About the dangers of smoking

Throughout life, a person faces big and small obstacles. Some obstacles he overcomes, with a minimum of effort, and to overcome others requires willpower and maximum effort. One of such vices is smoking. Some consider him a disease, others – a bad habit, the third – a small weakness.

Yes, maybe it’s a habit! A smoking person grasps a cigarette under any stressful situation, like a drowning man, believing that a cigarette smoked will give him confidence, calmness and help to find the answer in a difficult situation. But this is a delusion. A man himself must struggle with difficulties, and not solve his problems with a piece of paper stuffed with tobacco. She would never solve them.

Yes, maybe it’s a disease! A person addicted to nicotine, already, practically, can not give up cigarettes. But smoking is not a toy. Tobacco smoke, for example, can lead to asthma. Tobacco is one of the most powerful allergens known to science. It affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, reduces immunity, makes the smoker more susceptible to infection of the upper respiratory tract. It has also been proved that smoking plays a big role in the development of diseases such as infizema, lung cancer, heart disease. A person who smokes is more prone to chronic bronchitis than a non-smoker.

Each cigarette contains a huge amount of various harmful substances, including nicotine, which irritates the valve between the esophagus and stomach, as well as the mucous membrane of the stomach, so smokers often suffer from heartburn. Smoking can cause or aggravate a headache. These are just a few examples of diseases that smoking people suffer.

For smoking, there are no justifiable reasons. A healthy person risks making it their addiction. Quit smoking! Of course, this is easier said than done. But you must try and overcome this obstacle, however hard it was.

I hope that my words will not be the last, but still a drop in the fight against smoking.



