During the Great Patriotic War, Fadeev did a great job in the Writers’ Union, often went to the front, edited the newspaper “Literature and Art.” In the summer of 1943, the writer was invited to the Central Committee of the Komsomol and showed documents on the underground Krasnodon organization “Young Guard”. After reading the materials, Fadeev took up the book himself. Later he confessed to the readers: “I very willingly took up the novel, which was facilitated by some autobiographical circumstances, I also started my own youth underground in 1918. It was so fateful that the first years of youth passed in the mining environment, then I had to study at the Mining Academy” . Sharply feeling the “connection of times”.
Fadeev took up his work with inspiration. In 1946, the novel “Young Guard” was published, causing a huge reader interest. The novel is based on a film. made theatrical productions. But in general, the novel was seriously criticized.
It did not show the leading role of the Bolshevik underground. In fact, there was a Bolshevik underground in Krasnodon, which directed and directed the activities of the youth organization. Fadeev was very upset with criticism. He reworked the novel, which, according to contemporaries, “is one of the most noble and poetic books about the days of the Great Patriotic War.”
The main idea of the novel is the incompatibility of two social systems: the world of socialism and the new German order. The very beginning of the “Young Guard”. A flock of girls on the shore (the river, admiring, despite the rumblings of gun shots, the river lily, the sky, the Donetsk steppe, the memory of cloudless childhood moments – all this merges into a single image goes inside, now lives in the souls of people, in their memory.
No wonder the mustachioed major says: “No, brother, you’re running around!” Life is on, and our children are thinking of you (fascism) as a plague or cholera. “You came and you leave, and life is like learning and working.
And he was thinking! “Our life is forever, but who is he?” Pimple in a smooth place, – hampered, & copy ALLS oc h. ru and not him. “The first movement of the soul when the Germans appear is a somewhat naïve demonstration of the autonomy of their position.
“In the end, what does it matter to the Germans,” Valya Borts thinks to herself. ” Because of its actual basis, the novel is populated by a significantly larger number of individuals (about 200) than the laws of the genre required. Here is a charming young man, sometimes childishly naive and direct, but possessing the ability to think deeply and clearly, the ability to show the necessary sobriety at critical moments.
This is Oleg Koshevoy. He can not be confused with Seryozha Tyulenin, desperately brave, thirsting for feats and committing them. To match Lyubka Shevtsova, Tyulenin, is mischievous, “light as fire,” and at the same time a shrewd girl. Sometimes it acts risky, but brilliantly fulfills the tasks of the “adults” and the staff of the Young Guard. A different plan Vanya Zemnukhov, nicknamed for his erudition professor.
This image is captivated by the richness of spiritual life, the poetic nature of the worldview. Vanya has great will power, coolness and endurance. Romantic and the image of Uliana Gromova: “tall, slender girl with heavy black braids, with eyes that squirting clear strong light, then full of mysterious strength, more silent than mischievous, rather even, passionate, but both of them together.” Heroes-young guards are not exceptional natures.
Their life has put before a choice, more truly, has not left other choice how to leave in immortality. The author does not create a halo of sacrifice around his beloved heroes. The charm of the novel is precisely that the Fadeev young guardsmen, in such severe conditions, are true to their youth, which is inconceivable without a bright dream, disinterested friendship. first feelings of love, mischief and spontaneity. They were preparing for peaceful creative work – these boys and girls, but destiny intended them to test the war. and they honored it with honor, showing us and the whole world how to love their homeland!
This book is an excellent document of our history and the edification of the descendants, if suddenly someone else wants to encroach on Russia. I do not belong to those skeptics who say that today’s youth is degenerating. No, no and NO. We have someone to take an example with, how to build life.