Composition Patronage

Like every great writer, Anatoly Pristavkin uses the broad possibilities of the newspaper text to fight the vices of modern society. Full of sarcasm of the line, telling about the old Tver merchant women, expose their wealth to show and express contempt for others. This is also affected by modern “money-bags”. Condemning the latter, the author sharpens a very important problem: among the rich people of modern Russia there are many honest and conscientious people, baking “without a fuss about the future of Russia,” real Russian patrons.

The moral question posed by the author of a newspaper article, refers to the category of socially significant. At all times, among the rich people met individuals who think not only of their own profit, but also the fate of the country, helping the sick and poor, unhappy and abandoned. And in our days this problem remains burning.

Most of the text is devoted to the condemnation of “puffy moneybags,” but I was more attracted by the author’s position on the issues of patronage. Talking about his fellow countryman AP Degtyarev, a true philanthropist, Pristavkin proudly says that this person is “the personification of a new Russia, where through cruelty and depravity the human is different in people.”

I share the writer’s point of view: at all times among the rich people there were hundreds of those who thought about the future of the nation.

A striking example are the patrons of the nineteenth century Savva Morozov and Pavel Tretyakov. The latter left his native city with a famous gallery of unique art paintings. The name of this person is remembered by everyone who comes to the Tretyakov Gallery of the capital.

There are similar people in our day, and they, like Tretyakov, are very modest. Often in the newspaper “Panorama of Our Life”, in articles telling that someone was helped after the fire, they gave money for an expensive operation, they say that there were sponsors. But these are the same patrons who are ready to help the sick and suffering, thereby thinking about the future of Russia.

Composition Patronage