What does it mean to self-actualize?

The notion of freedom of will is closely connected with the understanding of why a person is endowed with freedom and whether freedom in general is necessary for a person. A person can feel happy only when he has the opportunity to realize himself. What does it mean? To realize oneself is to make a reality, comprehensively develop all your abilities and opportunities, to achieve success. In other words – to become a successful person. A person needs first of all to satisfy his natural needs for food, clothing, housing, etc. In addition, the person must be ensured the right to free expression, the expression of thoughts; freedom of religion, creativity, etc. Finally, a person must know himself, know and apply his abilities and abilities. After all, the sooner a person “finds himself,” the more likely the possibility of his fullest self-realization. At the same time, it is advisable not to limit oneself to considerations: profitable / unprofitable, like others or not, whether it is prestigious, fashionable in the society today or not, etc. It must also be remembered that a person’s life is “finished”, without “rehearsals”! If you missed the opportunity to show your best abilities today, tomorrow such an opportunity may not be introduced. Realize yourself can only an active person who does not pass before circumstances, but who is able to use them with benefit for themselves. tomorrow, this possibility may not be presented. Realize yourself can only an active person who does not pass before circumstances, but who is able to use them with benefit for themselves. tomorrow, this possibility may not be presented. Realize yourself can only an active person who does not pass before circumstances, but who is able to use them with benefit for themselves.



