The genre of E. Hemingway’s work “The Old Man and the Sea” is often defined as a story-parable. The word story is familiar to you: this is the name of an epic work, characterized by a single-line storyline, but by the breadth of the coverage of life phenomena and the depth of their disclosure occupying an intermediate place between the novel and the story. The word of the parable you learned in the 6th grade when you studied the biblical parables. Recall that a parable is a work containing a teaching in an allegorical, allegorical form. Teachings and allegorical form it is like a fable. However, the parable does not offer the reader a ready-made morale, but sets it up for its search. In addition, it can be much larger than a fable.
In ancient times the parable was used primarily as a story of religious and philosophical meaning. Later the parable writers began to use as a means of expressing their own moral and philosophical reflections, a certain idea.
So, the story-parable is a work that combines the signs of both genres: both novels and parables.