The dispute of generations together and apart
Conflict of generations, the age-old problem of “fathers” and “children” worries humanity from the very beginning of its existence. So what leads to misunderstanding? Is there a solution to this problem, or, perhaps, it is insoluble?
The most acute conflict between different generations, we can observe in the novel IS Turgenev’s “Fathers and Children.” The protagonist is a representative of the new generation – Eugene Bazarov implements a new worldview position, called nihilism. He actively follows this trend, one can even say “preaches” it, finding, though not very deep, a response in the heart of Arcadia. Indeed, the older generation does not share his views, for them this curiosity is nonsense and stupidity. Hardened conservatives can not put up with Bazarov’s catchy judgments: “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet”. Nature is alien to him, and even love in his words – “nonsense”.
Disagreements between “fathers” and “children” have always existed. Their reasons are always different, maybe not always weighty, and sometimes very categorical. What is their essence? Misunderstanding of people of different eras, impatience of cardinal changes or their absence at all. You can not say. that this problem is insoluble: it is only necessary to be a little more tolerant and learn how to hear each other from two generations.
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