Everyone knows that in the age of computerization, scientific and technical progress without knowledge, without a wide range of horizons, it is difficult to live. In our time, education is the road to the future. A person going to tomorrow is unthinkable without a breadth of views on life, without realizing his role in society. To master the knowledge, to learn how to apply them in life, to become an educated person is the task of each of us.
Studying at school, we think about our future. We understand that each of us is educated in order to master the profession. Often the knowledge that we receive in school is not enough, and the person continues to study further, choosing secondary special or higher educational institutions. Choosing a profession is an important step in the life of each of us. The main thing is to make the right decision, then not to regret about your choice, because our future life depends on this choice. And if a person
He correctly identified with the profession, it gives him joy. Only if a person works creatively, with desire, work can benefit other people and the whole country.
Being educated in our time is necessary. But being educated does not mean getting a higher or specialized secondary education. Of course, you need to learn. In our country there are many higher and secondary educational institutions with a high level and quality of education, which every year produce “specialists.” But for some reason their professionalism is not always at a high level, not always graduates work with enthusiasm, creatively. Perhaps for such people the main thing is getting a diploma, or maybe they chose a profession not to their liking. Sometimes it happens that a person who has not graduated from a university is much more erudite, smarter than a specialist with a higher education.
An educated person tries to constantly expand his horizons. Nobody can know everything. Our knowledge accumulates gradually. Even the most superficial views can be deepened, but for this you need to make yourself work, do not be lazy to think. To achieve certain success, you need to make an effort: read a lot, work on the formation of the necessary skills, skills. But life does not stand still, and it often happens that the knowledge gained earlier may not be enough. Therefore, you need to engage in self-education. Let us recall Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. We consider him a genius. Yes, he was a talented person, but he achieved everything by self-education. Despite the fact that Leo Tolstoy did not graduate from the university, he was one of the most intelligent people not only of his time: besides his native Russian, he knew Ukrainian, English, German, French, Church Slavonic, read Polish, Serbian, Czech. He knew Greek, Latin, Hebrew, he loved Italian. At the same time, L. Tolstoy was well versed in medicine, forestry, he skillfully laid the stove and mowed as well as the mower. A well-known writer did not allow himself to become an amateur in any field of knowledge.
Each of us should think about our future, about the future of our country. Our life becomes more diverse and more complex. We live in an age of unprecedented scientific progress, which requires from man not the standard, habitual actions, but the mobility of thinking, the creative approach, the application of knowledge in different fields of activity. A person with a creative mindset who has an education can easily find a job. Such a person can find a “zest” in any business, he can get carried away with work and achieve high results. The future of the country is for educated people.