Today is Sunday
We are always looking forward to Sundays, because Sunday is a holiday. Some on this day are planning a lot, but quite often only a few items are executed from the planned one, because, as a rule, there is not enough time. Others believe that on Sunday you need to rest and do nothing. You can lie, sleep, watch TV, walk. But any rest is, as they say, a change of occupation. Rest is a holiday of the soul.
Like many, I dream on Sunday to sleep. But for some reason I wake up, as usual. There is a lot of time. You do not need to go to school. Lessons are done. You can do your favorite thing – play on the computer, chat with friends, take a walk in the park. The weather is beautiful! The sun peers into the window and as if says:
How can you sleep when the earth is in bloom! After all, you will oversleep all the best in the world, That bright hour when the dawn is on the road. A fresh wind is knocking at my window, Calling me, rushing: “Come out!”
I always remember these lines of L. Tatyanicheva when spring comes. Perhaps the flowering of trees and the appearance of spring primroses is the best time of the year. I love tulips, daffodils. And today, my friends and I plan to take a walk in the park, to admire the first spring flowers. I like to visit our city park with friends and parents. Our park is beautiful at any time of the year, but it is especially beautiful in the spring. Walking in the park gives me real pleasure. I like to take pictures.
Best of all, I get landscapes. I like to observe how nature awakens and changes. In our family everyone is fond of photography. It’s a family hobby. Often in the evenings we look through our pictures, we joke, we remember interesting moments. And tonight we have another “viewing”: Dad will return from fishing, – maybe even without fish, but the pictures will be required. I think my photos of beauty will not give way to Dad.
I love Sunday for having dinner with the whole family in the evening. By this time, my mother is trying to cook something delicious. And I, of course, will help her today. We want to bake a cake with a new recipe. My mom loves cooking. She can make something unusual out of ordinary food every time. Sometimes I try to surprise the family with my culinary “masterpieces”. But I still have much to learn from my mother.
Every Sunday for me is a special day. Although, on the one hand, everything seems normal: rest, help to parents, departure to nature, communication with friends. But in any ordinary event you can find something that will create a good mood for you and others, will benefit the family and friends. The most important thing is to enjoy every day you live, be able to enjoy any work, from any rest.