In this text, the well-known Soviet writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin talks about the necessity and importance of everything that is invented by nature. Whether it’s air or the usual green grass on the ground – everything makes sense and its purpose on Earth. So, the text raises the problem associated with the ecology of our planet.
After all, the situation worsens from year to year, and the person, albeit not in the same quantity, continues to “contribute” to the environment, because he does not understand the damage brought to the end (“We are used to the fact that the world is green”). I believe that this problem is extremely relevant in our time. During the XIX – XX centuries, many new mineral deposits were discovered, the extraction of which is a laborious process. But it should be remembered that thus a person is doing great harm to nature, because most fossils are related to non-renewable resources. So, thanks to the anthropogenic factor, ozone holes increase, so the greenhouse effect is one of the main problems today.
In this text V. Soloukhin condemns the person for his careless attitude towards nature. (“Do you think that they poured out the slag, crushed several million grass blades, really such a superior, compared to grass, substance, as a person, to think and take care of such a nonentity as a blade of grass”.) But in fact a person needs to think and take care of the planet Earth, because she is our home. I agree with Vladimir Alekseevich that some people are not serious about nature, do not take care of her and do not protect her. After all, many accidents happened due to man’s fault: nuclear power plant accidents – Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Fukushima nuclear power plant, or atomic bomb testing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities.
Of course, harm was done to man and nature. But do not forget about people who are united in societies and groups aimed at preserving and improving the state of nature. For example, a well-known association Greenpeace advocates the introduction of biofuel for a car, which, perhaps, will reduce the pressure “on the lungs of our planet” – the ozone layer. I believe that these people are engaged in the real business, because when the melting of glaciers and the level of the World Ocean exceed all the permissible norms, then mankind will not be saved from the stock market or presidential elections – it will be too late. People need to remember that there were a lot of calls for the protection of nature in the history of mankind.
An example is the appeal of the remarkable Soviet poet M. Dudin, “Save the Earth!”. He reflects on the importance of any creature created by nature, encourages people to think better and save the Earth, take care of nature, because it is the beginning of all life. Thus, a person should try to do less harm to the environment, watch the nature and think about the future, because the future of our children depends on our attitude to nature.