Composition of the Second World War

The Great Patriotic War is a huge spiritual wound in human hearts. This tragedy began on the twenty-second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, and ended four years later, four heavy years, on the ninth of May, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five.

On that Sunday, June twenty-second, in one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, millions of Soviet people clung to radio receivers, millions of hearts seemed to stop: “Today at four o’clock in the morning without making any claims to the Soviet Union, without announcing the war, German troops attacked our country. “

The Brest Fortress took the first blow. At three fifteen in the morning on the fortress a hurricane artillery fire was opened, which caught the garrison by surprise. As a result, warehouses, water pipes were destroyed, communications were cut off, and large losses were caused to the garrison. At three forty-five the assault began. The surprise of the attack led to the fact that the garrison could not provide a single resistance. But only towards the evening of the twenty-fourth the Germans took possession of the fortress. But even after that there were single

Fighters. One of the inscriptions in the fortress reads: “I’m dying, but I’m not giving up.” Goodbye, Motherland 20.VII.41 ” Shooting was heard from the fortress until early August.

The same heroism was displayed by Soviet soldiers and ordinary people in defending the besieged Leningrad. When the Germans unexpectedly quickly approached the city, women and teenagers had to build defensive structures. The German army surrounded the city with a ring of blockade. By his decision, Hitler condemned the city to starvation. But Leningrad was ready for defense. All summer day and night about half a million people created defensive lines in the city. But even the leadership of our country was not sure that the city could be defended. The only means of communication between Leningrad and the Great Land was the Road of Life,

Ice road through Lake Ladoga. When the German command realized that they would not be able to capture the city, the number of shells that fell on the city increased six-fold – they simply decided to erase the hated city from the face of the earth. The Russian army launched an offensive. By the time the blockade broke through, there were eight hundred thousand left in the city.

Examples of such heroism are many. When the earth burned from the ruptures of the shells, the sky blackened, the soldiers of the Soviet army, despising death, bravely fought for their Motherland, defending every centimeter of the earth. Even terrible to remember what our soldiers experienced in the war. Compared to the Germans, they were poorly armed, some soldiers went into battle with their bare hands, if someone died nearby, they took his weapons and went to the enemy. They took revenge on their comrades, and this gave them strength.

The enemy spared no one. Examples of torture of fascists over Soviet people can be given endlessly. It hurts to remember this, but you can not forget about it. Few have reached Berlin, but the glory of the dead, their names live in our hearts. In the Great Patriotic War, people showed what the Russian people are capable of and what a great and powerful country of ours.

Russia not only drove the fascists out of its borders, it liberated other countries under the yoke of fascism.

Vaughn swept across the expanses of our vast country, carrying death and destruction with her. But everyone believed and knew that victory would be ours. The country would not have stood such a terrible test, had it not lived by the same thought: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”

How much the Russian people suffered during this time, people stood the cold, hunger, enemy bombings, did not sleep, spent the night in the streets, even cities stood against the enemies. We must bow our heads before these exploits.

This war has remained in our memory, as the greatest war in history. War: How much this word means. War is the suffering of mothers, hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers, thousands of orphans and families without fathers: We are children of peacetime, and it is difficult for us to imagine how our peers could fight in the war. But they fought, knowing how to face the deadly danger. They gave their lives for the fate of the Motherland, for their families.



