What does it mean for a person Earth

For what is given the earth – a wonderful, blessed property to bear fruit. And – those clusters of people who are not able to accept this property are lost. Earth for man contains not only economic significance, but also moral. This was convincingly written by Gleb Uspensky, Dostoevsky, not only they. The weakening of traction to the ground is a great danger for the people. And now the feeling of the peasantry is so hammered and stained in our people that, perhaps, it can not be resurrected any more, it is late and overdue.

As today’s tenancy is introduced – more deception and mockery, no benefit of any number, only worse will kill people’s hunt, they reach the ground. Tenants remain dependent on what oppression, from the collective farm and state farming authority, and they can outrightly commit iniquity. Under the rental is often allocated worse, abandoned land, and they take more expensive for them, and inventory at an inflated price, and the products are forced to pass cheaper; they do not give the promised fodder, then they take the animals taken for fattening, both labor and money are lost; and “agricultural machinery” can suddenly break the contract. Yes, a piece of land – this is not the freedom of the peasant, we need a free market, and affordable transport, and credit, and repair of machinery, and building material

For all the reforms we take as worse – so here. Only ruin the matter and discourage people from the last belief in the promises of power

In general, in comparison with collective farms, personal rent (and not from collective farms, but from local self-government) is a definite step towards improving our agriculture. In the norm, established for a given locality (according to the cadastre), – lifelong rent and with unlimited transfer to inheritance; with the taking away of the plot only in case of negligent landownership, but not from the illness of the tenant’s family; with the right of voluntary refusal from the site – and in this case payment to the lessee of what he invested in the land

And he erected it. (And for all this, there is no need for a special administrative apparatus over tenants: such cases will not be numerous, the local zemstvo will manage them.) However, with the current disengagement from the land (and justified distrust of power, many times have been deceived) – rent, can be, already and not to attract. In addition, land rent does not withstand competition with private ownership of land, in which both guaranteed long-term improvement of the land, and not depletion, and only with it we can expect that our agriculture will not yield to the western one. And foreseeing and demanding initiative in all areas of life – how can I prevent it from land? To refuse to the village in private ownership means to close it for good.

But its introduction must proceed with caution. Already at Stolipin there were strict restrictions that the land should fall into the hands of peasant farmers, rather than large speculators or fake names, through “joint-stock companies”. And today our peasant state has been eradicated, you – merlot; and more untied dexterity in anonymous speculators from the shadow economy have already accumulated primary capital; and the current sales administration is not capable of clear control – today, under the brand of “joint-stock companies”, “organizations”, “cooperatives”, could not buy off the latifundia and then plant tenants from themselves. (Not to mention the purchase of land by foreigners.) Such purchases in any case should not be allowed. If the land is raspahapan large owners – it will greatly compress the lives of others.

The purchase of land should be made with the benefits of multi-year installments, and in taxes, too. Limitations of the land plot by limiting (for a given area) size – in itself does not restrict labor content and labor freedom. On the contrary: the efforts of each owner will be directed not at breadth of ownership, but on improving processing, the intensity of methods. What our people can do in this – and in the most debilitating hostile steeplets from power – to work miracles is already shown in tiny household plots that they fed the country at the inflated collective farm system

The size restrictions leave land reserves for the distribution of small plots of land – and to the workers who want to have their garden crop, and to the townspeople who are looking for an outlet from the clogged life. And this debt-distribution-must be free (only processed!); The same size would be included in the free portion and farmers who buy land

What does it mean for a person Earth