“The problem of culture” composition

Culture certainly affects the life of each of us. After all, it is she who brings up our very childhood, hence our life, our worldview and our future depend on our culture. Literature, music, painting – all this leaves an indelible impression in the memory of man and educates in people the correct perception of art and culture…
Yuri Lotman on this occasion wrote many articles, where he expressed his attitude to the above mentioned problem. After all, the perception of fiction and culture as a whole is not the same for different people. For example, Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich considered A. Fet to be his favorite poet and learned a lot from him, and Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev believed that A. Fet was an example of nonsense. Yuri Lotman in his journalistic articles writes that good literature is one that helps people to understand the world and facilitates communication between people. I think it’s hard not to agree with the publicist. Indeed, the most important thing is the purpose of art and what it brings to people. After all, only the real art in its goals coincides with the goals of culture.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was very worried about this problem. In his works he tried to show us, the readers a sample of the wrong life, how we should not do anything. The dull and wrong life of Chekhov’s heroes forces readers to draw conclusions about the correctness of life, about proper life goals and moral choice. Looking at the heroes from Chekhov’s stories, we see that people do not have to live that way, that we are created for a completely different life, not so boring and monotonous. Man is created to know the world, to love, to improve, to learn, to enjoy life. It is difficult not to agree with the convictions of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, because people need not the “three arshins of the earth”, but the entire globe. We must dream and think, love and fantasize, make plans and set goals. Need to live! We must strive for a beautiful life, work to dream and learn, if we want to live life with dignity. All this, as Stanislavsky said, from the “Region of the Eternal,” to which one can not be taken without excitement.
K. Paustovsky in his work “The Old Cook” also reflected on the importance of culture in human life. We learn about the life of Mozart, who devoted his whole life to art and creativity. Playing on the harpsichord, he said to the blind chef: “Listen and look.” He knew perfectly well that the cook was blind, but still told him to “look.” I think Mozart’s works helped the chef to actually “see through”. To see the garden, the sky, the beauty of nature, which Mozart invested in his works.
All his life devoted to art, Mozart was happy that it gives people happiness.
Art has a huge impact on human life, it creates our world, our imagination, our soul. As PI Tchaikovsky said: “Art creates good people, shapes the human soul.”

“The problem of culture” composition