Composition of Raskolnikov

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky – writer-philosopher, who put and solved in his works the most complicated, eternal questions of being. His characters are unusual people. They rush and suffer, commit evil deeds and repent, being in an endless search for truth. Such is the fundamental hero of the novel “Crime and Punishment” Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov. “He was so deeply absorbed in himself and secluded from everyone that he was afraid of any meeting, not only of meeting with the hostess.” He was crushed by poverty, but more than that, the restrained situation had ceased to weigh him at the last time. “

Solitude is necessary for Raskolnikov to finally formulate a theory about the superman who has the right to murder. Rodion Romanovich wants to check on himself, “whether he is a trembling creature or has the right.” To prove his theory, Raskolnikov decides to kill the old woman-interest-holder, a usurious, useless old woman, as he thinks.
Why was there such a wild theory in the head of a rather educated young man? Because of the terrible poverty in which Raskolnikov is forced to exist, injustice, impossibility, and unwillingness to remake the surrounding life. He decides to become over life, over its laws. Only a few can do this. Becoming higher and beyond the world means becoming a person, gaining real freedom, – this is what Raskolnikov thinks when he prepares for murder. Do not change the world, and his position in it seeks a hero. By all means necessary to decide, at least for something, or. “or give up life at all!”

The crime is committed, why is it so hard and terrible for our hero? He eschews the society of people, moreover the closest friend of Razumikhin, repels his sister and mother. He is afraid of “blotting” them with his crime. Only in conversations with Sonya Marmeladova Raskolnikov was able to open his soul. She is as sinful as he (he lives on a yellow ticket). On the same path Sonya was also pushed by a desperate need. She is burdened by her position, but she can not change it.

Listening to the terrible story of Raskolnikov, Sonya takes upon himself the burden of his guilt:

“What are you doing, what did you do about yourself,” Sonya said desperately. “No, there’s no one more unhappy than anyone now in the whole world!

She persuades Rodion Romanovich to repent on the square, to ease the soul in order to find peace and peace of mind lost after the murder.

Raskolnikov understands that his “theory” has failed. And he is glad of it. Suffering from the murder of the “worthless old woman”, the hero proves to himself and us that a normal person can not commit a crime with impunity, that life is much more complicated and “more inventive” than any theory. Killing the old woman, Raskolnikov was forced to kill and her innocent sister Lizaveta, who returned home at the time of the murder. This double crime weighs on Rodion Romanovich. And in the end, he confesses to the investigator in all that he has done. Repentance on the square and the investigator somewhat reconciles Raskolnikov with those around him.

But only constant spiritual care, patient sensitivity Sonja could return Rodion Romanovich to life. Tormented himself, he torments Sonia. But the time will come, and the updated hero will understand that he will now redeem all her sufferings with “infinite love”.

The novel ends with the optimistic dreams of the heroes of happiness, which they have suffered for years, spent in penal servitude. What did Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky want to express with his novel? The irrevocability of punishment for a crime is too simple, even more primitive for a writer, he is much wider and deeper. The writer-humanist Dostoevsky showed the impossibility of committing crimes with impunity and gives a chance to the more feared but repentant man to expect forgiveness. A person is not free in his destiny, he is led by providence, but a person who lives according to God’s laws approaches the ideal that Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky dreamed of – to the “perfect man.”



