
- "Bargamot and Garaska" Andreeva in brief summary
- "Basurman" Lazhechnikova in brief summary
- "Batatova kasha" Akutagawa in the summary
- "Bath" Mayakovsky in brief
- "Be healthy, schoolboy" Okudzhava in summary
- "Before sunrise" Hauptmann in brief summary
- "Before sunrise" Zoshchenko in brief summary
- "Before sunset" Hauptmann in brief summary
- "Before the mirror" Kaverin in brief summary
- "Before the third cocks" Shukshin in brief summary
- "Bend Sinister" of Nabokov in brief summary
- "Beowulf" in summary
- "Berenice" Racine in brief summary
- "Berlin - Alexanderplatz" Deblin in summary
- "Betrothed" Manzoni in brief summary
- "Between the dog and the wolf" Sokolov in brief
- "Billiards at half past nine" Böll in brief
- "Biography of Ren"
- "Biography of Ren" Shen Jiji in summary
- "Biography of Ying-Ying" Yuan Zhen in brief summary
- "Birds" of Vesos in brief summary
- "Birth of Kumara" Kalidasy in brief summary
- "Birthmark" Sholokhov in brief
- "Black Arrow" by Stephenson in brief
- "Black Chicken, or Underground inhabitants" of Pogorelsky in brief
- "Black Monk" Chekhov in brief
- "Black Prince" A. Murdoch in brief summary
- "Blind musician" Korolenko in brief summary
- "Blind" Maeterlinck in summary
- "Blinding" of Canetti in brief
- "Blockhead" of the Block in summary
- "Blond Eckbert" Tick in brief summary
- "Bluebird" Maeterlinck in the summary
- "Bondarev's Coast" in brief summary
- "Book of Sorrowful Chants" Narekatsi in brief summary
- "Booth" Uspensky in brief
- "Boy" Gorky in brief
- "Bragging warrior" Plautus in brief summary
- "Brand" Ibsen in summary
- "Bratsk Hydro Power Plant" Yevtushenko in brief summary
- "Brave New World" by Huxley in brief summary
- "Bread for a dog" Tendryakova in brief
- "Breakfast at the head" of Turgenev in brief
- "Breastplate" OST "Semin in brief summary
- "Breathing easy" Bunin in brief
- "Brigadier" Fonvizin in brief summary
- "Britanic" Racine in summary
- "Brodie Castle" Cronina in summary
- "Broken pitcher" Kleist in summary
- "Bronze Horseman" by Pushkin in brief
- "Brothers and Sisters" by Abramov in summary
- "Brothers Karamazov" Dostoevsky in brief
- "Brothers" Terence in brief summary
- "Brutus the Second" by V. Alfieri in brief summary
- "Bunin Brothers" in brief summary
- "Bunin's Grammar of Love" in brief
- "Buridanov ass" Braun in brief summary
- "Burst" Burroughs in the summary
- "By right of memory" Tvardovsky in summary
- "Caesar and Cleopatra" Show in brief summary
- "Caleb Williams" Godwin in summary
- "Camera obscura" Nabokov in brief summary
- "Camo ridge?" Sienkiewicz in summary
- "Cancer body" Solzhenitsyn in brief
- "Candid, or optimism," Voltaire's summary
- "Captain Fracassus" Gautier in brief summary
- "Captain of the Köpenick" Tsukmayer in brief summary
- "Captain's Daughter" of Pushkin in brief
- "Carmen" Merimee in brief summary
- "Carpentry stories" Belov in summary
- "Caspar Hauser" Wasserman in summary
- "Cat in the Rain" Hemingway in brief summary
- "Caucasian Captive" Tolstoy in brief
- "Cavalier Gluck" Hoffmann in brief summary
- "Cavalry" Babel in brief summary
- "Cenci" Shelley in brief summary
- "Centaur" Updike in the summary
- "Chamber № 6" Chekhov in the summary
- "Change" of the Office in summary
- "Chanzer's Canterbury Tales" in brief
- "Chapaev" Furmanov in brief summary
- "Characters, or Manners of this century" LaBruyere in brief summary
- "Chechov's Boys" in brief summary
- "Cheerful soul" Chekhov in brief
- "Chekhov's Ivanov" in brief summary
- "Chekhov's Man in a Chest" in brief summary
- "Chelkash" Gorky in brief summary
- "Chertukhinsky balakir" Klychkova in brief summary
- "Chesterton's Napoleon of Nottinghill" in brief
- "Chevengur" Platonov in the summary
- "Child of the word" A. Murdoch in summary
- "Childhood Lewers" Pasternak in summary
- "Childhood Themes" by Garin-Mikhailovsky in brief
- "Childhood years of Bagrov's grandson" Aksakov in brief
- "Childhood" Gorky in brief
- "Children of Arbat" Rybakova in brief
- "Children of Captain Grant" is true in brief
- "Chochara" by A. Moravia in summary
- "Chodzhinsky skirmishes" Goldoni in the summary
- "Choice of Gods" by Simak in a brief summary
- "Christ and the Antichrist" Merezhkovsky in brief
- "Christine, the daughter of Lawrence" S. Unset in summary
- "Chronicles of the Clockwork Bird" by Murakami in brief
- "Cinna" Corneille in brief summary
- "Cities and Years" Fedin in brief summary
- "City of En" Extraction in brief summary
- "City" Faulkner in summary
- "Clarissa, or The Story of the Young Lady" by Richardson in a brief summary
- "Clay arbor" Lin Mengchu in summary
- "Clay cart" Shudraki in brief summary
- "Clockwork Orange" Burgess in brief summary
- "Cloud in the pants" of Mayakovsky in brief
- "Cloud-Herald" of the Kalidasy in brief summary
- "Clouds" of Aristophanes in brief
- "Clown Yak" Bergman in brief
- "Cockroach" Chukovsky in summary
- "Cola Bryunon" Rolland in summary
- "Cold House" Dickens in brief summary
- "Colleagues" Aksenov in brief summary
- "Comedians" of Green in the summary
- "Comedy about the chest" by L. Ariosto in brief
- "Comedy about the court morals" P. Aretino in brief
- "Comparative biographies" of Plutarch in brief summary
- "Compromise" Dovlatov in brief summary
- "Conduit and Shvambrania" Kassil in brief
- "Confession of the son of the century" Musset in brief
- "Confessions of a Comedian" O. Henry in Brief Content
- "Conquerors" Malraux in brief summary
- "Conspiracy Fiesko in Genoa" Schiller in summary
- "Constellation Goatwork" Iskander in summary
- "Consuelo" J. Sand in summary
- "Contemporaries" Nekrasov in brief
- "Contemporary History" of France in a brief summary
- "Continuation of New Stories from the Burning Lamp" by Li Zhen in brief summary
- "Conversations in the realm of the dead" by Lucian in brief summary
- "Conversations of the Gods" by Lucian in brief summary
- "Corinne, or Italy" by M. de Stael in brief
- "Corridors of power" Snow in brief summary
- "Count of Monte Cristo" by A. Dumas in brief summary
- "Counterfeiters" Zhida in brief summary
- "Country of Scoundrels" Yesenin in brief summary
- "County" Zamyatin in summary
- "Crazy Ship" O. Forsch in summary
- "Creativity" E. Zola in summary
- "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky in a brief summary
- "Crocodile" Chukovsky in the summary
- "Cruel Game" Arbuzov in brief summary
- "Cruelty" Nilin in brief summary
- "Crusaders" Sienkiewicz in summary
- "Curculion" Plautus in brief summary
- "Cursed and killed" Astafyev in brief summary
- "Cursed days" Bunin in brief
- "Cut" Shukshin in summary
- "Cyrano de Bergerac" Rostand in brief summary
- "Dance of Death" Strindberg in brief
- "Dance, Dance, Dance" by Murakami in brief summary
- "Dangerous links" Laklo in brief summary
- "Dangerous Turn" Priestley in Brief Content
- "Daphnis and Chloe" Longa in brief summary
- "Dark alleys" of Bunin in brief
- "David Copperfield" Dickens in brief summary
- "Day of the eighth" Wilder in summary
- "Day without lies" Tokareva in brief
- "Days of Turbins" Bulgakov in brief summary
- "Dead Souls" by Gogol in a brief summary
- "Dear friend" Maupassant in summary
- "Death in Venice" Manna in brief
- "Death of a Salesman" by Miller in a brief summary
- "Death of Adam" Klopstock in brief
- "Death of Danton" by Buchner in brief
- "Death of Empedocles" by Helderlin in a brief summary
- "Death of the hero" of Aldington in brief
- "Death of Wazir Mukhtar" by Tynyanov in brief
- "Decameron" by Boccaccio in brief summary
- "Dedicated to Yalta" Brodsky in brief summary
- "Delight" by d'Annunzio in short summary
- "Demons" of Dostoevsky in a brief summary
- "Demophonte" Metastasis in summary
- "Departing Monks" Bitova in brief summary
- "Department of Philanthropic Mathematics" O. Henry in summary
- "Diamond my crown" Kataeva in brief summary
- "Diary of a Provincial in Petersburg" by Saltykov-Shchedrin in brief
- "Diary of the seducer" Kierkegaard in brief
- "Dickens' Heavy Times" in Brief Content
- "Disciples of Jesus" Frank in brief summary
- "Do what you want with me" by JK Oates in summary
- "Doctor Faustus" Manna in summary
- "Doctor Pascal" E. Zola in the summary
- "Doctor Zhivago" Pasternak in the summary
- "Dog in the manger" Vega in brief summary
- "Dog of the Baskervilles" Doyle in brief summary
- "Doll House" by Ibsen in brief summary
- "Doll" Prus in brief summary
- "Dombey and Son" by Dickens in brief
- "Don Carlos" Schiller in brief
- "Don Gil Green Pants" Molina in brief summary
- "Don Juan, or Love for geometry" Frisch in brief
- "Don Juan, or Stone Guest" by Moliere in brief
- "Don Juan" Byron in brief
- "Don Quixote" of Cervantes in brief summary
- "Dona Flor and her two husbands" J. Amado in brief
- "Download now at night!" Muberg's summary
- "Dr. Fisher" Green in summary
- "Dr. Glas" Soderberg in a summary
- "Dragon" of Schwartz in brief summary
- "Dream - Life" Grilparzera in brief summary
- "Dream of Makar" Korolenko in brief summary
- "Dreams of Chang" Bunin in brief summary
- "Dressed with a stone" O. Forsch in brief summary
- "Duck hunting" Vampilov in brief
- "Duel" Chekhov in brief
- "Duke" by S. Bellow in summary
- "Dunno on the Moon" Nosov in brief summary
- "Dyadyushkin's dream" of Dostoevsky in brief summary
- "Eda" Baratynsky in brief summary
- "Education of the senses" Flaubert in summary
- "Egmont" Goethe in brief
- "Elder Edda" in summary
- "Elephant" Kuprin in brief summary
- "Embrace me of water to my soul" Oe in brief summary
- "Emilia Galotti" Lessing in brief summary
- "Enchanted soul" Rolland in brief summary
- "Enchanted Wanderer" Leskov in brief
- "Engineers" Garin-Mikhailovsky in summary
- "Entertaining stories" by Talleman de Reo in summary
- "Envy" Olesha in the summary
- "Epifan sluices" of Platonov in brief
- "Eric XIV" Strindberg in summary
- "Essays of the Bursa" Pomyalovsky in brief
- "Eternal Dream" Chandler in summary
- "Ethiopian" Heliodorus in brief summary
- "Etruscan vase" Merimee in brief summary
- "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin in brief summary
- "Eugenie de France" of the Garden in brief summary
- "Europeans" James in summary
- "Evaine, or Knight with the Lion" by C. de Trois in summary
- "Evening with Claire" Gazdanov in brief summary
- "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" Gogol in brief
- "Everyone dies alone" Fallas in brief summary
- "Exchange" Trifonova in summary
- "Extraordinary Adventures of Tartaren from Tarascon" Dode in brief summary
- "Fabian" Kestner in brief summary
- "Faculty of unnecessary things" Dombrovsky in brief
- "Fairy tales of Mother Goose" Perrault in short summary
- "Faithful Ruslan" Vladimirov in summary
- "Falling" Camus in brief summary
- "Family Chronicle" Aksakov in brief
- "Family of Antiquary, or Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" Goldoni in brief summary
- "Fanaticism, or the Prophet Mohammed" Voltaire in brief
- "Farewell in June" Vampilov in brief summary
- "Farewell to the Mother" Rasputin in brief
- "Farewell, arms" of Hemingway in brief summary
- "Farewell, Gyulsary!" Aitmatova in brief
- "Farewell" Schnitzler in brief
- "Farker's recruiting officer" in brief
- "Fatal eggs" of Bulgakov in brief summary
- "Father" Strindberg in brief
- "Fathers and children" of Turgenev in brief
- "Faulkner's Mansion" in brief summary
- "Faust" of Goethe in brief summary
- "Feast during the plague" by Pushkin in brief
- "Feeling and Sensibility" by J. Austin in Brief Content
- "Feudal" Goldoni in brief summary
- "Fiametta" Boccaccio in brief summary
- "Fictional stories" of Borges in brief
- "Fiery Angel" Bryusov in brief summary
- "Fiesolean nymphs" Boccaccio in brief summary
- "Fiest" Seneca in brief summary
- "Fifteen thousand lunettes" of Le Chi in brief summary
- "Fifteen-year-old captain" Verna in brief summary
- "Figures" of Bunin in the summary
- "Filumena Marturano" Filippo in brief summary
- "Fire and Sword" by Senkevich in short summary
- "Fire" Barbusse in brief summary
- "Fisherman's Meshchansky Novel" in Brief Content
- "Five evenings" of Volodin in brief
- "Five hours with Mario" Delibes in brief summary
- "Five women who surrendered to love" Saikaku in summary
- "Flies" Sartre in brief
- "Florvil and Kurval, or the Destiny of Destiny" of the Garden in brief summary
- "Flour of hell" Akutagawa in brief summary
- "Fool" Vega in a brief summary
- "Football of 1860" Oe in brief summary
- "For Whom the Bell Tolls" Hemingway in Brief Content
- "Forest" Ostrovsky in brief
- "Formion" Terence in brief summary
- "Foucault Pendulum" Eco in brief summary
- "Frantic Roland" by L. Ariosto in brief summary
- "Freken Julia" Strindberg in brief summary
- "Frigate" Hope "Bestuzhev-Marlinsky in brief summary
- "Fro" Platonov in brief summary
- "Froggy" Po short content
- "Frogs" by Aristophanes in brief
- "From love of neighbor" Cary in brief summary
- "Frost, Red Nose" Nekrasov in brief
- "Fruits of Enlightenment" by Tolstoy in brief
- "Fuente Ovehuna" Vega in summary
- "Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" Defoe in brief summary
- "Gabriel Conroy" Garth in brief summary
- "Game in the classics" of Cortázar in brief
- "Game of interests" H. Benavente in brief summary
- "Gargantua and Pantagruel" Rabelais in brief summary
- "Garnet bracelet" Kuprin in brief summary
- "Gate of Rasemon" Akutagawa in brief summary
- "General of the Devil" Tsukmayer in brief
- "Gentlemen of Tashkent" Saltykov-Shchedrin in summary
- "Geospheres" of Geim in brief summary
- "Germany. Winter's Tale" Heine in brief summary
- "Get up and go" Nagibin in summary
- "Ghost of Alexander Wolf" Gazdanov in brief summary
- "Ginseng" Prishvin in brief summary
- "Glamor and poverty of courtesans" Balzac in brief
- "Glass Menagerie" Williams in brief
- "Gobsek" Balzac in brief summary
- "Godfather" Puzo in brief summary
- "Goetz von Berlichingen" Goethe in brief summary
- "Gold" Mamin-Siberia in the summary
- "Golden beetle" Po short
- "Golden Calf" by Ilf and Petrov in brief
- "Golden Fruits" by N. Sarrot in short summary
- "Golden Pot" Hoffmann in brief
- "Golden Temple" Mishima in brief summary
- "Golem" Meyrink in summary
- "Goma Gordeyev" in short summary
- "Gone with the Wind" by M. Mitchell in Brief Contents
- "Good-bye, boys!" Balter in the summary
- "Good!" Mayakovsky in brief
- "Goose King" in brief summary
- "Gooseberries" Chekhov in brief
- "Gossip" Gorky in the summary
- "Grand Slam" Andreev in brief summary
- "Grandfather Arkhip and Lyonka" Gorky in brief
- "Great Expectations" by Dickens in brief summary
- "Great Gatsby" Fitzgerald in brief summary
- "Great ore" of Vladimir in the summary
- "Green bird" Gozzi in summary
- "Green Henry" Keller in summary
- "Grimace" Menander in brief summary
- "Group portrait with the lady" Böll in short summary
- "Gulliver's Travels" Swift in short summary
- "Gutta-percha boy" Grigorovich in brief
- "Guy and Wizard" by Li Fuyang in summary
- "Gyaur" Byron in brief
- "Gymnasists" Garin-Mikhailovsky in brief
- "Happy Prince" Wilde in brief summary
- "Have and not have" Hemingway in summary
- "Head of Professor Dowell" Belyaev in brief summary
- "Heavy sand" Rybakov in brief
- "Heinrich von Oterdingingen" Novalis in brief summary
- "Hello, sadness" F. Sagan in brief
- "Henceforth and for ever" Jones in brief summary
- "Henry IV" Pirandello in short summary
- "Heptameron" of Navarre in summary
- "Heracles" of Euripides in brief summary
- "Herman and Dorothea" Goethe in summary
- "Hernani" Hugo in brief summary
- "Hero of our time" Lermontov in brief summary
- "High judgments at the palace gate" Liu Fu in summary
- "Hippolytus" Euripides in brief summary
- "His Battalion" Bykov in brief summary
- "His people - we shall be counted" Ostrovsky in the brief maintenance
- "History of a city" Saltykov-Shchedrin in brief
- "History of Abderites" Viland in summary
- "History of my life" Casanova in brief summary
- "History of New York" by Irving in brief
- "History of Syunkin" Junichiro in short summary
- "History of Tan Ge" Qin Chunya in brief summary
- "History of the Sewarambs" Veresa in brief
- "Hive" Seles in brief content
- "Holy Week" of Aragon in brief summary
- "Homer's Odyssey" in brief summary
- "Homo Faber" Frisha in summary
- "Honorary Consul" Green in the summary
- "Horace" Corneille in brief summary
- "Horace" J. Sand in the summary
- "Hot snow" Bondareva in the summary
- "House on the Quay" Trifonova in brief
- "House with a mezzanine" Chekhov in brief
- "House" Abramov in summary
- "How did one man feed the two generals" Saltykov-Shchedrin in summary
- "How important it is to be serious" Wilde in brief summary
- "How the Steel Was Tempered" by Ostrovsky in Brief Content
- "Hrani's Ratnawali" in brief summary
- "Hunting for sheep" by Murakami in brief
- "Hunting to live" Shukshin in brief summary
- "Hurry Down" Wayne in summary
- "Huxley's Counterpoint" in summary
- "Hyperboloid engineer Garin" by Tolstoy in brief
- "Hyperion" of Helderlin in brief summary
- "I am in the castle of King" S. Hill in summary
- "I want to sleep" Chekhov in brief
- "I'll call myself Gantenbain" Frisch in brief
- "I'm Coming to the Storm" Granina in brief summary
- "Ice House" Lazhechnikov in brief summary
- "Icelandic Bell" of Laxness in brief summary
- "Ideal husband" Wilde in brief summary
- "Idiot" by Dostoevsky in brief summary
- "Ikaromenipp, or the Transcendental Flight" of Lucian in brief summary
- "Imaginary patient" Moliere in brief summary
- "Impatience of the heart" Zweig in brief
- "Impossible story" Nidze in brief summary
- "In a dream you wept bitterly" Kazakova in a brief summary
- "In Bad Society" Korolenko in brief summary
- "In more often" Akutagawa in brief summary
- "In people" Gorky in brief
- "In Search of Joy" by Rozov in brief summary
- "In Search of the Lost Time" Proust in Brief Content
- "In the first circle" Solzhenitsyn in brief
- "In the maze" of Rob-Griye in summary
- "In the ravine" Chekhov in brief
- "In the storm" Serafimovich in summary
- "In the trenches of Stalingrad," Nekrasov in brief
- "In the woods" Melnikov in brief
- "Indiana" J. Sand in summary
- "Indifferent" A. Moravia in summary
- "Indiscreet Treasures" by Diderot in Brief Content
- "Infernal Machine" Cocteau in brief summary
- "Innkeeper" Goldoni in the summary
- "Innocent" Brocha in brief summary
- "Inostranka" Dovlatov in brief summary
- "Inquiry" Weiss in summary
- "Insidiousness and Love" Schiller in brief
- "Inspector came" Priestley in brief summary
- "Insult" Shukshin in summary
- "Insulted and Injured" by Dostoevsky in a brief summary
- "Intelligentsia and Revolution" of the Bloc in summary
- "Intermediary" Hartley in summary
- "Introduction to the knowledge of the human mind" Vovenarg in brief
- "Invisible Lady" by Calderon in brief
- "Invitation to the execution" of Nabokov in brief summary
- "Ion Tycho's Star Diaries" Lema in brief summary
- "Iphigenia in Aulis" Euripides in brief summary
- "Iphigenia in Tavrida" Euripides in brief summary
- "Iphigenia" of Racine in brief summary
- "Irkutsk history" of Arbuzov in the summary
- "Island of Crimea" Aksenova in summary
- "Island of penguins" Frans in brief summary
- "Island" Merle in brief
- "It happened in Vichy" by Miller in a brief summary
- "It's hard to be a god" Strugatsky in brief
- "It's us, Lord!" Vorobyev in brief
- "Its Circle" by Petrushevskaya in a short summary
- "Ivan" Bogomolov in brief summary
- "Jamilya" Aitmatova in the summary
- "Jane Eyre" Bronte in summary
- "Jarl Haakon" by Elenschleger in short summary
- "Jean Sbogar" Nodier in short summary
- "Jean-Christophe" Rolland in summary
- "Jodle, or the Master-servant" Scarron in summary
- "Joseph and his brothers" Manna in brief summary
- "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" Radishchev in brief summary
- "Journey of amateurs" Okudzhava in brief summary
- "Journey to the End of the Night" Selina in brief
- "Journey to the West" Wu Cheng-yen in brief summary
- "Joys and sorrows of the famous Moll Flanders" Defoe in brief summary
- "Judas Iscariot" Andreeva in brief summary
- "Judge and his executioner" Dürrenmatt in brief summary
- "Julia, or New Eloise" Rousseau in brief summary
- "Julio Jurenito" of Ehrenburg in brief summary
- "Jurg Yenach" Meyer in brief summary
- "Justine" Garden in summary
- "Kabala svjatosh" Bulgakov in the brief maintenance
- "Kadambari" of the Banabhatta in brief summary
- "Kafka's Castle" in brief summary
- "Kalina red" Shukshin in brief summary
- "Kangaroo" Aleshkovskogo in brief
- "Kashcheev's chain" Prishvin in brief
- "Kholyushino Podvorie" Ekimova in the summary
- "Khusrov and Shirin" Nizami in summary
- "Killed under Moscow" Vorobyov in brief
- "Killing of Shishupala" Maghy in brief summary
- "King Henry IV" by Shakespeare in short summary
- "King Lear" of Shakespeare in brief
- "King Oedipus" of Sophocles in brief summary
- "Kirata and Arjuna" Bharavi in brief summary
- "Kitay-Gorod" of Boborykin in short summary
- "Klyucharev and Alimushkin" Makanin in brief summary
- "Kolyma Stories" Shalamov in brief summary
- "Kotik Letaev" White in short content
- "Kremlin" Ivanova in brief summary
- "Kreutzer Sonata" by Tolstoy in short summary
- "Kritikon" Graciana in brief summary