The essay “Essay”

Portrait essay “Best Friend”. It’s been three years since I know this man. Of all the people close to me, he is particularly dear to me. At first glance, this is a typical student who does not stand out from the general mass.

Low growth, pleasant features, blond hair of a wheat-golden hue and blue-blue eyes. And yet he is special to me. This is my best friend Andrew.

An unquenchable spark glows in his eyes – this is his desire, the desire for something new, the thirst for life. He will never miss the opportunity to listen to interesting lectures and seminars, as well as learn new crafts. This irresistible desire helped him in his 20 years achieve a lot in life, in school, where he became the “Student of the Year 2000”.

But those around him are attracted to him not because he is famous enough in his environment and enjoys great authority, but because he has a lot of positive energy, which he shares with people. By nature, this is a strong, strong-willed, very optimistic and cheerful person who knows how to set goals and achieve them. But at the same time he is a little childishly naive and emotional. The combination of these qualities helps him to understand and understand people better. He can be trusted in any situation, knowing that he will always listen, give advice or just say a kind word. He easily finds a common language completely unfamiliar to him people.

And people, in turn, are attracted by his liveliness and uncommonness. Of course, he is not always so.

After all, sometimes you just want to relax and watch life from the outside. It was at these moments that he went to the theater.

There it is as if not in the auditorium, and on the stage the heroes waltz live, lives their moments of life, and then returning home, likes to talk about today’s production. And the most important thing is that this serious young man appreciates and respects the ordinary human friendship, where, despite the age difference, he still remains a younger brother – Andrew. Essay 1) In fiction, one of the varieties of the story, characterized by a greater descriptiveness, affects mainly social problems. 2) A publicistic, including a documentary, essay expounds and analyzes the real facts and phenomena of public life, as a rule, accompanied by a direct interpretation of them by the author. The plot sketches include portrait and problematic.

The portrait tells of an interesting person: a scientist, an athlete, a musician, an artist, a village worker, etc. Generally, the author is faced with the task of drawing the living features of the hero with all available speech tools, informing about the unusual that a given person is different or distinguished from from others. In problematic essays, instead of individual facts or events, portraits of people drawn in a specific setting, generalized images of heroes are given. In such essays, the attention of the reader is focused on solving topical problems, and for this the journalist needs to give such an artistic and journalistic analysis of reality in which the phenomena of life, the facts themselves are selected and presented in the light of the public problems. Descriptive events and travel essays are relevant.

Event-related – is most often devoted to an important event in the life of a fairly large group of people, for example, a public holiday, the launch of a spacecraft, a military parade, etc. In travel essays, the author tells about the facts, events, people he saw in time of your trip. A travel essay is always a story from the scene, even if the author has visited these places for a long time.



