School years composition

The school is the only place from which everyone wants to leave faster, and then all their life they dream of returning. It would be even more correct to say not in school, but in school years. This is the time when you do not know any more problems than your homework. A time of fun and entertainment. At the lessons we sat and went home. You can take a walk before the evening, and then do your homework and sleep. Already in the senior classes a little on the contrary, first lessons, and in the evening to walk. And no adult problems.

In the childhood they did everything for us, they wore them on their hands, they fed them with spoons, they dressed to walk. Already at school we do all this ourselves and consider ourselves to be adults. We have the right to do some deeds and solve small problems. At school we have many friends with whom we always walk. We have many opportunities. We still have nothing to do and can travel at least through the country, go camping, go to a concert. We can already decide on our desires and, in addition to the school, still go to different sections and circles. Many famous people have been going to their dreams since the school years. They knew exactly what they liked, it turns out, evokes good emotions and in this way developed their talents.

I still do not know exactly which direction to move. I study normally and know all disciplines roughly equally. Although, honestly, I’m not attracted to the humanities, I like mathematics and technical direction more. But I think I still have a little time to decide definitively. While I will enjoy my carefree school days. It is good to study at school, listen to the advice of parents, have more rest in the open air, and in summer always travel. I will try to take from life all that I’m supposed to, then not a bit to regret about the missed moment. This is my time and I will spend it with profit.



