Based on emotions, people have feelings. They, so to speak, “generalize emotions” and are always connected with someone or something: for example, a feeling of love for a person, for a homeland, for God, a feeling of hatred for the enemy, etc. Unlike emotions, feelings persistent and deep, it is they who make our attitude to different aspects of life permanent. The same feelings can exist in a person throughout his life and even accompanied by opposing emotions. When a loved one offends us, we get angry with him for a while, experience negative emotions, but our constant attitude towards him remains. For example, a mother, no matter how much she loves her child, may be outraged by his deed, nevertheless even then she continues to love him.
It is the strong, deep feelings that make human life meaningful, help to achieve the highest and most difficult goals.
Each of us has feelings connected with other people: feelings of duty to our parents, attachment to the collective, sympathy for the sick, etc. Such feelings are called Moral. These are such movements of the human soul that do not allow a person to be indifferent to the misfortunes of other people, the country, force him to seek the opportunity to help, improve the lives of others, the whole of society, and commit appropriate actions.
Moral feelings of a person are fixed in his beliefs, moral principles, personal qualities and manifest in his actions and actions.
Feelings – emotions accompanying the assessment of certain social phenomena, the manifestation of excitement, emotional excitement; emotions caused by specific emotional experiences.