My future profession is a nurse

After graduation, everyone has to make a choice of their profession. It’s time to finally find the answer to the question: “Who do I want to be?”. After much meditation, I realized that I want to become a nurse.

The main reason for my choice is the desire to help people. A nurse is also a very noble profession. People who are in hospital do not have enough care and attention, and a nurse can comfort a patient when no one is around. Besides, walking along the street, I can face the fact that someone will need medical help. For example, some elderly woman will become ill, or a young guy will fall and break his leg. I want to have the professional skills and knowledge to help in such cases.

I believe that the profession of a nurse is very useful. It is useful in life, because a nurse always knows how to provide first aid. I have parents, there will be children, and I want to be able to provide them with medical care that can save their lives.

A nurse should be kind, able to empathize, and I have these qualities, so I can become a good nurse who will be appreciated and respected. If I become a nurse and I will help people, I will feel that I live not in vain and do something useful for society.



