There is nothing more beautiful than a spring forest. He is bright and joyful. In the spring, forest trees and bushes put on a new outfit. The fresh green foliage rustles again on the branches. The ground under the trees is covered with grass and soft moss.
Everything is updated in the spring in the spring. White birches, for example, are decorated with odorous “earrings”. Even evergreen pine trees and fir trees in a gloomy forest do not stay away from spring. They change their dark needles to a new, light and tender. Running fresh tree juices along the tree trunks, even the bark is renewed. The bright spring sun illuminates the trunks, and they also seem to shine with amber light. This is the time when you can gently collect the healing juice in the birch grove.
The forest bugs, all sorts of bugs, ladybugs, bumblebees come to life. And the first forest flowers blossom. First, white snowdrops appear on the wet earth. And then – yellow and purple crocuses. Every day more flowers blossom in the forest: primulas, medinits, forget-me-nots, bells, lilies of the valley, wild daffodils, wild tulips and many others! Insects fuss over them, they collect the first nectar.
They get out of the mink foxes, somewhere in the den a bear wakes up. From distant lands migrating birds return. They fill the forest with their voices. In the spring forest birds gulp, singing wonderful trills. The small gray bird, the nightingale, sings especially beautifully on spring nights. A little later the birds build nests to bring out the chicks in the summer.
Spring is a time when the entire forest nature rejoices in the sun and heat!