Pythagoras is an ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher. Pythagoras was born in Sidon of Phoenician.
The facts of the biography of Pythagoras are not known reliably. About his life path can be judged only from the works of other ancient Greek philosophers. In their opinion, the mathematician Pythagoras communicated with the most famous sages, scientists of that time.
It is known that for a long time Pythagoras stayed in Egypt, studying local ordinances. Then in the biography of the philosopher Pythagoras there was a trip to Babylon. Only after that he returned to Samos. At that time Policrates was in charge there, because of the tyrannical power of which Pythagoras was forced to leave Samos.
Pythagoras settled in the south of Italy. Philosophy of Pythagoras, his way of life attracted many followers. Having united, they created an order that achieved great power in Cortona. However, later Pythagoras himself had to leave for Metapont, since along with the followers, the philosopher and the scientist had many opponents.
As a mathematician Pythagoras achieved great success. He is credited with the discovery and proof of Pythagoras’ theorem, the creation of the Pythagorean table. It is known that the members of his order were engaged in cosmology, believed in the transmigration of souls. The philosophical teaching of Pythagoras can be divided into two parts – scientific and religious.
Biography of Pythagoras