The painting “Dream” was written during the period of Picasso’s fascination with surrealism – a direction in painting that sought to depict the irrational and unidentified, liberating the mind of the creator from the usual logical structures, a combination of disparate elements.
The work is dedicated to the next love of the master – Marie-Thérèse Voltaire, whom he delightfully called Valkyrie. However, the fact that it is depicted exactly on the canvas, some researchers have doubts.
Despite the notable age difference (Picasso was 49, and Marie was just 17), the artist plunged headlong into the love pool and dedicated a new canvas to the new museum.
According to legend, Marie-Thérèse was a model for Picasso, and fell asleep one session. The artist did not wake the girl, but captured her asleep on the canvas.
The painting is written in bright colors, and art historians tend to see this as a hidden meaning. So, yellow on the canvas symbolizes a harmonious relationship, green – pacification, and red is the embodiment of passion.
The most amazing thing in the work is the image of a person asleep – the girl is painted in front, however, a dark uneven line near the nose forms a profile. Such a non-trivial illusion, combining two incongruous perspectives, will not only become one of the master’s favorite techniques, but will also initiate a whole trend in portraiture.
Work “breathes” with peace and relaxation. The girl’s unconstrained posture demonstrates complete bliss – her head bent over her shoulder, her lips pensively pinched, her chest bare, her arms closed on her stomach. The figure of the girl is spelled smooth lines, paying tribute to the appetizing forms of the model, which was so admired by the loving Pablo Picasso.
By the way, the love story of the great Spaniard and the Scandinavian Valkyries ended very prosaically – when the girl demanded to legalize the relationship by giving birth to his daughter, this was categorically opposed by the legitimate Russian wife Olga. Not finding out the relationship, Picasso acted very original, leaving two women at once. The picture remained a lyrical reminder of past feelings.
Not so long ago, the canvas needed restoration work – the former owner accidentally punctured it with his elbow. Now it has acquired a pristine appearance and a new owner who bought a masterpiece for 155 million dollars, thus setting a record for many times.