In my opinion, a citizen is first and foremost a person who is not indifferent, knows, loves and appreciates the cultural heritage of his ancestors. It hurts because the palace, built by an outstanding architect of the past, was destroyed, a monument was blown up, a monastery was desecrated.
I am sure that without the past there is no present and future. We should not be Ivan’s who do not remember the kinship. In my opinion, unconsciousness is a crime against the historical and cultural heritage of Russia. After all, the state is strong not only with its military and economic might, but also with respect for the achievements of its ancestors, the preservation of traditions and unique monuments of antiquity, the memory of important events and outstanding personalities.
We should appreciate the creations of the minds and hands of our ancestors, know the history of our people, feel and cherish the fragile connection of times. Otherwise, our whole earth will one day become a mirage, a ghost.
How to educate the real citizens of your country? One should not call for patriotism, but instill it from childhood, starting with a small one: love for the family, place of birth, home. The key to respect, understanding of true values, in my opinion, is the knowledge of native history. Love for the Motherland can not appear in a man suddenly, because someone ordered. This feeling grows and strengthens throughout life.
Its origins are in respect, awe-inspiring attitude towards the place where he was born, grew up, to his home, people who raised you, in memory of his ancestors. As a child, each of us should begin to study the history of the Fatherland in order to be proud of our ancestors. Then we will not have abandoned old people, ancient monuments decaying, dilapidated buildings of great architects of the past, forgotten books and dying folk crafts.
Not knowing the past, you can not love the present, think about the future. “The tree is strongly rooted,” says the proverb. Our roots are our past, history and national culture. Without them, the tree can not live, they keep it in the soil and nourish it.
Without knowing or forgetting our great history, primordial culture, we can lose national dignity, national identity. Those who do not appreciate the culture of their country, will not be able to respect the great achievements of other nations, most likely, will begin to worship second-rate, homegrown or alien, can only perceive mass culture. As a rule, a person brought up outside the traditions of his own culture does not have a future, no matter which country of residence he chooses. This can not be a patriot of his homeland, he is indifferent to her present, he does not care for her future.
Crises and shocks are hard lessons in history, but they must be learned in order not to be repeated. We must always remember our roots, which we can be proud of. History often provides answers to the most pressing issues of our time, cultural traditions nourish the ground for the birth of new talents and geniuses. The achievements of our ancestors give us hope that our own work will lead the country to long-awaited prosperity.