“My Favorite Lessons” essay

I want to start my work with a well-known truth: people, for the most part, do not appreciate what they have, they perceive it as a reality. So our humanitarian class considered the Russian language and literature to be just lessons, on which it is necessary to be present and as far as possible and able to carry out assignments. But everything has changed since this year, when we came to the eleventh class, It turns out that in order to “love” something, you must first lose it. I say this not casually, since our eleventh humanitarian, by the will of fate (so it turned out) was combined with a chemical-biological class. This innovation has had a noticeable effect on the schedule of lessons. For two weeks, which we managed to unlearn in the final class, we had six hours of chemistry and eight hours of physics (. ) a week (for humanitarians it is scarier than terrible) and only a few hours of Russian and literature. During these fourteen days we managed to get bored of dictations, all sorts of analysis, essay-reasoning and training assignments in the Russian language. I was glad that the director promised us that soon there will be a new timetable in which the Russian with the literature will be present in a larger number. and they will be led by one of our most beloved, strong teachers, not only the Lyceum, but also the city of Merkel, Nadezhda Karpovna.

After coming to school after the weekend, I looked carefully at the stand with the schedule and… (about the delight of the soul!) I saw the long-awaited: Russian – the twenty-third office; literature is the twenty-third cabinet.

Not remembering ourselves for joy, our class rushed to the suddenly learned lesson of the Russian language. Nadezhda Karpovna (it was she!), In order to bring us to life and return to earth, immediately gave dictation. And then I realized: “My God, what a pleasure it is to be engaged with your beloved teacher, in your favorite office, your favorite subject.” At such moments, a rethinking of all values ​​comes. If earlier we were similar to Mitrofan from the play of D. I. Fonvizin “Nedorosl”, now we can rightfully say: “No, we do not want to get married, we want to study.” And this is not only the merit of our parents, but also of Nadezhda Karpovna, who for four years, alternating honey and tar, a whip and a carrot, brought up the beautiful in us, “squeezing out of us slaves by drop.” And now in the eleventh grade, picking up a book with the stories of A. P.

It would seem, how it is possible to bring up the best human qualities, to form the person, teaching the allocation of suffixes, prefixes and so on. Can! At the Russian lessons I learned the correct speech, I understood how important it is to be a literate person, to know my language, to use it skillfully, to be proud of its knowledge and, in the final analysis, because I am the bearer of the “great and mighty.” I became a patriot, fully aware of the meaning and significance of this word.

And again about the lesson. We do not have boring lessons. I do not remember a single one when I was not involved in the work from a call to a call. Only he (the bell) pulls me out of the magic of grammar, stylistics and other miracles of the Russian language.

The teacher knows how to make any topic interesting. We are short of 45 minutes. There are no meaningless exercises with a set of suggestions for any analysis. Any examples are quotes from the classics. And the teacher dictates them from memory. This conquers and amazes. It seems that she knows by heart the entire school curriculum. Dry rules are seen and perceived differently. You begin to understand the great importance of each comma. Acts unusually. I want to know no less. You run to the library, read, you learn!

And in the lessons of Russian and literature, in addition to receiving a lot of useful and interesting information, I am charged emotionally. Nadezhda Karpovna is able to revive any boring topics. She has a special gift in everything to find positive moments, to cheer up and inspire to work. To ourselves we are surprised: suddenly in this 23 office forces are coming from somewhere – and you sit, you think, you create. I remember the words of a children’s song: “We must learn cheerfully, so that we can learn well.”

Years will pass. Much will change. I will become an adult, but I will definitely return to the Lyceum’s native walls, I’ll come to the classroom where we sat at school desks, where we studied the humanities and the ability to be human, we learned at the lessons of our Hope Karpovna.



