The Virgin was just about to wash the shirt of Jesus when she saw a girl in the meadow who grazed the cow. I called her and asked her to hold the baby. The girl who was called Katerina, willingly agreed.
Holding Jesus, she furtively cut off the golden curl.
The Virgin, seeing that one curl lacked, asked Katerina:
“Did you take the curl?”
“He has such beautiful curls that I wanted to take one for myself.” If you want, I will return, – flaming with shame, answered the girl.
– Keep it.
The next day Katerina again grazed the cow in the meadow and hoped that once again there would be a beautiful lady with a baby in her arms. But instead an angel appeared and asked:
– Have you seen the Lord and the Mother of God nearby?
– Yesterday I saw one lady with a baby. The lady was washing, and the baby was asleep. Look, even left me his curl.
The angel took a curl and recognized him from the Lord. Katerina gasped. “I was holding the Lord in my hands,” she said to herself, “but did not recognize Him.”
Once, Katerina picked up water from the well. Suddenly I saw a traveler. He was dressed in a red cloak and leaned on the flower-decorated staff.
“Would you give me water to drink, Catherine?”
“Drink,” and handed him the bucket. “How do you know my name?” Have we met once before?
The stranger did not answer, but, having satisfied his thirst, said goodbye. Anxious Katherine asked herself a flower, – of those that adorn his cane.
The pilgrim gave her a flower and moved on quickly. A minute later the angel appeared and, seeing Catherine, asked:
– Did you see, the Lord passed here?
“I saw a sunburned stranger and gave him water to drink.” Look, he even left me a flower from his club.
The angel recognized by the flower of the Lord. Katerina was petrified. “I gave the Lord water to drink,” she said to herself, “and did not recognize Him.”
One day Katerina baked bread. When suddenly a stranger came to her. He was so tattered, as if he had been entangled by all the misfortunes of the world. Katerina realized that the stranger was hungry, and said:
“I’ll finish making bread, I’ll give you one.” In the meantime, sit down.
I took the bread out of the oven, took a loaf of bread and gave it to the poor man. Terribly pleased, he immediately began to eat. And before he left, he picked up the crumbs and put them in Katerina’s hand with the words:
“I can give you only crumbs of your mercy, they are enough for birds.”
When the poor man left, an angel appeared immediately, who asked Katerina:
“Have you seen the Lord passing by here?”
– I saw a wretched, poorest of all the poor people in the world – I was hungry. I gave him bread, and he left me these crumbs.
“It was the Lord!”
Then Katerina was huddled in sobs, and the whole house ran to find out the cause of these tears.
That’s why if a child, a foreigner, a beggar is asked for something, they are never sent empty-handed. In each of them, people see the Lord.