Conventional assignment

A sentence sentence containing an indication of the condition, in spite of which what is being said in the main sentence is carried out; is attached to the main sentence with the help of unions, although, let it be, let it be, for nothing, etc., as well as combinations of interrogative and relative pronouns or adverbs with a particle (who neither that nor, no matter where, wherever, wherever, how much neither, etc.). It was already quite warm, although all around lay a loose, heavy snow (Semushkin). Despite the fact that Semyonov spoke pure truth and was really a good mechanic, everything in him irritated Vasily (Nikolaev). He was all clearly visible, for nothing that he went in the shade (Turgenev). He did not get anything done, whatever he did (Fedin).

Dictionary-reference of linguistic terms. Ed. The 2 nd. – M. Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E. Telenkova MA 1976.

See what “subordinate clause offers” in other dictionaries:

What – 1) what, what, what, what, what, places. 1. interrogative. Denotes the question of the subject, phenomenon, attribute, etc. What does he seek in the distant country? What he threw in the edge of his own? Lermontov, Sail. What do you want: tea or coffee? Hey, Afanasya, coffee to the doctor, yes.. .. Small academic dictionary

ACTIVE – ACTIVE, conclusive, conclusive (ling.). Expressing a concession, assuming anything. Conjunctive unions (eg, though, let it, etc., etc.). Conjunctive subordinate clause. Ceding period. Explanatory dictionary Ushakov. D. N… .. Explanatory dictionary Ushakov

Conjuration – WONDERFUL, oh, oh. In grammar: expressing the discrepancy of what n. existing conditions, not relevant to n. conditions. Ceding relationship. U. union. Conjunctive subordinate clause. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. SI Ozhegov, N. Yu… .. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

SPEECH – EXCEPTIONAL, OWN, OVER. In grammar: expressing the discrepancy of what n. existing conditions, not relevant to n. conditions. Ceding relationship. U. union. Conjunctive subordinate clause. | | n. conciseness, and, wives. Explanatory.. .. Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegova

Conventional assignments – Predicate subordinate parts as part of dissected complex sentences, in which the subordinate clause designates the opposite condition, and in the main the opposite effect is expressed. P. U. called the situation, the event, in spite of which… .. Dictionary of Linguistic Terms T. Zherebilo

Conventional assignments – Predicate subordinate parts as part of dissected complex sentences, in which the subordinate clause designates the opposite condition, and in the main the opposite effect is expressed. P. U. call the situation, the event, in spite of.. .. Syntax: Dictionary-Directory

Conventional assignment