My future profession is writing economist

At all times there were special professions that enjoyed the greatest popularity among all existing professions. In the modern world, one of the most popular professions is the profession of an economist, according to the prevalence and popularity with this profession, only the profession of a lawyer can compare. But it is worthwhile to understand that the factor of popularity and prevalence has the reverse side of the coin. As a rule, the more popular one or another profession, the more professionals with a corresponding diploma exist and the greater the competition in a certain field of knowledge is present. All this forces you to try harder than all those who choose, in particular, the profession of an economist.

But, if I were not sure of myself and my own strength, I would never have chosen this profession for myself. What good is the profession of an economist? First, its universality. There are many concrete works that an economist can perform. He can work in a commercial or state bank. The bank as no other institution should be able to count money, economists are needed there always and for all tasks. For a person who graduated from the economics department with good grades, as a rule, it is not difficult to find a job in the bank, because they work very much and they have a lot of staff. The economist is also useful in the civil service.

Our fatherland requires qualified specialists to plan and conduct a variety of economic activities. In general, there are always many vacancies on the labor market for economists, beginning with accountants who are needed at every serious enterprise, and ending with civil servants. After all, the great advantage is that economists are paid well enough, because they carry out heavy mental work.

Of course, in this profession there are certain shortcomings, which you should also know about. The importance of understanding the shortcomings is important, since a person must prepare in advance for troubles of a certain kind, for the complexities with which he may face on his future work. I think that working as an economist is not very fun. In fact, this is a very monotonous work, requiring a person to constantly do the same thing, and this can very much get bored. However, the most important thing is that I am ready for this. A person who is going to work as an economist should be prepared for this kind of difficulties in order to find a way out of the problem when this is relevant.



