The composition on the theme of the exploits of Hercules

Once in Thebes, Alcmene, the wife of Amphitryon, had twin boys, one of whom was the son of the thunderer Zeus himself. The lucky mother did not know that soon the little Alcides would get another name – Hercules, which means “glorified hero”, and would later become the most popular and beloved character in Greek mythology.

Young Hercules possessed all the qualities necessary for the hero. He was powerful and strong, and fast, smart and smart. However, along with strength, Hercules was distinguished by conscientiousness, decency, nobility of actions. The most favorite son of Zeus never looked for easy ways, saying: “There are many ways-roads on earth, but in life there are only two: the road of Idleness and the way of Labor.” I chose my life path. “

After visiting the Delphic oracle, Hercules learned that he had to perform twelve feats at the command of King Eurystheus, after which he would obtain great glory, immortality and grateful memory of the people.

Without hesitation, the hero went to Mycenae to serve the cowardly and arrogant king Eurystheus. However, it was not the desire for fame that moved them, but the desire to fulfill the will of the gods exactly.

At the behest of the faint-hearted, envious king, Hercules committed twelve great exploits, but never once during this time did he commit a single act that would tarnish his pure conscience. He never came as a thief or a robber, he did not raise his hand on the weak or defenseless.

Hercules – a real hero, glorified his name and honestly deserved the people’s memory and immortality in the centuries.

I really like the ancient Greek myth of the exploits of Hercules, the most popular hero of Greece.

Hercules was the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene. All his life he was pursued by the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus: she was “the guardian of marriage ties” and therefore hated “the illegitimate son of her divine husband.” When Hercules grew up, he chose the way of serving the goddess of wisdom Athena.

In Delphi, the oracle of Apollo through the mouths of the priestess of Pythia predicted to the hero that he “will gain great glory and memory in the ages, if he performs, at the command of King Eurystheus, twelve great exploits.” And Hercules decided to do the will of the gods.

He killed the Nemean Lion, killed ten-monster – Lernaean hydra, caught and brought Eurystheus ceryneian hind won Erymanthian boar chased “far beyond Greece” stimfalskih birds with sharp beaks copper, claws and feathers. Hercules one day cleansed the Augean stables, tamed the Cretan bull, led the man-eating horses from the Thracian king Diamed and drove them to Mycenae, got the belt of the Amazon queen Hippolyta Eurystheus and brought a herd of cows purple three-headed giant Geperiona. The last exploits of Hercules were the acquisition of the apples of the Hesperides and the taming of the dog Kerber, the guardian of the underworld.

So thanks to his strength, dexterity, courage, ingenuity, cunning and courage, and also the support of the goddess Athena, Hercules freed himself from serving King Eurystheus.



