Composition on the theme of Nature’s Beauty

The beauty of nature has always attracted a person, inspired his mind. Reflecting on this, I immediately recall the lines from S. Yesenin’s poem “Sunrise”: “The dawn of red dawned in the sky in dark blue, The strip was clear in its brilliance with gold.”

What bright colors, what juicy nuances the poet used to convey all the charm of the surrounding world! But not only truly creative people are given to see nature in all its diversity. We can also admire the Russian forest, the vast expanse of fields, the bottomless, clean rivers. After all, all this surrounds us.

It is only necessary to take a closer look at everyday things, which we sometimes leave without attention. Here, for example, a lone daisy on a green lawn. Look how beautiful this flower is in the midst of summer. The dazzling white color is absolutely combined with the bright yellow. A lovely bud keeps on a thin, modest stalk, which at first seems quite weak and defenseless. But actually it is not. Only with one glance at this little miracle, you understand how perfect nature is. All the components of the flower, as if carved on a special machine. All details and proportions are perfectly observed, and, for you, there is nothing more beautiful than this chamomile.

In an instant you feel an extraordinary burst of vitality, emotions overwhelm your soul. Undoubtedly, nature can influence the mood of a person, open new horizons of being. Thus, we can safely say that the beauty of nature is a huge force that can make humankind more kind and tolerant towards all life on Earth.

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Composition on the theme of Nature’s Beauty