Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world

Perhaps, all Russian people on their lips live and will live a famous poem in prose, written more than two hundred years ago to the great Russian classics IS Turgenev, about the Russian language. “Great and mighty” – that’s what we call our native language in all senses, in all situations, sometimes ironically, at times very seriously, exploring it. Of course, we are all familiar with the words “wealth and depth of the Russian language”, not empty for a Russian person.

A metaphorical and a little, perhaps, pathos saying, but truly truthful. Let us turn to the discussion on this topic, guided by the opinions of Russian academicians. Indeed, scientists have long decided how to define the unspoken term “wealth”. Wealth is a ramified system of phonetic, derivational, lexical, morphological, syntactic structure of the Russian language, in which these elements intertwine and form a single layer of culture, traditions of the Russian people. If you compare each of the levels of the Russian language, you can be sure of its uniqueness, but at the same time, complexity.

For example, only the morphological system of the Russian language has no analogues among other world languages. If we compare Russian and English, then the category of case in our language is quite branched, and in English it is practically not expressed. Also in the same languages ​​the category of the verb form is expressed in different ways. In this regard, the whole of world science recognized that the Russian language – the most difficult to study and therefore rich. Language also throughout its development was formed by famous writers, forming and honing one or other of its sides. For example, it is believed that it was in the era of Pushkin’s creativity that a modern Russian literary language was formed.



