Spring came and painted the city in different colors. It no longer seems so gray, glassy and concrete as in a slushy time. The city comes to life in full view.
The trees and bushes, lawns and roadsides became green. The first small flowers break through the wet soil in the flower beds. So far, they are modest, but soon on the flower beds will appear and more magnificent of their brethren. People hang new bright signs at stores, paint windows and wickets of private houses. The janitors whitewash the borders to make the city look smart.
And fashionable women pull out colorful outfits from the cupboards: all kinds of red pantyhose, yellow scarves, green dresses, silvery shoes, blue raincoats, golden shoes. People start to dress easily, move freely, quickly. It’s nice to walk in the park in the spring or just down the street, to see the multicolored crowd.
Spring decorates the city. On sunny days, everyone is even in a better mood. Passers-by loudly talking, laughing loudly, not that in winter, when people gloomy and gloomy crawled to work and work. In the evenings young flocks of youth gather, they communicate, joke with each other, have fun.
Time to skate and skateboard! Young people gather at convenient urban areas. Mom’s cursing, they say, will smash their heads on the asphalt, but the boys still do not let go of the cherished board. And the roller skates and girls. Particularly “businesslike” are those who put on all the “ammunition” for safety reasons: helmets, knee pads and elbow pads.