Summary “Delivering Happiness”

It is very important to find something that you are really passionate about. Awareness of your passion simplifies the adoption of all decisions and allows you to determine the ultimate goal.

Doing what you like is more important than earning a lot of money on hateful work. Decide if you are ready “to stop chasing money and start doing what you like.”

Try many different activities and find the object of your passion. These experiments will show you and what you do not want to do. The more items you exclude from your list, the more you learn about yourself and the easier it will be for you to find your hobby. Do not pursue false dreams.

Rapid growth can kill a company’s culture if you hire the wrong people

Your company is growing rapidly: sales are moving up, investments are flowing by the river, and new employees appear almost every week. Beware of this hyper growth. Consider it a warning. Too fast growth can lead to hiring of unsuitable people.

They can damage the corporate culture of your company.

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Even if you need to increase the number of employees, take the time to carefully study each candidate. Make sure that he shares your vision and wants to become part of the culture of the company that you created. One day you will find that you no longer like working in your company or with its team if you hire people who are solely focused on career growth and personal gain.

Example. This situation occurred with LinkExchange. Becoming hostage to haste and enthusiasm for his own success, Tony Shay hired employees who were not passionate about the company’s mission, but were looking for high salaries. This has led to disastrous consequences for the company.

To expand the company is slower – the hiring process needs to be carefully monitored. Small sacrifices to protect the culture of the company are profitable in the long term.

Continuous training is a priority for you and your employees

Engage in company growth and employee

training. It is necessary to encourage them to constantly learn. Create a culture that promotes professional and personal development.

Example. Organize an office library and courses to develop new skills.

The whole team must feel that their work is part of a higher goal. The waste of time for training and personal growth is not only allowed, but also encouraged. All employees must constantly face new challenges and opportunities for growth. So they will not feel as if they have reached a dead end. Developing, they can take on more tasks and responsibilities, benefiting your business.

Example. Employees of the company Zappos grow and develop, they are pushed to solve new problems. This experience helps them cope with the problems that arise in the company. Employee Zappos, inspired by the freedom to offer new ideas and work on more complex projects, became self-confident and changed the work of an attendant to a managerial position. This growth has spread to her personal life, prompting her to read more, lead a healthy lifestyle and travel the world. Now she spends her vacation exploring volcanoes in Central America.

Create a vision of a higher goal, the end result of which will be happiness

A high goal is a goal that goes beyond simply extracting profits and growing the company.

Example. Technically, Zappos is a shoe business, and actually does not sell shoes at all. The high goal is to make people happy by providing excellent customer service, stunning them and exceeding expectations. Improving the quality of delivery or the policy of free return of goods – Zappos thinks about long-term goals, not just about his income.

Constantly ask yourself why you do what you do. Everything you do should follow the highest goal. Having such a goal and daily striving for it will make you happier.

You must believe in the culture of your company – your success is closely linked to it

Your corporate culture is one of the most important characteristics of the company. This is your brand, and employees are its representatives. You can not base hiring decisions solely on the skills and experience of the candidate. You must recruit people who fit into the culture of the company. People with whom you would be happy to talk after work.

The sense of connection, as in a large family, makes people happy and encourages the team to work better and treat each other well. Such a team must have a common goal and a common passion. Hire only those people who live and breathe your core values, which determine all decisions and activities of the company.

When you combine people with a common goal, the core values ​​of your company are born naturally. The culture of the company is even more important than customer service. If the culture is right, excellent customer service develops by itself.

The main ingredient in the education of the company’s great culture – together spent non-working time. When the whole Zappos team moved to Las Vegas, they got closer, because they had to rely on each other. Your team does not have to move to a new city. This experience helped Zappos employees to think about what is important to them in the aggregate. Thanks to this experience, their core values ​​were formed.

Focus on what your company can become a great

Just doing your job well is not enough. Identify one area in which your company wants to be the best in the world. Specialize and focus on it, become great at it.

Example. At Zappos customer service is the only thing they wanted to become great. They wanted their company to be so unusual that it would delight all customers and bring people joy.

The culture of the company and the service that it provides are closely related to each other. Excellent service, and as a result – happy customers, perhaps if you will treat your employees well.

Happy employees are passionate about their business. They will definitely make the client happy, providing him with excellent service. Never outsource something that your company can become the best in the world. You can not provide the performance of the selected activity to only one department. Responsibility for it should cover the whole company.

Example. Zappos demonstrated their commitment to outstanding customer service by moving headquarters to Las Vegas. It was supposed to accommodate the call center of the support service. The company has shown that customer support is a matter of paramount importance for the whole team, including top management.

Do not get hung up on creating excitement around your brand. Strengthen trust and loyalty with a good attitude towards people

The attempt to create excitement around the brand is unproductive. Do not try to attract media attention. Focus on what you do best: on providing excellent service and excellent customer experiences. The rest will follow, and the excitement will arise by itself.

Create positive associations with your brand in the minds of consumers. Every interaction with the client is an opportunity to develop your brand with the help of “word of mouth”. Provide excellent service and allow regular customers to do marketing for you.

Example. Zappos deserve loyal fans thanks to excellent customer support, especially when servicing over the phone. They invest in improving the experience of their customers, and not in traditional advertising. They grant privileges such as free delivery of each order, year-round return of goods, unexpected delivery the next day and first-class help by phone. The excitement is naturally created around the brand, and the company seeks media attention.

When you are doing something that naturally generates interest, people will talk about it, and after them – and the media.

Summary “Delivering Happiness”