- Category: Brief contents (continued)
- The "horsemen" of Aristophanes in brief
- The "Hostage" of Bihen in brief
- The "Iliad" of Homer in brief
- The "Invisible Man" by Wells in a brief summary
- The "Junker" Kuprin in brief
- The "Merchant of Venice" by Shakespeare in brief
- The "night train" of Amis in brief
- The "nose" of Gogol in the summary
- The "pearl" of Steinbeck in brief
- The "persistent prince" of Calderon in brief
- The "Psalm" of Gorenstein in summary
- The "Scouts of Scapin" by Moliere in brief
- The "stranger" of the Block in a brief summary
- The "testament" of Melee in brief content
- The "thief" Leonova in brief
- The "Time Machine" of Wells in brief
- The "tunnel" of Kellerman in the summary
- The "Vanity Fair" by Thackeray in brief summary
- The "waning bell" of Hauptmann in brief
- The "War of the Worlds" by Wells in brief
- The "Wood Trail" of Stifter in Brief Contents
- The "Zeus" by Feuchtwanger in a brief summary
- The abyss in the rye Salinger
- The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- The Amazing Story of Peter Schlemil
- The Amazing Wizard of Oz
- The book of mournful hymns
- The brief content of Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Marriage"
- The brief content of the Booty Anton Chekhov
- The brief content of the comedy by NV Gogol "Players"
- The burden of human passion US Maugham
- The Byild's "Childe Harold Pilgrimage" in brief
- The Captain's Daughter. AS Pushkin
- The choice of the gods
- The Chronicles of the Clockwork Bird
- The Comedy of the Chest
- The Comedy of the Court Morals
- The confession of the humorist O. Henry
- The Confession of the Son of the Century
- The contents of the Scarecrow Zheleznikov
- The Death of a Salesman
- The Death of Ivan the Terrible
- The Death of the Hero
- The epic "Mahabharata" in the summary
- The epic "Ramayana" in the summary
- The Forsyte Saga
- The Giant the egoist
- The Greatness and Fall of King Ottokar
- The history of eternity
- The Infertile Land
- The Inspector's Summary
- The Last of the Mohicans, or The Narrative of 1757
- The Legend of Eulenspiegel
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- The Life and Fate of Grossman in Brief Content
- The Life of Galileo by Brecht in Brief Contents
- The Lost Paradise
- The night is gentle
- The Nightingale Echo
- The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
- The pantry of the sun Prishvin Michael
- The play "Brother Gilbert" in brief
- The poem "Batrakhomyomahia" in brief
- The portrait of the artist in his youth
- The Postman Always Rings Twice
- The river plays
- The School for Fools
- The Shepherd and the King
- The Shepherd and the Shepherdess Astafyev
- The story of the seven hanged
- The Suffering of a Young Werther
- The summary "Spring is portioned"
- The summary "Straightened"
- The summary of "Aniara"
- The summary of "Bax's Axle Factory"
- The summary of "Crane shout"
- The summary of "Dragonfly and ant" Krylova
- The summary of "Duck Hunting" by Vampilov
- The summary of "Duhlessa"
- The summary of "Echo" Nagibina
- The summary of "Olesya"
- The summary of "What to do" Chernyshevsky
- The summary of "Zoykina apartment" Bulgakova
- The summary of Andreeva's Angel
- The Summary of Hellfire
- The summary of Leo Tolstoy's story "Kholstomer"
- The summary of M. Gorky's work "At the bottom"
- The summary of the drama of AN Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm"
- The summary of the drama of the Block "Puppet Show"
- The summary of the epic "Sadko"
- The summary of the fourth part of the novel "Oblomov" IA Goncharov
- The summary of the Lord is Tashkent. Pictures of morals. Saltykov-Shchedrin
- The summary of the novel by FM Dostoevsky "The Idiot"
- The Summary of the Path-Crossroads
- The summary of the play "Forest"
- The summary of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Dowry"
- The summary of the play by AN Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice"
- The summary of the poem "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol
- The summary of the poem "To Whom in Russia Live Well" NA Nekrasova
- The summary of the story "Dry bread"
- The summary of the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin yard"
- The summary of the story of A. P. Chekhov "Anna on the neck"
- The summary of the story of A. P. Chekhov "Chameleon"
- The summary of the story of A. P. Chekhov "Overpowered"
- The summary of the story of A. P. Chekhov "Thick and thin"
- The summary of the story of IS Turgenev "Asya"
- The summary of the story of N. S. Leskov "Toupey artist"
- The summary of the work of A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"
- The summary of the work of A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"
- The summary of the work of AI Solzhenitsyn "In the first circle"
- The summary of the work of Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
- The summary of the work of AN Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm"
- The summary of the work of Anton Chekhov "Ionich"
- The summary of the work of Goncharov "Oblomov"
- The summary of the work of IS Turgenev "Asya"
- The summary of the work of IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
- The summary of the works of IS Turgenev from the cycle "Notes of a Hunter"
- The Summary of Theogony, or About the Origins of the Gods
- The summary of Tynyanov's Kyuhlya
- The summary The axle factory
- The Tale of the Unexplored Moon
- The Tegner's "The Fritjof Saga" in brief
- The theatrical novel
- The tragic story of Dr. Faust
- The Trust that burst
- The Twelve Chairs of Ilf and Petrov
- The Vityaz in the Panther's Skin
- The Vologda wedding
- The Years of Wilhelm Meister's Teaching
- Theodore Dreiser The American tragedy
- Three minutes of silence
- Tram Williams Desire
- Tsvetaeva's short story "The Tale of Sonechka"
- Under the Sun of Satan
- What happened in the zoo
- White Bim Black Ear
- Who in Russia lives well Nekrasov
- Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee
- Wilde's "faithful friend" in a brief summary
- Wilde's "Great Egoist" in a brief summary
- Wilhelm Tell Schiller in brief
- Wodehouse's Code of Woasters in summary
- World history of baseness
- Yashin's "levers" in brief
- Your humble servant cat
- Category: Descriptions of pictures
- A composition based on Aivazovsky's film "The Chumak's Wagon"
- A composition based on Vasnetsov's "Winter Dream"
- A composition based on Vasnetsov's painting "A Tale of a Sleeping Princess"
- A composition based on Vasnetsov's painting "Gamayun, a Bird Wishing"
- A composition based on Vasnetsov's painting "Sirin and Alkonost." A Song of Joy and Sorrow "
- An essay on Nesterov's painting "Autumn Landscape"
- An essay on the painting by Makovsky "The lodging house"
- Co-operation on the painting "May Night" by Kramskoy
- Co-operation on the picture Vereshchagin "Mortally wounded"
- Comparative essay on the paintings of Gerasimov and Baulin "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl"
- Composition based on Levitan's painting "After the Rain."
- Composition based on Levitan's painting "Autumn day: Sokolniki"
- Composition based on Levitan's painting "Evening: The Golden Reach"
- Composition based on Levitan's painting "The Garden in Yalta, Cypresses"
- Composition based on the picture of Korovin Portrait of Shalyapin
- Composition of the picture of Da Vinci "Madonna of Lita"
- Composition of Vereshchagin's painting "The End of the Battle of Borodino"
- Composition on Deineka's painting "Future Pilots"
- Composition on Kuindzhi's painting "After the Rain"
- Composition on Kuindzhi's painting "Birch Grove"
- Composition on Kuindzhi's painting "Moonlit Night on the Dnieper"
- Composition on Kuindzhi's painting "Night"
- Composition on Kuindzhi's painting "Sunset in Winter: The Beach of the Sea"
- Composition on Kuindzhi's painting "Sunspots on the hoarfrost"
- Composition on Levitan's painting "Evening on the Volga"
- Composition on Levitan's painting "Fresh Wind. Volga"
- Composition on Levitan's painting "The hut in the meadow"
- Composition on Nazarenko's painting "Church of the Ascension in Nezhdanova Street in Moscow"
- Composition on Perov's painting "Old Parents at the Grave of a Son"
- Composition on Perov's painting "Portrait of Dahl"
- Composition on Perov's painting "Rural Cross Procession on Easter"
- Composition on Perov's painting "Sharman"
- Composition on Perov's painting "Tea drinking in Mytishchi"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Autumn Landscape"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Before the Thunderstorm"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Birch Grove"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Foggy Morning"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Forest Distances"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "In the North Wild"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Morning in the Pine Forest"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Noon: In the Suburbs of Moscow"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "On the Island of Valaam"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Rain in an oak forest"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Rye"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Sestroretsky Bor"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Ship Grove"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "View on Valaam Island"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Winter in the Forest (Hoarfrost)"
- Composition on Shishkin's painting "Winter"
- Composition on the film Klimt "Kiss"
- Composition on the Miroshnik picture "Old house in the village of Medvedev"
- Composition on the picture Fedotov "Breakfast aristocrat"
- Composition on the picture Kuindzhi "Evening in Ukraine"
- Composition on the picture Miroshnika "Kameshek"
- Composition on the picture of Gauguin "Where we came from Who we are Where we are going"
- Composition on the picture of Ge "Leyla and Hadji Abrek"
- Composition on the picture of Ge "Portrait of Petrunkevich"
- Composition on the picture of Ge "Pushkin in the village of Mikhailovskoye"
- Composition on the picture of Ge "The court of King Solomon"
- Composition on the picture of God "Nurse"
- Composition on the picture of James "Cat on the Window"
- Composition on the picture of Korzukhin "Bird's enemies"
- Composition on the picture of Kuindzhi "Elbrus in the evening"
- Composition on the picture of Levitan "Dandelions"
- Composition on the picture of Neprintseva "Rest after the battle"
- Composition on the picture of Polenov "Golden Autumn"
- Composition on the picture of Savrasov "Proselyok"
- Composition on the picture of Yuon "August evening: the last ray, Ligachevo"
- Composition on the picture Podlyasky "The sun on the veranda"
- Composition on the picture Vasnetsov "Bayan"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "After the attack." The dressing station near Plevna "
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "At the fortress wall, let them enter"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "At the stage of bad news from France"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "Do not zamay - let me come"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "Glacier on the road from Kashmir to Ladakh"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "In bayonets! Hooray! Hooray!"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "In the Kremlin - a fire!"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "Mausoleum Taj Mahal in Agra"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "On Shipka all is calm"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "On the Great Road - Retreat, Flight"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "Solomon Wall"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "Suppression of the Indian Uprising by the British"
- Composition on the picture Vereshchagin "Triumph"
- Composition on the picture Yablonska "Bread"
- Composition on the picture Yablonska "Morning"
- Composition on the sculpture of Chaikova "Footballers"
- Composition on Tolstoy's painting "Flowers, Fruit, Bird"
- Composition on Tutunov's painting "The Winter Has Come." Childhood "
- Composition on Vasnetsov's painting "After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians"
- Composition on Vasnetsov's painting "Kashchei the Immortal"
- Composition-description of the picture Kuindzhi "North"
- Consolidation of the painting by Kramskoy "Kramskoy, writing a portrait of her daughter"
- Consolidation of the painting by Plastov "Summer"
- How to write an essay on the picture?
- Painting "Maksimova" All in the past "
- Painting "Winter Fun"
- Painting Baishi "Eagle sitting on a pine tree"
- Painting Baksheev "Blue Spring"
- Painting Baksheeva "Hoarfrost"
- Painting Bogaevsky "Ships of the evening sun"
- Painting Bogdanov Belsky "New Masters"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Among the Waves"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Aul Gunib in Dagestan View from the east side"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Black Sea"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Brig" Mercury ", attacked by two Turkish courts"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Chaos Creation"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Fishermen on the beach"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "From calm to a hurricane"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Ice mountains in Antarctica"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Moonlit Night: The Bathhouse in Feodosia"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Naval Battle of Navarino October 2, 1827"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Neapolitan Bay in the moonlight"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Neapolitan Bay in the morning"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "On the island of Crete"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Seascape"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "Sinop battle night after the battle"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "St. George Monastery"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "The Battle of Chesme"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "The Coast in Amalfi"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "The Ninth Wave"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "The Ship at the Shore"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "The Storm on the Black Sea"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "The Venetian Lagoon: View of the Island of San Giorgio"
- Painting by Aivazovsky "View of Constantinople under moonlight"
- Painting by an unknown artist "Cossack Mamai"
- Painting by Arkhipov "Girl with a jug"
- Painting by Borovikovsky "Portrait of Catherine Nikolayevna Arsenyeva"
- Painting by Borovikovsky "Portrait of E. N. Arsenieva"
- Painting by Brodsky "The Summer Garden in Autumn"
- Painting by Bryullov "A Girl Gathering Grapes"
- Painting by Bryullov "Portrait of Samoylova with Giovannina Pacini and Arapchonka"
- Painting by Bryullov "Portrait of Sisters Shishmarev"
- Painting by Bryullov "Portrait of the Beck"
- Painting by Bryullov "Self-portrait"
- Painting by Cezanne "Still life with a pitcher and drapery"
- Painting by Chekhov "The Peasant Boy (Vanka Zhukov)"
- Painting by Claude Monet "The impression of the rising sun"
- Painting by Denisov-Uralsky "Forest Fire"
- Painting by Dubovsky "I saw a rainbow"
- Painting by Dubovsky "Silenced"
- Painting by Firsov "The Young Painter"
- Painting by Gavrilov "The Last Cornflowers"
- Painting by Ge "Portrait of Tolstoy"
- Painting by Gerasimov "After the Rain"
- Painting by Gerasimov "Noon, Warm Rain"
- Painting by Gerasimov "Rain"
- Painting by Gerasimov "Still-life Wildflowers"
- Painting by Gerasimov "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl"
- Painting by Gerasimov "The Mother of the Partisan"
- Painting by Golovin "Still Life: Flowers in a Vase"
- Painting by Grigoryev "Goalkeeper"
- Painting by Igoshev "She is waiting for her son"
- Painting by Ivanov "Appia road at sunset"
- Painting by Ivanov "Archangel Gabriel strikes Zachariah dumb"
- Painting by Ivanov "Bellerophon goes on a campaign against the chimera"
- Painting by Kasteev "Young Abai"
- Painting by Khabarov "Portrait of Mila"
- Painting by Kiprensky "A. S. Pushkin"
- Painting by Kiprensky "Portrait of Alexander Pushkin"
- Painting by Kiprensky "Portrait of Kochubei"
- Painting by Kiprensky "Portrait of the boy Chelishchev"
- Painting by Konchalovsky "Peaches"
- Painting by Korovin "Winter"
- Painting by Korzhev "Clouds of 1945"
- Painting by Kozlovsky "Still Life"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Christ in the desert"
- Painting by Kramskoy "For Reading: Portrait of S. Kramskoy, Wife"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Mina Moiseyev"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Moonlight Night"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Nekrasov in the period of the Last Songs"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Polesovshchik"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Portrait of A. Suvorin"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Portrait of I. Shishkin"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Portrait of Kuindzhi"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Portrait of Leo Tolstoy"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Portrait of PM Tretyakov"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Portrait of the philosopher Solovyov"
- Painting by Kramskoy "The Mermaids"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Unfortunate sorrow"
- Painting by Kramskoy "Unknown"
- Painting by Krylov "Russian Winter"
- Painting by Krymov "By spring"
- Painting by Krymov "Windy Day: The Bull"
- Painting by Krymov "Winter Evening"
- Painting by Kustodiev "Hay mowing"
- Painting by Kustodiev "On the Terrace"
- Painting by Kustodiev "Portrait of Chaliapin"
- Painting by Kustodiev "Shrovetide"
- Painting by Kustodiev "The Merchant for Tea"
- Painting by Kuznetsov "Interrogation of Salavat"
- Painting by Makovsky "A Girl with Geese in the Field"
- Painting by Makovsky "Boyar wedding feast of the XVII century"
- Painting by Makovsky "Children Running from a Thunderstorm"
- Painting by Makovsky "Convicted"
- Painting by Makovsky "First Coat"
- Painting by Makovsky "From the Rain"
- Painting by Makovsky "In the artist's studio"
- Painting by Makovsky "Minin's Appeal to Nizhny Novgorod"
- Painting by Makovsky "On the Boulevard"
- Painting by Makovsky "Portrait of Princess Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova"
- Painting by Makovsky "Rendezvous"
- Painting by Makovsky "The Collapse of the Bank"
- Painting by Makovsky "The Prisoner"
- Painting by Makovsky "Without the Master"
- Painting by Mashkov "Strawberry and white jug"
- Painting by Meshkov "Golden Autumn in Karelia"
- Painting by Monet "Bar in Foley Berger"
- Painting by Myasoedov "The Time is Strong
- Painting by Nesterov "Great tonsure"
- Painting by Nesterov "Portrait of Pavlov"
- Painting by Nesterov "Portrait of Tolstoy"
- Painting by Nesterov "St. Sergius of Radonezh"
- Painting by Nesterov "The Desert"
- Painting by Nesterov "The Vision of the Bartholomew"
- Painting by Pimenov "New Moscow"
- Painting by Plastov "Mama"
- Painting by Plastov "Sanya Malikov"
- Painting by Plastov "The Fascist Flying"
- Painting by Plastov "The First Snow"
- Painting by Plastov "Vitya Podpasok"
- Painting by Polenov "At the Tiberias (Genisareth) Lake"
- Painting by Polenov "Caesar's Fun"
- Painting by Polenov "Grandma's Garden"
- Painting by Polenov "Overgrown pond"
- Painting by Popov "The First Snow"
- Painting by Popovich "Letter to Grandfather"
- Painting by Rembrandt "Night Watch"
- Painting by Repin "A man with a bad eye"
- Painting by Repin "Abramtsevo: Summer Landscape"
- Painting by Repin "Arrest of the propagandist"
- Painting by Repin "Autumn Bouquet"
- Painting by Repin "Burlaki on the Volga"
- Painting by Repin "Dragonfly"
- Painting by Repin "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan"
- Painting by Repin "Portrait of Mussorgsky"
- Painting by Repin "Portrait of Pirogov"
- Painting by Repin "Portrait of Rubinstein"
- Painting by Repin "Portrait of the artist Kramskoy"
- Painting by Repin "Portrait of the Critic Stasov"
- Painting by Repin "Portrait of Tretyakov"
- Painting by Repin "Protodeacon"
- Painting by Repin "Refusal of Confession"
- Painting by Repin "Sadko"
- Painting by Repin "The Princess Sophia"
- Painting by Repin "The Procession in the Kursk Province"
- Painting by Repin "The Reading Girl"
- Painting by Repin "Tolstoy on arable land"
- Painting by Repin "What space"
- Painting by Repin "Zaporozhtsy write a letter to the Turkish sultan"
- Painting by Reshetnikov "The Boys"
- Painting by Roerich "I move among these shadows"
- Painting by Roerich "Overseas guests"
- Painting by Roerich "Portrait of Helena Roerich"
- Painting by Roerich "Return home"
- Painting by Roerich "Saint Francis of Assisi"
- Painting by Roerich "Saint Sergius of Radonezh"
- Painting by Roerich "The Pearls of the Quest"
- Painting by Roerich "Victory"
- Painting by Romadin "Kerzhenets"
- Painting by Romadin "Verba in the Flood"
- Painting by Rublev "Trinity"
- Painting by Rylov "Field Rowan"
- Painting by Rylov "Flowery meadow"
- Painting by Rylov "Green noise"
- Painting by Rylov "In the blue space"
- Painting by Satarov "Frost"
- Painting by Serov "Mika Morozov"
- Painting by Serov "Peter the First"
- Painting by Serov "Portrait of Hirschman"
- Painting by Serov "Portrait of Mikhail K. Oliv"
- Painting by Serov "Portrait of Princess Yusupova"
- Painting by Shirokov "Friends"
- Painting by Shishkin "Forest Wilderness"
- Painting by Shishkin "In the forest of Countess Mordvinova., Peterhof"
- Painting by Shishkin "Park in Pavlovsk"
- Painting by Shishkin "Pine Forest, Mastwood in the Vyatka Province"
- Painting by Shishkin "Pine"
- Painting by Shishkin "Pines illuminated by the sun"
- Painting by Shishkin "The Creek in the Woods. Siverskaya"
- Painting by Shishkin First snow
- Painting by Tropinin "Guitarist"
- Painting by Tropinin "Lacemaker"
- Painting by Tropinin "Self-portrait with brushes on the background of the Moscow Kremlin"
- Painting by Ulyanov "Stanislavsky at work"
- Painting by Van Gogh "View of Arles with irises"
- Painting by Vasiliev "In the Crimean Mountains"
- Painting by Vasiliev "Summer: the River in the Red Village"
- Painting by Vasiliev "The swamp in the forest., Autumn"
- Painting by Vasiliev "View of the Volga." Barges "
- Painting by Vasilyev "Near the Red Village"
- Painting by Vasilyev "Thaw"
- Painting by Vatolina "News from the front"
- Painting by Venetsianov "Here's the ones and the father's lunch"
- Painting by Venetsianov "In the Harvest, Summer"
- Painting by Venetsianov "Peasant children in the field"
- Painting by Vlasenko "On the Road"
- Painting by Vrubel "A Girl Against the Background of the Persian Carpet"
- Painting by Yuon "Russian Winter., Ligachevo"
- Painting by Yuon "Winter Rostov the Great"
- Painting by Zhukovsky "Autumn. Veranda"
- Painting Dalí "Hallucinogenic torero"
- Painting Dali "Invisible"
- Painting Dali "Towers"
- Painting Dali "Warrior"
- Painting Fedotov "Anchor still anchor"
- Painting Fedotov "Picky Bride"
- Painting Feldman "Motherland"
- Painting Finogenova "Skating rink for beginners"
- Painting Flavitsky "Princess Tarakanov"
- Painting Grabar "Clear autumn evening"
- Painting Grabar "February Azure"
- Painting Grabar "Goalkeeper"
- Painting Grabar "March Snow"
- Painting Grabar "Winter Landscape"
- Painting Izhakevich "Mom comes!"
- Painting Komarov "Flood"
- Painting Konchalovsky "Lilac in the basket"
- Painting Kopyttseva "Summer day Blooming lilacs"
- Painting Kostetskiy "Return"
- Painting Kuindzhi "Ladoga Lake"
- Painting Kuindzhi "On the island of Valaam"
- Painting Kuindzhi "Rainbow"
- Painting Kuindzhi "Sunrise"
- Painting Kustodiev "Zemstvo School in Moscow Rus" "
- Painting Levitan Blossoming apple trees "
- Painting Manet "Breakfast on the grass"
- Painting Manet "Portrait of Emile Zola"
- Painting Monet "Pond with water lilies"
- Painting Monet "Walk"
- Painting Nesterov "Dmitry Tsarevich killed"
- Painting Nesterov "Philosophers"
- Painting of Ge "Achilles mourns Patroclus"
- Painting of Ge "Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane"
- Painting of Ge "The Endoran sorceress evokes the shadow of Samuel"
- Painting of Nyssa "February Moscow"
- Painting of Nyssa "Moscow winter"
- Painting of Simbirin "Poet G. Tukay"
- Painting of the Battle of Borodino in the novel War and Peace "
- Painting of the Quiet "Storks"
- Painting Perov "The arrival of the governess in the merchant's house"
- Painting Plastov "Dinner tractor drivers"
- Painting Plastov "Spring"
- Painting Popkov "Autumn rains"
- Painting Popovich "Did not take a fishing"
- Painting Repin "Do not wait"
- Painting Repki "Driver Valya"
- Painting Romadin "The first flowering"
- Painting Romadin "Village Khmelevka"
- Painting Rzhevskaya "Music"
- Painting Savrasov "Pechora Monastery near Nizhny Novgorod"
- Painting Serov "Children"
- Painting Serov "Girl with Peaches"
- Painting Serov "Portrait of A. V. Kasyanov"
- Painting Serov "Portrait of Dragomirova"
- Painting Serov "Portrait of Ida Rubinstein"
- Painting Serov "Portrait of Kasyanov"
- Painting Serov "Portrait of the actress Yermolova"
- Painting Serov "Portrait of the artist Levitan"
- Painting Serov "Portrait of the Artist Shalyapin"
- Painting Serov "Summer"
- Painting Serova "The girl, lit by the sun"
- Painting Shibanova "Festival of the wedding contract"
- Painting Shishkia "Morning in the Pine Forest"
- Painting Surikov "Visit the princess's nunnery"
- Painting Tropinin "Portrait of the singer Bulakhov"
- Painting Tsyplakova "Frost and the sun"
- Painting Venetsianova "Reapers"
- Painting Venetsianova "Zakharka"
- Painting Venetsianova Girl in a scarf
- Painting Vereshchagin "In the Assumption Cathedral"
- Painting Vereshchagin "Napoleon on the Borodino heights"
- Painting Vereshchagin "Shipka-Sheinovo., Skobelev under Shipka"
- Painting Vereshchagin "The Defeated, Funeral Service"
- Painting Vereshchagin "The sale of a child slave"
- Painting Vishnyak "Bouquet of September"
- Painting Vrubel "Portrait of Bryusov"
- Painting Vrubel "Portrait of Mamontov"
- Painting Vrubel "The Demon Seated"
- Painting Vrubel "Venice"
- The composition of Dali's painting "The permanence of memory"
- The composition of Dali's painting "The Temptation of Saint Anthony"
- The composition of Deineka's painting "Winter: A Girl by the Window"
- The composition of Gauguin's painting "Bathers"
- The composition of Glazunov's "My Life"
- The composition of Glazunov's "The Market of Our Democracy"
- The composition of Glazunov's painting "The Defeat of the Temple on Easter Night"
- The composition of Glazunov's painting "The Great Experiment"
- The composition of Glazunov's painting "The Mystery of the xx Century"
- The composition of Ivanov's painting "Portrait of Vittoria Caldoni"
- The composition of Ivanov's painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People"
- The composition of Ivanov's painting "The Seven Boys"
- The composition of Levitan's "Summer Evening"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Above Eternal Peace"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Autumn Hunter"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Autumn: The Road in the Village"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Autumn"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Birch Grove"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Evening ringing"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Ferns in the forest"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "In the forest in the autumn"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "In the Whirlpool"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "March"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Quiet abode"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Silence"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Spring in Italy"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Spring: Great Water"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "The Last Ray"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "The Twilight Stack"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Winter in the Forest"
- The composition of Levitan's painting "Wooded shore"
- The composition of Lutfullin's painting "Three Women"
- The composition of Nazarenko's painting "The Church of the Ascension in Nezhdanova Street"
- The composition of Ostroukhov's painting "Golden Autumn"
- The composition of Ostroukhov's painting "Siverko"
- The composition of Ostroukhov's painting "The First Greens"
- The composition of Perov's painting "A Sermon in the Village"
- The composition of Perov's painting "Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane"
- The composition of Perov's painting "hunters at rest"
- The composition of Perov's painting "Nikita Pustosvyat." The dispute about faith "
- The composition of Perov's painting "Portrait of Dostoyevsky"
- The composition of Perov's painting "Pugachev's Court"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The Birds"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The Botanist"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The Dilettante"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The Drowned Woman"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The First Christians in Kiev"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The Last Tavern at the Outpost"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The Sleeping Children"
- The composition of Perov's painting "The Three"
- The composition of Raphael's painting "The Sistine Madonna"
- The composition of Serebryakova's painting "In the Kitchen, Portrait of Katya"
- The composition of Surikov's painting "The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak"
- The composition of the film Raksha "Seeing the militia"
- The composition of the film Reshetnikov "Arrived on vacation"
- The composition of the film Vrubel "Campanula"
- The composition of the film Vrubel "fortune-teller"
- The composition of the film Vrubel "Hamlet and Ophelia"
- The composition of the picture Glazunov "Russia, wake up"
- The composition of the picture Laktionova "Letter from the front"
- The composition of the picture of Da Vinci "Vitruvian man"
- The composition of the picture of Korovin "Northern Idyll"
- The composition of the picture of Mylnikov's "Verochka"
- The composition of the picture Reshetnikova "Boys"
- The composition of the picture Shishkin "Among the valley is flat..."
- The composition of the picture Trutovsky "Shevchenko with a kobza over the Dnieper"
- The composition of the picture Vasnetsov "After the massacre"
- The composition of the picture Vasnetsova "Baba Yaga"
- The composition of the picture Vereshchagin "Winners"
- The composition of Titian's painting "Earthly Love and Love of Heaven"
- The composition of Vasilkovsky's painting "Cossack Levada"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's "The Snow Maiden"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "Alenushka"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "Carpet-plane"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolf"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "Only Begotten Son The Word of God"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Baptism of Prince Vladimir"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Baptism of Rus"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Frog Princess"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Knight at the Crossroads"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Last Judgment"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Northern Territory"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Princess of Nesmeyan"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Sleeping Princess"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "The Song of Oleg the Wise"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "Three heroes"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's painting "Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's picture "Bogatyri"
- The composition of Vasnetsov's picture "The Bogatyr Skok"
- The composition of Vereshchagin's painting "The Apotheosis of War"
- The composition of Vrubel's painting "Portrait of Artsybushev"
- The composition of Vrubel's painting "Portrait of the artist's son"
- The composition of Vrubel's painting "Portrait of Zabela on the background of birches"
- The composition of Vrubel's painting "The Rose in a Glass"
- The composition of Vrubel's painting "To the Night"
- The composition of Yuon's painting "A spring sunny day"
- The composition of Yuon's painting "Holiday"
- The composition of Yuon's painting "The End of Winter, Noon"
- The composition of Yuon's painting "The New Planet"
- The composition of Yuon's painting "The Sorceress-Winter"
- The composition of Yuon's painting "The Winter Sun"
- The composition of Zhukovsky's painting "Before the Terrace"
- The composition of Zhukovsky's painting "The Abandoned Terrace"
- The Painting "The army of Pharaoh in the campaign"
- The Painting Belokovskaya "Portrait of a son"
- The Painting by Aivazovsky "Rainbow"
- The Painting by Aivazovsky "The Sea"
- The Painting by Aivazovsky "Wave"
- The Painting by Benois "Versailles"
- The Painting by Benoit "The Bathhouse of the Marquis"
- The Painting by Briullov "Bathsheba"
- The Painting by Brueghel "The Tower of Babel"
- The Painting by Bryullov "Italian Morning"
- The Painting by Bryullov "Italian noon"
- The Painting by Bryullov "Portrait of Krylov"
- The Painting by Bryullov "The Horsewoman"
- The Painting by Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii"
- The Painting by Fedotov "The Widow"
- The Painting by Gerasimov "Gifts of Autumn"
- The Painting by Gerasimov "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl"
- The Painting by Kalo Frida "Two Frida"
- The Painting by Korin "Alexander Nevsky"
- The Painting by Korovin "Portrait of Tatyana Lyubatovich"
- The Painting by Levitan "Lake., Rus"
- The Painting by Levitan "Vladimirka"
- The Painting by Makovsky "On a hot day"
- The Painting by Makovsky "Two mothers"
- The Painting by Makovsky "Under the Crown"
- The Painting by Malevich "Black Square"
- The Painting by Nyssa "Rainbow"
- The Painting by Petrov-Vodkin "Morning still life"
- The Painting by Picasso "Dora Maar with a cat"
- The Painting by Picasso "Dream"
- The Painting by Picasso "Girl on the ball"
- The Painting by Picasso "Guernica"
- The Painting by Pimenov "The Dispute"
- The Painting by Platonov "The First Snow"
- The Painting by Polenov "Christ and the Sinner"
- The Painting by Polenov "Moscow Yard"
- The Painting by Pukirev "Unequal marriage"
- The Painting by Rembrandt "Faust"
- The Painting by Reshetnikov "Again the deuce"
- The Painting by Roerich "Bowl of the Buddha"
- The Painting by Roerich "Celestial Battle"
- The Painting by Roerich "Jacob with an angel"
- The Painting by Roerich "King Solomon"
- The Painting by Roerich "Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru"
- The Painting by Roerich "Pieta"
- The Painting by Roerich "The Last Angel"
- The Painting by Romadin "Forest Lake"
- The Painting by Rubens "Beating babies"
- The Painting by Rubens "The Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus"
- The Painting by Saikina "Children's Sports School"
- The Painting by Savrasov "Rainbow"
- The Painting by Savrasov "Steppe in the afternoon"
- The Painting by Serebryakova "At breakfast"
- The Painting by Serebryakova "Behind the toilet"
- The Painting by Serebryakova "Self-portrait with two daughters"
- The Painting by Serebryakova "Whitewash of the canvas"
- The Painting by Shcherbakov "Russia near Moscow"
- The Painting by Shevandronova "In the rural library"
- The Painting by Shishkin "Oaks"
- The Painting by Stepanov "Losi"
- The Painting by Tropinin "Portrait of a Son"
- The Painting by Tropinin "Portrait of Pushkin"
- The Painting by Tropinin "The girl's head. Etude to the portrait of Ershova with her daughter"
- The Painting by Van Gogh "Four wilted sunflowers"
- The Painting by Van Gogh "Portrait of Dr. Ray"
- The Painting by Van Gogh "Portrait of Papa Tangi"
- The Painting by Van Gogh "Starry Night"
- The Painting by Van Gogh "Sunflowers"
- The Painting by Vasiliev "Wet Meadow"
- The Painting by Velasquez "The Triumph of Bacchus the Drunkard"
- The Painting by Venetsianov "On the plowland, Spring"
- The Painting by Willem de Kooning "Woman"
- The Painting by Yuon "Domes and swallows"
- The Painting by Yuon "March Sun"
- The Painting Da Vinci "Mona Lisa"
- The Painting Fedotov "Fresh Chevalier"
- The Painting Fedotov "Matchmaking Major"
- The Painting Khrutsky "Flowers and Fruits"
- The Painting Konchalovsky "Lilac in the basket"
- The Painting Korovin "Crimea. Gurzuf"
- The Painting Kustodiev "Lilac"
- The Painting Levitan "Bridge. Savvinskaya Sloboda"
- The Painting Marushkin "Strigunok"
- The Painting Munch "Scream"
- The Painting Nechiporenko "Autumnal melody"
- The Painting Nechitailo "Motherhood"
- The Painting Nesterov "Holy Russia"
- The Painting Nesterov "In Rus"
- The Painting Nesterov "Solovki"
- The painting of Vereshchagin's painting "Doors of Timur"
- The Painting Perov "Fisherman"
- The Painting Plastov "Hay mowing"
- The Painting Rokotov "Portrait of the Stream"
- The Painting Savrasov "Elk Island in Sokolniki"
- The Painting Savrasov "Rooks arrived"
- The Painting Savrasov "Sukharev Tower Moscow"
- The Painting Savrasov "Thaw"
- The Painting Savrasov "Winter Landscape"
- The Painting Serebryakova "House of Cards"
- The Painting Surikov "Boyarynya Morozova"
- The Painting Surikov "Menshikov in Berezovo"
- The Painting Surikov "Stepan Razin"
- The Painting Surikov "Suvorov crossing the Alps"
- The Painting Surikov "The capture of a snow town"
- The Painting Surikov Morning of the Streltsy execution
- The Painting Syromyatnikova "The first audience"
- The Painting Veronese "Marriage in Cana"
- The Painting Vinogradov "Spring"
- The Painting Vrubel "Bogatyr"
- The Painting Vrubel "Lilac"
- The Painting Vrubel "Pan"
- The Painting Vrubel "Pearl shell"
- The Painting Vrubel "Spain"
- The Painting Vrubel "The Princess-Swan"
- Category: Essays on literatuire
- "Divine Comedy" Dante - a reflection of the writer's ideas about the world
- "Divine Comedy" Dante Alighieri as a monument to the beloved, the power of love
- "Doll House" G. Ibsen as a work of "new drama"
- "Eternal" questions in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare's "Hamlet"
- "Eternal" theme of love in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"
- "Fathers are such fools!"
- "Froggy"
- "Gifts of the Magi"
- "Here they are, these rich people..."
- "I can die on the street"
- "I deserve to die, gentlemen of the jury"
- "I own the world, and the world does not have power over me." The image of Gobsek
- "I was completely consumed by countless battles..."
- "In a true tragedy legitimate moral forces must come into collision on both sides"
- "Is it all about money?"
- "It is necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds"
- "Life is a difficult and difficult craft, and you need to make an effort to learn." What would you like to learn?
- "Man-bill"
- "Mateo Falcone"
- "Red and black" F. Stendhal as a socio-political novel
- "Red and black" F. Stendhal as a socio-psychological novel
- "Secret" meaning of the poems of Omar Khayyam
- "That's what this... young man"
- "The last inch"
- "There is no sadder story than the tale of Romeo and Juliet"
- "To be or not to be?" - the main issue of the play "Hamlet" by V. Shakespeare
- "Vanity, it is always our" I. "Do you agree with this statement of Balzac?
- "What is he looking for in the far land?"
- "You are forever responsible for those who have tamed"
- A boy who folds the word "eternity"
- A friend is known in trouble story
- A guesthouse of broken hearts and lost illusions
- ABC about a naked and poor person
- About Dante Alighieri's poem "The Divine Comedy"
- About the cycle "The Human Comedy" by O. de Balzac
- About the novel "Parma monastery"
- About the plays "Tartuffe" and "Meshchanin in the Nobility" by Moliere
- About the poem "Childe Harold Pilgrimage" by G. G. Byron
- About the work of Charles Baudelaire
- About the work of Charles Dickens
- About the work of F. Kafka
- About the work of M. de Cervantes
- About the work of Omar Khayyam
- Aesthetic creed of the writer
- American musicians
- American reality in the works of J. Updike
- An eccentric and visionary Munchausen
- An essay on how I once helped my mom
- An essay on the theme of a culture of speech
- And the world remembers the work saved
- Bazarov's work
- Briefly about the creativity of Merime Prosper
- Brothers our smaller work
- C. Dickens and Ukraine
- Characteristic features of the artistic world of Faust by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
- Characteristic features of the Shakespeare Theater
- Characteristic of the artistic world of Charles Dickens
- Characteristics of creativity
- Characteristics of the artistic world of G. Ibsen
- Characteristics of the artistic world RM Rilke
- Characteristics of the novelism of Guy de Maupassant
- Charles Dickens - a great English realist artist and Victorian moral preacher
- Chekhov and his works
- Childhood and youth Honore de Balzac
- Cinema in our life
- Compassion is an active assistant essay
- Composing a letter to a soldier
- Composing good and evil
- Composing my apartment
- Composing on a public theme
- Composition about art
- Composition I and my future
- Composition in the forest
- Composition in the forest in summer
- Composition Oblomovism
- Composition of a healthy life
- Composition of a portrait of a friend
- Composition of education
- Composition of rain
- Composition of the animal world
- Composition of the environment
- Composition og what is good
- Composition on the Future
- Composition on the novel "The Way of Abai" M. O. Auezov
- Composition on the theme of a little man
- Composition on the theme of an intelligent person
- Composition on the theme of birds
- Composition on the theme of fishing
- Composition on the theme of lilacs
- Composition on the theme of the favorite season of the summer
- Composition on the theme of the mother
- Composition on the theme of the native language
- Composition on the theme of the Olympic Games
- Conflict of Stendhal's novel "Red and Black"
- Conflicting the image of Faust
- Conquest of Hearts
- Consolidation of the future of mankind
- Contemporary music
- Creativity Shakespeare-playwright
- Deprived of the mind of love
- Description of the guy's appearance
- Did Hamlet defeat evil?
- Directions in Russian Literature
- Do I need a school uniform?
- Do not always cure the soul of the soul
- Do righteous people need the work today?
- Does scientific progress threaten humanity?
- Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
- EM Hemingway and Ukraine
- Essay on the life and work of DG Byron
- Faith - the path to salvation
- Feature of Hemingway's creative manner
- Features of Hemingway's style
- Features of poetry and style of the novel "Red and Black" F. Stendhal
- Female images of the novel "Red and Black" by F. Stendhal
- Formation of the character of the heroine of the drama G. Ibsen "Doll house"
- Frederic Stendhal - an astute "observer of human characters"
- Genre of the novel "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens
- George Gordon Byron in the English Parliament
- Gobsec - a miser or a philosopher?
- Gobsec customers
- Hamlet - the person facing the future
- Headless horseman
- Hemingway EM and Russian Literature
- Hero of Russia composition
- Honore de Balzac - the glory and pride of France
- Honore de Balzac at the threshold of maturity
- How a person should treat nature
- How beautiful is the land and on it man
- How close is Hamlet to us today?
- How do I feel about the inventions of Baron Munchausen?
- How do I like the poems of Robert Burns?
- How is the plot of the fairy tale "The Little Prince" constructed?
- How modern is the hero of Balzac Gobsek?
- How to become a real captain?
- Human and nature
- Hymn to man
- Hypocrisy - "this is my only weapon"
- I am a person writing
- I bow to self-control and the will to live the heroes of Jack London
- I want to become a teacher
- If I were left alone on a desert island
- Illusion and reality in Moliere's comedy "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme"
- Image of the destructive power of money in the story of Balzac "Gobsek"
- Images of the main characters of the tragedy "Faust" Goethe
- Innovation of Ibsen the playwright. Its importance in the world literature
- Interesting details of the life and work of Charles Dickens
- Interesting details of the life and work of E. Hemingway
- Interesting details of the life and work of F. Kafka
- Interesting details of the life and work of F. Stendhal
- Interesting details of the life and work of FJ Durenmatt
- Interesting details of the life and work of Guy de Maupassant
- Interesting details of the life and work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Interesting details of the life and work of RM Rilke
- Is Carrie happy?
- Is it easy to be an apprentice
- Is the image of Oblomov tragic?
- Is the lantern ridiculous?
- Is the main hero of the story of Balzac "Gobsek" modern?
- Is the valiant knight Don Quixote of La Mancha ridiculous?
- Jean Callen, nicknamed "Cunning of Death"
- Julien Sorel, his character and his destiny
- Kafka's creative relationship with other writers
- Kurt Vonnegut - writer and thinker
- Labor feeds, and laziness spoils
- Life and work of Charles Baudelaire
- Life and work of Federico García Lorca
- Loneliness in the family and the world
- Loneliness of man in the world of absurdity
- Lonely in the family and in the world
- Love for the Fatherland composition
- Love Testing
- Man among people writing
- Man and scientific and technological progress in the novels of K. Vonnegut
- Man of the future work
- Man the whole world
- Memory of Culture
- Merimee Prosper and Ukraine
- Moliere is a great comediographer of the era of classicism
- Monologue "To be or not to be?" - the highest point of Hamlet's reflections and doubts
- Monument to the Russian Soldier
- Moral and philosophical lessons of the fairy tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
- Motif of metamorphosis in the novel by F. Kafka "Transformation"
- My attitude to subcultures
- My attitude to the war is composition
- My business card
- My day at school
- My favorite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by D. Defoe
- My favorite book is "They were swarthy and gold-eyed" R. Bradbury
- My favorite essay
- My favorite season is spring
- My favorite subject of mathematics is composition
- My favorite work of art
- My future profession is a policeman
- My future profession is a psychologist
- My future profession is the accountant essay
- Myth and fairy tale
- Nature in Japanese hokku Matsuo Basa
- Nizami Ganjavi and Afak
- Nora's image
- Novella Prosper Merimee "Tamango" - a protest against the inhumanity of the slave trade
- O. de Balzac and Ukraine
- Omar Khayyam is an unsurpassed master of rubai
- On the creativity of RM Rilke
- On the life and work of A. de Saint-Exupéry
- On the novel "Vanina Vanini" by F. Stendhal
- On the work of E. Hemingway
- On the work of F. Stendhal
- On the work of FG Lorca
- On the work of FJ Dürrenmatt
- On the work of G. Ibsen
- On the work of Guy de Maupassant
- On the work of Johann Wolfgang Goethe
- On the work of W. Shakespeare
- On the works of Honore de Balzac
- Overcoming self-deception
- P. Verlaine and S. Mallarmé - representatives of French symbolism
- Path to freedom
- Poetic Diary of a Romantic Soul
- Pollution of the environment
- Power and people in the novels of J. Steinbeck
- Preservation of national culture
- Problems of education in the novel by Charles Dickens "The Adventures of Oliver Twist"
- Prometheus - a fighter against tyranny
- Prometheus - a symbol of heroic service to people, the struggle against tyranny
- Pronoun as part of speech
- Questions and answers to creativity of G. G. Byron
- Questions and answers to G. Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha"
- Questions and answers to O. Wilde's novel "The Canterville Ghost"
- Questions and Answers to Stendhal's novel "The Red and the Black"
- Questions and answers to the book by T. H. White "The Candle in the Wind"
- Questions and answers to the fairy tale novel by A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
- Questions and answers to the fairy tale of G. Kh. Andersen "Kaloshi Happiness"
- Questions and answers to the novel "The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe"
- Questions and answers to the novel by Charles Dickens "The Life of David Copperfield, told by himself"
- Questions and answers to the novel by D. Aldridge "The Last inch"
- Questions and answers to the novel by J. Verne "Fifteen-year-old captain"
- Questions and answers to the novel by J. Verne "The Mysterious Island"
- Questions and answers to the novel by M. Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
- Questions and answers to the novel by V. Scott "Ivanhoe"
- Questions and answers to the story of E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"
- Questions and answers to the story of J. London "Love of life"
- Questions and answers to the story of S. Zweig "Irrevocable Moment"
- Questions and answers to the theme "Fantastic stories of Ray Bradbury"
- Questions and answers to the work of Aesop
- Questions and answers to the work of Homer
- Questions and answers to the work of J. Swift "Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians"
- Questions and answers to the work of O. Henry
- Ray Bradbury is a science fiction writer
- Realism and symbolism of Charles Dickens
- Rebellious teenager against the "adult" world
- Reflection in Dante's poem "The Divine Comedy" of a new humanistic view of man and his values
- Reflection in Goethe's Faust of the Advanced Enlightenment Ideas of the Epoch
- Review of the book