“A long string is a lazy girl”

Our grandmother is a skilled embroiderer. The tablecloth embroidered with it adorns the festive table. On weekdays on the table in the living room – another tablecloth with embroidery, made no less skillfully. And still admire the embroidered curtains, napkins, towels. On my pillows are pillowcases – with embroidered little animals, some intricate patterns. And grandmother embroider portraits of famous people, for example, N. Gogol and T. Shevchenko. Embroidery grandmother devotes all his free time, and embroidered from his youth. This was taught to her by my mother, my great-grandmother.

Grandmother undertook to teach me how to embroider. “Maybe it will not become a matter of your life,” she said, “but you will learn how to love beautifully.” Grandmother explained that the thread should not be long. “Otherwise, it will get confused, you will be nervous and only ruin the embroidery.” And embroidery, like any other work, requires perseverance and, of course, a good mood, “added the grandmother.

Once my grandmother gave me the task of embroidering a petal of chrysanthemum. And she went on business. To me, as luck would have it, I did not feel like doing handicrafts that day. I decided to speed up the work. I pulled a long thread into the needle. And… everything ended in failure: the thread began to get confused, then it broke off. One can only guess how my grandmother reacted when she saw what I had done. She said: “A long string is a lazy girl.” “Do not worry, granddaughter, it’s just a proverb.” In my youth, I had to hear it in my address. “

“A long string is a lazy girl”