The stories of R. Bradbury are fascinatingly interesting. I generally like science fiction. But the works of this writer shocked me not because people live on Venus, or on Mars, or on Earth in the distant future. I was surprised how they live, what they are. The writer as if warns people: look, that the mankind expects, if to give will of cruelty, rage, egoism hidden in people.
In the story “All summer in one day” this cruelty is shown by children towards their classmate Margo. They live on Venus, where it rains day and night, and only once in seven years the sun shows for two hours. But the children have never seen it and do not believe that it exists.
And Margot flew from Earth. She remembers the sun, she knows how warm and affectionate she is, and she misses the sunlight. And gradually the children disliked her. Why is she not like everyone else, why pale and thin, why does not she play with them and almost always keeps silent? And, most importantly, she remembers the sun, “big as copper”, hot, “like a fire in the hearth.” She saw him, but they did not. And this children can not forgive Margo, so all her stories about the sun are considered untrue. On the eve of the long-awaited moment – the appearance of the sun in the sky of Venus, the guys lock Margo in a dark closet and forget about her. They run, play, frolic in the sun, draw their hands to the golden light, enjoy happiness that they never experienced. And only when the sun disappears and everything again plunges into darkness and cold, they remember about Margo. Children experience such shame, They do not dare look into each other’s eyes. The story ends with the children opening the closet and releasing Margot. But we feel that these are not the children that were at the beginning of the story. They got a lesson that they will never forget. And there is a hope that in their heart there will be less cruelty and more good.
And if human cruelty goes beyond all limits, there may come a nightmare, of which we read in the story “Smile”. A terrible war ruined civilization. And now poor, hungry, sullen, embittered people with pleasure destroy everything that remains of the old culture. Harnessing books, exploding print shops, smashing cars, spitting pictures of great artists and tearing them into pieces. But there is hope of salvation.
The mysterious sad smile of “Mona Lisa” penetrates into the heart of Tom’s boy, and the heart of the child comes to life, rushing to meet the good and beauty. Tom saves during the “execution” of the great painting a piece of canvas with a smile and carries away in his palm. A wonderful smile, kind and affectionate, is reserved for the world. And, maybe, when Tom grows up, he will become that person who will save the world and create a new civilization.
R. Bradbury’s stories show what human cruelty can lead to, and they teach us good, love for people and beauty.