The theme of the war always attracted my attention. Many works of classical literature are written on this topic. It can be said that every person, one way or another, turns to this topic, following his life’s path. Nobody wants to repeat the events of wars that took place on our planet. In each of them, a lot of souls were lost, which, as the famous military song says, “we fell into our land once, but turned into white cranes.” As history tells us, many soldiers who went to the front, for example, during the Great Patriotic War, never came back home. And many could not find at all. But, as I believe, history will never be able to give us answers to questions that were asked of humanity by war. Many works of classical literature are written on this topic.
One of these works is the novel-epic of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, which describes Russian society in the era of wars with Napoleon. The novel clearly traces two storylines, one in the rear, and the other on the battlefield. Lev Nikolaevich himself said that he wrote “the history of his people.” When reading, we understand that the author asks a question, which, one might say, was set by the war. Is one exceptional person able to solve the destinies of millions of people? The author touches on the “folk idea” in his work. Tolstoy characterizes the people as “a new, not known to anyone force.” “Peace, all together, without distinction of estates, without enmity, but united by brotherly love,” says Natasha Rostova in one of the episodes in the first days of the war. “Lack of enmity” and “all together” becomes here a synonymous series, shades of single meaning. Unity, the world of the Russian nation, born in the crucible of war, is the main content of Tolstoy’s epic. Tolstoy realizes the war in general as “an event against the human mind and the whole of human nature.” Lev Nikolaevich himself answers the question he asked. In the image of Andrei Bolkonsky, who went to war at the end of the first volume, he wants to show us that maybe there is such a person who can decide the fate of millions of people, but the death of the hero tells us the opposite. Lev Nikolaevich himself answers the question he asked. In the image of Andrei Bolkonsky, who went to war at the end of the first volume, he wants to show us that maybe there is such a person who can decide the fate of millions of people, but the death of the hero tells us the opposite. Lev Nikolaevich himself answers the question he asked. In the image of Andrei Bolkonsky, who went to war at the end of the first volume, he wants to show us that maybe there is such a person who can decide the fate of millions of people, but the death of the hero tells us the opposite.
Reflecting on the theme of war, you ask yourself: “Does it make sense in wars?”. I do not find any sense in wars, I see no reason that can justify the millions of ruined lives. And this is the horror of reality. Sometimes you ask yourself: Is man born for war? I do not want to believe in it. Why be born for destruction? A person comes to this world to know the world in love and harmony, but definitely not to fight! taxi moscow