In the summer, I was resting with my parents at a recreation center in the forest near the river. Our house was among the pines, their “paws” looked into our windows, and it was fun. Looking out the window in the morning, I sometimes saw red squirrels that jump from pine to pine. If they were hungry, they fell to the ground, because people fed them. From time to time, my parents and I went to the forest to search for mushrooms and berries, and I noticed how the birds cried anxiously, and along the tops of the fir trees the sound went far, far away, passing along the chain. Then I asked the pope: “Maybe the birds that are closer to us warn others that people are moving in their direction, so they give an alarm?” Mom and Dad confirmed my idea. And Dad said that people often because of negligence arrange forest fires or destroy bird’s nests,
I was hurt and hurt for the people who do it, but I was glad that he had noticed the hectic behavior of birds and draw the right conclusions. In the future I will try not to scare them and not to bother them. You can observe nature without destroying it. After all, this is our common home!