Writing Reflection

What is the future? How will it become in a few decades? What awaits us there, beyond the elusive and at the same time precisely and forever definite trait, where the present will become the past, and the past will turn into a distant history. These questions are eternal, as life itself is eternal. People have always sought answers to them, tried to look into their future, to foresee it. And it always seems that a person in the future is waiting for something extraordinary: bright, full of joy, devoid of sorrow.

I think we need to know as much as possible the history and culture of the past. It rests on the current order of things and the future development of life. Without the past, it is impossible to understand or appreciate our present day, nor imagine the future. Only knowing and loving our homeland, we can achieve its prosperity, and hence, well-being for ourselves, and then for our children and grandchildren. We need to know our roots, because it is in our hands the future of the country. Each time in its own way is unique. Everyone – with his face, his accomplishments, cares, his joys and tragedies. Each nation undergoes trials of its History: some peoples do not survive the blows of fate and then cease to exist, others overcome them and go to new trials to prove their right to stay on this planet again and again.

The share of our country in the past fell a lot of changes. This is a revolution, a war, a change of government, a catastrophe, an epidemic. The most important test that proved the spiritual strength of our people, in my opinion, was the Great Patriotic War. This is a lesson of courage, heroism. This is also a lesson of pride. Now we are building a new, modern state, we are dreaming about its bright and joyful future, about raising the authority of our country in the whole world. Of course, I want all citizens of the country to live happily and richly, but we must not forget that in the pursuit of material goods, humanity is increasingly lost.

All people see the same thing around, but some pass by and do not notice much, while others will see something remarkable in the most common and write, they will tell you about the beauty of the surrounding world.

Man is the conqueror of space and time. This is the most difficult and interesting way, following which people will comprehend the Higher Knowledge of the great, sublime and beautiful destiny of man. My homeland is moving forward. I want to believe that in the future it will be strong, strong, that it will have a bright future. In the future, political and economic freedom will be preserved, all hard-working people of our country will become independent and secured. And if everyone does his work on conscience, thinking about the welfare of the country, we will take a worthy place among European states. It seems to me that our country is on the right course and therefore we should not stop, let alone turn back. I would like my country to go this way with the least losses. And one more thing I want to say: the state will be strong only if,

I think that my homeland will be happy. Such a beautiful country with such wonderful people deserves happiness!



