Nature surrounds the person from birth to the last day of life and largely determines his behavior, aspirations, views, and character. And now, with a high level of development of civilization, people’s lives are still subject to biological laws.
The person is inside and belongs to nature. Nature has been and remains the wet nurse of mankind, its resources are the main source of its vital forces.
Today, in some parts of the world, the living conditions under the influence of atmospheric pollution, water bodies and soil are deteriorating. There is also an increasing number of various harmful stimuli affecting both humans and the world around them.
Right the singer of Russian nature KG Paustovsky, who claimed that modern man, we all need ship forests, deep rivers, oceans of healing air, rich gardens and flowering meadows. We need fresh lakes, ringing springs, bird flocks stretching in the misty sky over the golden autumnal groves, the breeze of birds, the shining of the night constellations in the smokeless sky and the wide bright rainbows are forerunners of the fat crops.
In our country, reserved places are known from the 11th-12th centuries. In the modern world, nature protection is a complex concept. This is the state policy, the social movement, the branch of practice, and the new science. Remember that from birth in the man laid great potential of love for nature.
So let us develop it in ourselves, let us care and love the parent of all living things, live in harmony with both plants and our lesser brothers!