Life in the city and in the countryside

In the summer, many townspeople try to leave the city at least for a weekend – who is at the dacha, who is on the bank of the river, who is in the village. And always, enjoying the view of nature, we have the thought: “It is good to have a house in the village.”

Yes, well, of course. And there may be an impression that in the village people should be healthier than citizens and, naturally, live longer than the latter. This opinion has always existed and continues to exist. Is this really so? Do residents of villages and villages live longer than residents of cities?

Let’s move to the beginning of the twentieth century and see what statistics tell us about this. And she says that, indeed, in cities the average life expectancy of people was significantly less than the life expectancy of villagers and villages. Thus, men, villagers in pre-revolutionary Russia lived on average three and a half years longer than men who lived in cities. In England, this difference was 8.8 years, and in the United States – as much as 10 (!) Years.

As for women, the difference in the life expectancy of the townspeople and rural women was very small, but still here the difference was in favor of the latter.

Such circumstances can be explained by the fact that the living conditions in the capitalist city were extremely unfavorable at that time, which had a negative effect on the health and life expectancy of people in the city.

Over time, living conditions in the city have changed significantly for the better, and the difference in life expectancy in the city and in the village began to wear off. In post-revolutionary Russia, already in 1926-1927, the life expectancy of the townspeople exceeded that of the villagers.

The following years favored an increase in the life expectancy of a person in general. This is due to the latest discoveries in the field of medicine, with the advent of new technical and medicines, the availability of medical care for large segments of the population. As a result of these changes, the average life expectancy, particularly in the former Soviet Union, increased significantly, and in 1958-1959 it was approximately the same among the townspeople and the villagers.

However, later paradoxical differences began to occur – already in 1970 the men of the village lived on average two years less than the male residents of the city. And, strangely enough, the mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the village is higher than in the city.

Another reason for premature deaths among villagers is accidents. Paradoxically, but the fact, in the village for this reason, there were more deaths than in the city.

An important reason for the higher mortality rate among the villagers is the worst health care compared to the townspeople.

If you talk about other countries, you can see that in neighboring Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, the picture is similar – life expectancy in the countryside is less than life expectancy in the city.

Looking at these statistics, one can conclude that in the city all the same conditions of life are more favorable than in the village. Disadvantages inherent in the city, more than offset by urban amenities and accessibility of medical services.

Yet there are also countries where the life expectancy of a person living in a village is consistently higher than the life span of a person living in the city. This country was and still is the United States. This also includes Sweden and Mongolia.

What conclusion can be drawn from what has been said? Where is life more favorable for longevity – in the village or in the city? Apparently, there can not be an unequivocal answer and everything depends on the specific country and the concrete conditions of life. Wherever a person lives, to a large extent his health and longevity depend on his personal attitude towards his health.



