Book of Knowledge Source

In the book – the whole immense spiritual world of mankind. The book condenses and spreads all experience, all knowledge, the whole mind of mankind. The book is a powerful and most universal means of communication of people, peoples, generations.

The whole history of civilization is the history of an unceasing struggle for the conquest of space and time. People invented a lot of means for this: a car, an airplane, a radio, television and, finally, a spaceship. But there is only one way to overcome time – this is a book, a printed word. Praised the book as the keeper of the spiritual wealth of mankind, one of the most important and strongest links connecting generations, connecting the past, present and future – the main motive of many characteristics of the public role of the book.

The book exists much longer than typography. Over the course of many centuries, it has changed its shape depending on the level of social development and public use, as well as on materials and technology available to the era. The book of primitive people was preserved in the form of petroglyphs by the lakes of Prionezhje or on the stone walls of the caves of Spain. Clay tiles with Babylonian cuneiform are already much closer to our concept of “book” than rock paintings, and ancient scrolls of papyrus or parchment are even closer to this view.

However, only the invention of printing opened the world of spiritual wealth to a wide range of people and thereby gave a new impetus to the development of science, technology, and social thought. While the book was hand-written, its social base remained extremely narrow, the appearance of the first printed book not only coincided in time, but comparable with the great geographical discoveries. More than a hundred years ago young Engels translated from the Spanish poem the fighter for the freedom and independence of Spain, the poet Manuel Jose Quintana “In memory of Gutenberg”, dedicated to the invention of printing. In this enthusiastic hymn the book, which opened the way for human thought to immortality, was such lines:

And the thought pushed the boundaries.

And she swept away, waving her wing, into space,

Where the Future Turns On

Solemn and prophetic conversation.

Many writers, scientists, writers, poets devote their inspired lines to the glorification of the book as the generations of generations. One of the most striking and impressive statements on this topic is A. Herzen’s speech at the opening of the public library in Vyatka. The motives of other sayings and aphorisms are similar: the book and life, the book and the time, the book and the work. “Mental medicine,” – said three thousand years ago, an inscription above the entrance to the library of Ramses II. In the Arabic literary monument of the fourteenth century it is written: “The book is a fur filled with knowledge and wit, a vessel filled with serious and playful.” How good is a flower bed that can be carried in a road bag and how beautiful is the garden that can always be deployed in front of you!

Have you heard of a tree that at any time brings edible fruits of various varieties and different tastes? Have you heard of a tree that does not wither, or a flower that does not fade, or a fruit that does not deteriorate. She [the book] is the grave of secrets, the treasure store, the storehouse of sciences, the source of wisdom, the mine of nobility. “



