- Category: Biographies
- Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Biography
- Alexander Block. Biography
- Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. Biography
- Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Biography
- Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Biography
- Alexander Nikolayevich Radishchev. Biography
- Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Biography
- Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Biography
- Alexander Stepanovich Green. Biography
- Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. Biography
- Allen Iverson's Biography
- Andrei Andreevich Voznesensky. Biography
- Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. Biography
- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Biography
- Autobiography of the literary hero
- Avril Lavigne Biography
- Biogarfia Cristiano Ronaldo
- Biography About Henry (William Sidney Porter)
- Biography About Sadaharu
- Biography Abramkin Valery Fedorovich
- Biography Abramov Fedor Alexandrovich
- Biography Adamovich Alexander Mikhailovich
- Biography Afanasyev Alexander Nikolayevich
- Biography Afinogenov Alexander
- Biography Afra Ben
- Biography Agafonov Valerian Konstantinovich
- Biography Ahmadulina Bella
- Biography Aikhenvald Yuri Alexandrovich
- Biography Akhmatova Anna Andreevna
- Biography Aksakov Ivan Sergeevich
- Biography Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich
- Biography Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich
- Biography Akulov Ivan Ivanovich
- Biography Aldridge James
- Biography Alexander Chakovsky
- Biography Alexander Pushkin
- Biography Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov
- Biography Alexander Vvedensky
- Biography Alexeev Mikhail Nikolaevich
- Biography Alexey Koltsov
- Biography Aliger Margarita Iosifovna
- Biography Althea Gibson
- Biography Ananiev Anatoly Andreevich
- Biography Anatoly Kuznetsov
- Biography Andersen Hans Christian
- Biography Anderson Sparky
- Biography André Agassi
- Biography Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich
- Biography Andrei Amalrik
- Biography Andrei Kistyakovsky
- Biography Andrey G. Bitov
- Biography Annenkov Pavel Vasilievich
- Biography Annensky Innocent Fedorovich
- Biography Annibale Caracci
- Biography Anthony Quinn
- Biography Antokolsky Pavel Grigorievich
- Biography Antonov Sergey Petrovich
- Biography Antonovich Maxim Alekseevich
- Biography Apukhtin Alexey Nikolaevich
- Biography Arbuzov Alexey Nikolaevich
- Biography Aseyev Nikolai Nikolaevich
- Biography Ashley Harkleroud
- Biography Astafiev Viktor Petrovich
- Biography Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich
- Biography Averkiev Dmitry Vasilievich
- Biography Avseenko Vasily Grigorevich
- Biography Babel Isaak Emmanuilovich
- Biography Balmont
- Biography Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich
- Biography Baratynsky Evgeny Abramovich
- Biography Batiushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich
- Biography Beks Joseph Henry
- Biography Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich
- Biography Belov Vasily Ivanovich
- Biography Belyaev Alexander Romanovich
- Biography Benedict Vladimir Grigorievich
- Biography Berberova Nina Nikolaevna
- Biography Berggolts Olga Fedorovna
- Biography Black Sasha
- Biography Block Alexander Alexandrovich
- Biography Bogdanovich Ippolit Fedorovich
- Biography Bogdanovich Petr Ivanovich
- Biography Bogomolov Vladimir Osipovich
- Biography Bokshtein Ilya Veniaminovich
- Biography Bolotov Andrei Timofeevich
- Biography Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich
- Biography Bugaev Boris Nikolaevich
- Biography Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasievich
- Biography Cameron Diaz
- Biography Canaletto
- Biography Cantemir Antioch Dmitrievich
- Biography Casey Stengel
- Biography Chapygin Alexey Pavlovich
- Biography Chekhov Anton Pavlovich
- Biography Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich
- Biography Chichibabin Boris Alekseevich
- Biography Chris Evert
- Biography Christmas Vsevolod Alexandrovich
- Biography Chukovskaya Lydia Korneevna
- Biography Chukovsky Kornei Ivanovich
- Biography Chuyev Felix Ivanovich
- Biography Dahl Vladimir Ivanovich
- Biography Danilevsky Grigory Petrovich
- Biography Darrell Gerald Malcolm
- Biography David Burliuk David
- Biography De Sad Donacien-Alfons-François All for students and schoolchildren
- Biography Defoe Daniel
- Biography Delvig Anton Antonovich
- Biography Derzhavin Gavrila Romanovich
- Biography Dmitriev Ivan Ivanovich
- Biography Dmitry Medvedev Dmitry Medvedev
- Biography Dobrolyubov Nikolay Alexandrovich
- Biography Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich
- Biography Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich
- Biography Dovlatov Sergey Donatovich
- Biography Dragunsky Victor Yuzefovich
- Biography Drunina Julia Vladimirovna
- Biography Dudin Mikhail Alexandrovich
- Biography Eduard G. Bagritsky
- Biography Efremov Ivan Antonovich
- Biography Erenburg Ilya Girshevich
- Biography Ershov Petr Pavlovich
- Biography Evarista Galois
- Biography Evseev Boris Timofeevich
- Biography Evtushenko Evgeny Alexandrovich
- Biography Fadeyev Alexander Alexandrovich
- Biography Fedin Konstantin Alexandrovich
- Biography Fet Afanasy Afanasievich
- Biography Fofanov Konstantin Ivanovich
- Biography Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich
- Biography Forsh Olga Dmitrievna
- Biography Gabay Ilya Yankelevich
- Biography Gaidar Arkady Petrovich
- Biography Galich Alexander Arkadevich
- Biography Garshin Vsevolod Mikhailovich
- Biography George Gordon Byron
- Biography Gershenzon Mikhail Osipovich
- Biography Gershuni Vladimir Lvovich
- Biography Giordano Bruno
- Biography Gippius-Merezhkovskaya Zinaida Nikolaevna
- Biography Gladkov Fedor Vasilyevich
- Biography Gnedich Nikolai Ivanovich
- Biography Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich
- Biography Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich
- Biography Gorbanevskaya Natalya Evgenievna
- Biography Gorodetsky Sergey Mitrofanovich
- Biography Granin Daniil Alexandrovich
- Biography Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilievich
- Biography Grigoryev Apollon Aleksandrovich
- Biography Grinevsky Alexander Stepanovich
- Biography Grossman Vasily Semenovich
- Biography Gubanov Leonid Georgievich
- Biography Gudzenko Semen Petrovich
- Biography Gumilyov Nikolay Stepanovich
- Biography Hazel Whiteman
- Biography Henri Poincare
- Biography Herman Lillevyali
- Biography Herman Yuri Pavlovich
- Biography Herzen Alexander Ivanovich
- Biography Honore Daumier
- Biography Honore de Balzac
- Biography Ilf Ilya and Petrov Eugene
- Biography Inber Vera Mikhailovna
- Biography Irene Ferrari
- Biography Iris Kyle
- Biography Isakovsky Mikhail Vasilyevich
- Biography Iskander Fazil Abdulovich
- Biography Ivan Boyko
- Biography Ivan Bunin
- Biography Ivan Semenovich Barkov
- Biography Ivanov Georgy Vladimirovich
- Biography Ivanov Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich
- Biography Ivanov Vyacheslav Ivanovich
- Biography Janet Guthrie
- Biography John Ronald Ruel Tolkien
- Biography Johnny Unitas
- Biography Justine Henin
- Biography Kaledin Sergey Evgenevich
- Biography Kamensky Vasily Vasilyevich
- Biography Kapnist Vasily Vasilyevich
- Biography Karamzin Nikolay Mikhailovich
- Biography Kassil Lev Abramovich
- Biography Kataev Valentin Petrovich
- Biography Katenin Pavel Alexandrovich
- Biography Katkov Mikhail Nikiforovich
- Biography Kaverin Veniamin Alexandrovich
- Biography Kazakevich Emmanuel Genrikhovich
- Biography Kazakov Yuri Pavlovich
- Biography Kazakova Rimma Fedorovna
- Biography Kazantsev Alexander Petrovich
- Biography Kedrin Dmitry Borisovich
- Biography Kharms Daniil Ivanovich
- Biography Kheraskov Mikhail Matveyevich
- Biography Khodasevich Vladislav Felitsianovich
- Biography Khomyakov Alexey Stepanovich
- Biography Kim Anatoly Andreevich
- Biography Kim Yuli Chersanovich
- Biography Kireevsky Ivan Vasilyevich
- Biography Kireevsky Petr Vasilievich
- Biography Kirsanov Semen Isaakovich
- Biography Klychkov Sergey Antonovich
- Biography Klyuev Nikolai Alekseevich
- Biography Knyazhnin Yakov Borisovich
- Biography Kondratyev Vyacheslav Leonidovich
- Biography Kornilov Boris Petrovich
- Biography Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich
- Biography Korzhavin Naum Moiseevich
- Biography Kosterin Alexey Evgrafovich
- Biography Kostomarov Nikolai Ivanovich
- Biography Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich
- Biography Krakhmalnikov Zoya Alexandrovna
- Biography Krestovsky Vsevolod Vladimirovich
- Biography Kron Alexander Alexandrovich
- Biography Krupin Vladimir Nikolaevich
- Biography Krutilin Sergey Andreevich
- Biography Krylov Ivan Andreevich
- Biography Küchelbecker Wilhelm Karlovich
- Biography Kukolnik Nestor Vasilievich
- Biography Kuliyev Kaisyn Shuvaevich
- Biography Kunitsyn Georgy Ivanovich
- Biography Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich
- Biography Kurochkin Vasily Stepanovich
- Biography Kushev Evgeniy Igorevich
- Biography Kushner Alexander Semenovich
- Biography Kuzmin Mikhail Alekseevich
- Biography Lavrenev Boris Andreevich
- Biography Leonid Borodin
- Biography Leonov Leonid Maksimovich
- Biography Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich
- Biography Leskov Nikolai Semenovich
- Biography Levitansky Yuri Davydovich
- Biography Lewis Carroll
- Biography Lidin Vladimir Germanovich
- Biography Lipatov Vil Vladimirovich
- Biography Lipkin Semen Izrailevich
- Biography Lisnyanskaya Inna Lvovna
- Biography Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich
- Biography London Jack
- Biography Lotman Yuri Mikhailovich
- Biography Lou Gehrig
- Biography Lugovskoy Vladimir Alexandrovich
- Biography Lukash Ivan Sozontovich
- Biography Maeterlinck Maurice
- Biography Makanin Vladimir Semenovich
- Biography Maksimov Vladimir Emelyanovich
- Biography Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narkisovich
- Biography Mandelstam Osip Emilevich
- Biography Marienhof Anatoly Borisovich
- Biography Marilyn Monroe
- Biography Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich
- Biography Martynov Leonid Nikolaevich
- Biography Mary Retton
- Biography Masha Rasputina
- Biography Matusovsky Mikhail Lvovich
- Biography Matveeva Novella Nikolaevna
- Biography Maxim Gorky
- Biography Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich
- Biography Mei Lev Alexandrovich
- Biography Melnikov Pavel Ivanovich
- Biography Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich
- Biography Merzlyakov Alexey Fedorovich
- Biography Mezhirov Alexander Petrovich
- Biography Mikekov Apollon Nikolaevich
- Biography Mikhail Lobanov
- Biography Mikhail Prishvin
- Biography Mikhail Sholokhov
- Biography Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich
- Biography Miles Jovovich
- Biography Moliere
- Biography Mordecai Brown
- Biography Mozhaev Boris Andreevich
- Biography Nabokov Vladimir Vladimirovich
- Biography Nadson Semen Yakovlevich
- Biography Nagibin Yuri Markovich
- Biography Narovchatov Sergey Sergeevich
- Biography Nekrasov Nikolay Alekseevich
- Biography Nekrasov Victor Platonovich
- Biography Nikitin Ivan Savich
- Biography Nilin Pavel Filippovich
- Biography Nona Grishaeva
- Biography Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich
- Biography O. Henry
- Biography Odoevsky Alexander Ivanovich
- Biography Odoyevsky Vladimir Fedorovich
- Biography Odoyevtseva Irina
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