What is perseverance?

In the composition there are references to the story of B. Polevoy “The Story of a Real Man.”

Option 1

Persistence is the ability not to turn off the chosen path. It allows people to achieve their goals, despite the difficulties.

This quality is demonstrated by Lieutenant Alexei Meresyev from B. Polevoy’s text. After the amputation of both legs, he daily exercised pain to do physical exercises to return to the fighter pilot’s chair. Neighbors in the room admired his perseverance.

There are many similar stories. The pilot Ivan Antonovich Leonov lost his hand, but he made himself a prosthesis and bombed the fascists until the very end of the Great Patriotic War.

As we see, persistence helps a person not to fall, but to live a full life.

Option 2

Perseverance in my understanding is the ability to achieve the intended goal by work, perseverance and willpower.

Without persistence it is impossible to develop talent, to achieve professionalism, to realize your dream.

This is proved by the history of Alexei Meresyev from B. Polevoy’s text. If not for his perseverance, he would never have been able to continue serving in military aviation. He was overcome by a desire to prove to himself that, once practicing, he could fly again, even with amputated legs. Despite the fact that every minute of gymnastics seemed terrible for him because of the pain, he continued to fight for his dream. And he did it! Alexei flew again.

Our sportsmen-Paralympic athletes demonstrate their inspiring persistence. For example, Roman Petushkov became the only six-time Paralympic champion in the framework of some games in 2014 in Sochi in the history of the Paralympic movement.

It can be concluded that persistence can help change destiny and find a way out of the most difficult situation.

Option 3

Persistence is the ability of a person not to deviate from the intended goal. Similar in meaning to the persistence of quality – purposefulness, inflexibility, firmness. They are shown by everyone who, without giving up, goes to their dream.

Alexei Meresyev from B. Polevoy’s story is certainly a stubborn man. He did not succumb to despair, when, exhausted, fell after exercises, he again and again “took up his”, his tenacity the author calls “fanatical.” It was he who helped him to return to the helm of the fighter.

For me, the real hero and symbol of the stubborn struggle for his happiness was Nick Vuychich, author of the book “Life Without Borders.” He was born without extremities, but inexhaustible optimism, colossal dedication and willpower helped him to reach, by the age of thirty, what many of his contemporaries do not dream of.

If it were not for Nick’s persistence and his reluctance to give up, no one knows how his fate would have developed.

Such examples inspire us to develop perseverance, because our happiness largely depends on this skill.



