Fiction (from Latin “letter”) is a kind of art in which the word is the main means of figurative reflection of life.
Art is the reproduction of life in artistic images. Art is one of the most important factors in the spiritual life of mankind, it stimulates creative activity, enriches a person’s life with emotional experiences and reflections.
Spatial arts: painting, sculpture and architecture, artistic photography. The name “spatial” they have because the objects they represent, the person perceives in a motionless form, as if frozen in space.
Temporary arts: music, singing, dance, pantomime and fiction. Temporary they are called because, unlike the static form of the image, characteristic for spatial arts, they reproduce life in its temporal development.
Synthetic arts: theater, cinema. Combine elements of both spatial and temporal types (the action takes place both in space and in time).
In different types of art, the same law operates: an empty material is organized by the artist into a life-like form, expressing a certain ideological and aesthetic content. Each literature uses its own material: music – sound, painting – paints, architecture – stone, wood, metal, etc. Literature works with the word, therefore it is capable of not limiting itself to the image, disclosure of the inner and outer world of a person, his most subtle experiences. This is its main difference from other types of art. The divine essence of the word was proclaimed in the Bible (John’s Gospel). The word is the main element of literature, it creates a link between the material and the spiritual.
The German philosopher Hegel called the word the most plastics material. Indeed, the means of the word can be reproduced depicted by any other kind of art. Thus, poetry by the methods of its sound organization approaches music, prosaic verbal images can create the illusion of a plastic image, etc. In addition, the word makes it possible to represent human speech. Words can describe the sound, color, smell, convey the mood, “tell” the melody, “draw” the picture. The verbal image can compete with the picturesque and musical. And yet he has his limits – literature only uses words.
In prehistoric times, literature existed verbally. With the advent of writing, a new stage in the development of literature began, although folklore does not lose its significance as the basis of literature and up to now. In many literary works one can find echoes of the “sources” of literature (in the works of NS Leskov, IS Turgenev, ME Saltykov-Shchedrin, etc.).
It is hardly possible to exaggerate the influence of literature on the formation of personality. The art of the word has long been a part of the social and cultural environment in which each person develops. Literature preserves and transmits from generation to generation universal spiritual values, referring directly to the consciousness of man, since the material carrier of imagery in literature is the word. The interrelation of a word, more precisely, of speech and thinking has long been studied and there is no doubt: the word is the result of thought and its instrument. With the help of words we not only express what we think: the thought process itself has a verbal (verbal) basis and is impossible outside speech. And if the word forms a thought, then the art of the word can influence the way of thinking. In the history of literature, there are many examples that support this. Often the art of the word was directly used as a powerful ideological weapon, literary works became an instrument of agitation and propaganda (for example, works of Soviet literature). Of course, these are extreme manifestations, but even if literature does not directly pretend to be an agitator and mentor, it conveys to a person the notion of certain norms and rules, finally offers him a certain way of seeing the world, forms his attitude to that information, which a person receives daily.