Sports activities are useful for every person, but not everyone enjoys it. Sport primarily trains the will, endurance and strength of the spirit, therefore, in order to truly love it, one must possess all these qualities, as well as a great desire to improve oneself and, in spite of everything, achieve one’s goals. I understood all this when, at the age of five, I started going to the children’s section for triathlon. Parents have chosen this multifunctional sport for me, because it includes at once three components: running, swimming and cycling. I am engaged in triathlon and to this day. Four times a week I attend sports training, during which we with the guys are engaged in the hall on exercise bikes and treadmills, as well as we learn techniques of swimming and diving in the pool. Besides, coaches organize for us cycling and crosses at the stadium. Athletes of our section regularly participate in competitions and take prizes on them. I myself have repeatedly brought to my team various medals and awards. In addition, during the school holidays, we always go to sports and recreation camps, which gives me special pleasure. To achieve any success in the sport you need to put a lot of effort into this, but I am able to train long and hard, because persistence is in my blood. In addition, I just do not think my life without risk and excitement, so I like to avoid rivals at a distance and set new records. I think that sports will always be relevant for me, because only he can give me all those emotions, which are usually so lacking in everyday life.
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