Profession kindergarten teacher

About the noble and extremely interesting work of the kindergarten teacher tells the story on the topic “My future profession”. The warmth of the soul, the endless kindness and patience of adults who dedicated their lives to the education of the small citizens of a large country, truly deserve respect and admiration. A low bow, you, our dear teachers.

Every morning, thousands of children’s legs skip past moms and dads, grandparents and kindergartens. Some of them cheerfully chew, tightly pressing their favorite toy to their chest, and someone whimpers, does not want to let go of the tenacious fingers of his own hand.

Gradually, the playground in front of the kindergarten is filled with children. Adults, with a last wave of their hand, rush to their business. Educators clap their hands, attracting the attention of children, the roars wipe their noses, put them in pairs with cheerful, and all amicably stomping into the lobby.

At breakfast in the group silence. Children assiduously eat porridge to grow large and strong. The capricious foster nurses, with each subsequent spoon listing relatives: “For Mum… for Dad…”. And this method works great!

In the classroom, the role of the educator is the role of the teacher. It uses pictures, toys, fairy tales to develop attention, intelligence, assiduity, and mental abilities in children. A short lesson quickly flies, and the children run out into the street, immediately joining in the noisy, lively games. Educators run around and play with them as friends. That’s what attracts me to the profession of a teacher. You stay for a long time as a child, being already an adult, an independent person.

Having plenty of exercise, the children return to their groups in pairs. The educator in the kindergarten clearly manifests a new role – the role of mother. Smoothly sliding between the dining children, she sees all at once and individually. Masha will straighten the spoon in her hand, Petya will seat her more comfortable, Sergei will help to cut the meatballs into pieces. Someone will give supplements, but someone will persuade someone to finish the second one. She will help everyone wash their hands and prepare for an afternoon snooze. He will tuck in a blanket, shave on a plump cheek. He casts an affectionate stern gaze and applies his index finger to his lips: “Silence…” and then quietly leaves the bedroom, leaving a slit in the door to at any moment look at the peacefully snuffling noses.

Well, after a quiet hour, an easy afternoon snack and classes in the music hall. Now the teacher is the head of the choir. Together with the teacher of music, the song for the upcoming matinee is learned, so that parents are touched with admiration for their talented children, and they also shoot this holiday on a video camera for family stories.

Before dinner, all our kids go for a walk, so to speak, to work up an appetite. On the sports grounds of the kindergarten they master the horizontal bars and crossbars under the watchful eye of the educator, who is now in the role of a sportsman. How to properly tighten, climb a multi-colored ladder, do not fall off the swing – all this needs to be told and shown calmly and intelligibly. If someone accidentally fell or hit – without panic to comfort the child and again interest him in the game.

During the dinner, the teacher restrains the onslaught of impatient parents, so that children can eat slowly, and only after that get a candy or ice cream from the dads that miss the day, dads and moms.

The locker room is noisy and fun. Kids babely talk about their adventures for the day. Touching the teacher with a pampering gesture and saying goodbye until tomorrow. She looks after the departing children for a long time, and then returns to the empty game room, scrolls through the notes and plans, preparing for the next working day.

My future profession is a kindergarten teacher. which I like for constant live contact with children, as well as the ability to be a versatile specialist. The psychological aspect is also very important. After all, you need to find not only an individual approach to the child, but also get along with the parents. Every day, meeting in the mornings and saying goodbye to the evenings, do not allow them for one second to doubt the safety and love of their children.



