What should be the president

And we are faced with a variety of very diverse images. Who remembers the endless wheat fields and the blue clear sky; before someone there is a beautiful Lybid, fearless Svyatoslav, desperate Ivan Sirko. Someone hears the songs of Marousi Churay. Someone remembers the lines of T. Shevchenko. All these are images of our Ukraine, its most valuable acquisitions.

Each state has its own history, culture, territory, language, patriotically minded people, a stable economy. Our Ukraine owns all this in full. It appeared relatively recently on the modern political map of the world as an independent state, but its statehood has existed for many centuries, it was founded by our Slavic ancestors in boundless territories, which included not only Ukrainian lands. Since the very foundation of Ukraine, they tried to destroy and subjugate many powerful states, but the Ukrainian people always rose to fight the invaders. He did not always win, but he fought hard. The people’s struggle was led by a fiery patriot, the true son of his freedom-loving Ukraine. We need such a person now to lead the country. Because today different states are pulling Ukraine around, trying to return to a path of development that is beneficial to them. But Ukraine must protect the interests of its citizens and function in the way that our people need.

We are the Ukrainian people. If all people do not make efforts to this matter, nothing will change. I am sure that the person who heads a large group of like-minded people is a real force that can fight for their rights, ideals and convictions. This raises the question of choosing a Chief. This is the contribution of each of us to the creation of the state. Here we must not be mistaken, because we have the opportunity to elect a leadership on our conscience.

Our President, first of all, must be an educated, highly moral and intelligent person, because his duty will be to stop the degradation of our society.

The president is the face of the country, therefore, he should even serve as an example for his own people and create respect for oneself. Also, this person should be headed by a person who is purposeful, has will power, which can and can start an important matter and bring it to the end.

The president should be governed by such thoughts:

All my strengths, high enthusiasm,

And I will give my life to the last step,

To make you happy, Ukraine,

My fate is strange

The future President certainly should help the development of small and medium-sized businesses, create conditions for the inflow of foreign capital, the development of technologies, and improve the laws and legislative system of Ukraine. It should raise the domestic economy, establish production of quality products. In the country’s budget, it is necessary to take into account the increase in wages and pensions and actually pay them.

I hope that the President (with a group of intelligent, like-minded professionals) will be able to revive enterprises, increase production and quality of goods, improve the standard of living of citizens, solve problems in education, science, culture, and ecology. The authorities should create such conditions that talented specialists do not aspire to go abroad, so that talented students

People glorified the state with inventions, new technologies, writers told about our glorious history and today, the artists painted landscapes of the Motherland…

The future of the country is children. Therefore, the problem of education is very important. The future President needs to solve the problems of a limited number of places for budget education, social protection of children and youth. It is also necessary to improve the programs of state aid to orphans, low-income and large families, the elderly, sick and infirm people, people with disabilities. The President should make medical aid really free. This person needs to be a person of an ecological era. We often and much talk about the beauty of the environment. Indeed, the boundless fields amaze with their boundlessness, the mountains, as if grown into the blue of the sky, – by their greatness… We take this for granted and do not even assume that suddenly all this beauty can disappear. Therefore, the President must take care of our common home, as well as everyone, who lives in this house. The slogan for him should be the following words:

I will breathe, fall, grow and fight to the end,

For our wrath is great, because the road is even.

I’ll take your sorrows and grieve the heavy half

Torn, proud, unbowed heart is mine!

In the presidential elections, young people also showed their high political activity: and in the 1994 parliamentary elections only 25 percent of young people participated, in the 1998 elections, more than 50 percent came to the polling stations, and during the presidential elections – as much as 70. I think that’s exactly what prompted the President to revise the state youth policy.

Is this not the best evidence of the weighty role of youth in modern Ukrainian society? Yes, we must accumulate knowledge today at school desks, taking care of our future. But this future is inseparably linked with the future of our Motherland, and therefore it seems to me mistaken to say that we are learning “for ourselves”.

Now, sometimes in the press, I come across the assumption that it will be difficult for us young people to raise the economy in the third millennium: on the way will be an abandoned state of the economy, severe environmental conditions, the lack of our experience. But, I think, it is not so. Young people adapt more quickly to existing conditions, since they do not have the burden of the past. And as we move towards a democratic state, this trend will only increase.

It is clear that with time, when Ukraine along the path of independence will come to its heyday, the interests of the young generation will gradually depart from the political plane into the domestic one. This phenomenon is not new, since in a politically stable state the majority does not have a propensity for politics in its pure form, but has many interests related to it: work, education, spiritual development.

“Whoever has youth – he has a future,” the wise used to say in the old days. I know that our hands are ready for change, we get reliable knowledge, in our souls – a pure fire of progressive changes. But I would very much like to see the word “patriotism” become our slogan. For only by loving our Motherland, its hard-working people, the unsurpassed beauty of its land, in a word – with what is called a loud word “patriotism” – only with this, today’s high school students must make a step in the third millennium to their future.



