“The room of my dreams” essay

I like my room, it has everything I need. This is a special place where nobody bothers me and I can be alone with myself. Although it is small, it has its advantages. For example, thanks to large windows, there is always a lot of light in the room. And in rainy, rainy weather, sitting on a window sill with a mug of hot tea, I can observe the life of the street, as passers-by are in a hurry to go home or on their own business.

In the corner is a small table, there are many different notebooks and books. I try to put everything in its place, I do not like disorder. And yet, how I would not be comfortable in my room, I dream of another. I dream of a room where everything will be, in my opinion, taste.

Wallpaper should be light colors, for example: green, yellow or orange. As for furniture, it is desirable that it was not so much, will be enough, a bed with a soft mattress, one small but comfortable sofa or chair, a small table. On the walls I would like to see many different photos, pictures. In addition to all this you can add a book shelf and then start to collect a collection of different but interesting books. I also like the floor lamp.

Of course, like many other girls, I dream of a large dressing room, where all my clothes and shoes will be. And also, I wanted windows to close the curtains. Now more blinds are used, but I do not like them. On the floor is a large and woolen carpet of yellow color, I want to decorate the ceiling with asterisks, which, under the light of a light bulb, will glow with cheerful lights. It is imperative that there are many different flowers and plants on the windowsill.

Apparently, in order to acquire a room where you will feel free and easy, it is enough just to include a little imagination and not be shy of your ideas. And then the room will become not only a resting place, but also your greatest pride, where you can invite your friends and relatives. And most importantly, to make you comfortable and comfortable.



